
#' Example \code{geom} objects
#' A set of five geometries.
#' @format The list contains five objects of class geom, a \code{point},
#'   \code{line} and \code{polygon} object and two \code{grid} geoms (that have
#'   56 by 60 cells), one with categorical values (land-use classes) and one
#'   with continuous values (vegetation cover). They are mostly used in the
#'   example and test-sections of this package.

#' Default visualising theme

#' Clocaenog 6 sample data
#' Sample data of tree species and their position that have been sampled by Arne
#' Pommerening, 2012 (https://www.pommerening.org).
#' The list contains two items, first the tree specific data, seconda look-up
#' table of the species names.
EhrmannS/geometr documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 9:13 a.m.