test_rangeshift: Range shift hypothesis tests

View source: R/tests.r

test_rangeshiftR Documentation

Range shift hypothesis tests


Three tests for three hypotheses to test on fitted range shifts: Was the range shift significant? Did an animal that performed two consecutive seasonal migrations return to the same location it began? Was there a stopover during a migration?


test_rangeshift(FIT, verbose = TRUE)

test_return(FIT, verbose = TRUE)

test_stopover(FIT, verbose = TRUE)



a fitted range shift (output of estimate_shift)


whether to print verbose message


Outputs a summary of the test results and returns a list of test results including:

  • aic.table an AIC table comparing models

  • lrt a likelihood ratio test statistic

  • df degrees of freedom for the l.r.t.

  • p.value a p.value for the l.r.t.


  • test_rangeshift(): Compare a two range fitted model to a null model of no range shift.

  • test_return(): Compares a three range fitted model in which the first and third ranges have the same centroid against a model where the first and third centroid are different.

  • test_stopover(): Compare a three range model with an apparent stopover (shorter intermediate range), and see if a more parsimonious model excludes the stopover.

EliGurarie/marcher documentation built on June 25, 2024, 5:16 a.m.