estimateUCVM: Estimating parameters of unbiased CVM

View source: R/estimateUCVM.R

estimateUCVMR Documentation

Estimating parameters of unbiased CVM


This function estimates the mean speed nu, the time-scale tau and (occasionally) the initial speed v_0of the unbiased correlated velocity movement (UCVM). See Gurarie et al. (in review) and the vignette("smoove", package = "smoove") vignette for more details.


  method = c("vaf", "crw", "vLike", "zLike", "crawl")[3],
  parameters = c("tau", "nu"),
  time.units = "day",
  spline = FALSE,
  diagnose = FALSE,



location data in complex form (X + iY)


... or, optionally, as a two column matrix of x and y coordinates.


time of observations (NOTE: must be regularly spaced for methods "vaf" and "crw")


the method to use for the estimation. These are (in increasing : velocity auto-correlation fitting (vaf), correlated random walk matching (crw), velocity likelihood (vLike), position likelihood (zLike) and position likelihood with Kalman filter (crawl). This last method is generally he best method, since it fits the position likelihood more efficiently by using a Kalman filter. It is based on Johnson et al (2008) and is a wrapper for the crwMLE in the (excellent) crawl package. The default method is vLike.


which parameters to estimate. For most methods "tau" and "nu" are always both estimated, but some computation can be saved for the velocity likelihood method by providing an estimate for "nu".


unit of time to be passed to difftime() to compute a relative numeric time vector.


whether or not to compute 95% confidence intervals for parameters. In some cases, this can slow the computation down somewhat.


whether or not to use the spline correction (only relevant for vaf and vLike).


whether to draw a diagnostic plot. Varies for different methods.


additional parameters to pass to estimation functions. These are particularly involved in the crawl method (see crwMLE).


A data frame with point estimates of mean speed ‘nu’ and time-scale ‘tau’


if(interactive() && FALSE){

# Example 1: VAF method (high resolution, regular sampling)

nu <- 10
tau <- 3
ucvm1 <- simulateUCVM(nu=nu, tau = tau, dt = 0.1, T.max = 1000)	
plot(ucvm1$Z, asp=1, cex=0.5, pch=19, col=rgb(0,0,0,.1))
estimateUCVM(Z = ucvm1$Z, T = ucvm1$T, CI=TRUE, method="vaf", diagnose=TRUE)

# coarser sampling 
ucvm2 <- simulateUCVM(nu=nu, tau = tau, dt = 1, T.max = 1000, method = "exact")	
plot(ucvm2$Z, asp=1, cex=0.5, pch=19, col=rgb(0,0,0,.3), type="o")
with(ucvm2, estimateUCVM(Z = Z, T = T, CI=TRUE, method="vaf"))

# possible slightly improved speed estimate by splining.
with(ucvm2, estimateUCVM(Z = Z, T = T, CI=TRUE, method="vaf", spline=TRUE))

# Example 2: CRW method (low resolution, regular sampling)

tau <- 1
nu <- 8
ucvm3 <- simulateUCVM(T=1:1000, nu = nu, tau = tau, method = "exact")
plot(ucvm3$Z, asp=1, type="o", cex=0.5, pch=19)
with(ucvm3, estimateUCVM(Z = Z, T = T, CI=TRUE, method="crw", diagnose=TRUE))

# Example 2b: CRW method, poor diagnostics (highly auto-correlated step-lengths)
tau <- 20
ucvm4 <- simulateUCVM(T=1:1000, nu=nu, tau=tau, method="exact")
plot(ucvm4$Z, asp=1, type="o", cex=0.5, pch=19)
with(ucvm4, estimateUCVM(Z = Z, T = T, CI=TRUE, method="crw", diagnose=TRUE))

# Example 3: One-step likelihood method (higher resolution, irregular sampling)

nu <- 10
tau <- 3

# Irregular timing

T <- cumsum(rexp(1000,1/.1))
ucvm5 <- simulateUCVM(T=T, nu=nu, tau=tau, method="exact")
plot(ucvm5$Z, asp=1, type="o", cex=0.5, pch=19)
with(ucvm5, estimateUCVM(Z = Z, T = T, CI=TRUE, method="vLike"))

# low resolution example

T <- cumsum(rexp(1000,1))
ucvm6 <- simulateUCVM(T=T, nu=nu, tau=tau, method="exact")
plot(ucvm6$Z, asp=1, type="o", cex=0.5, pch=19)
with(ucvm6, estimateUCVM(Z = Z, T = T, CI=TRUE, method="vLike"))

# improved with splining
with(ucvm6, estimateUCVM(Z = Z, T = T, CI=TRUE, method="vLike", spline=TRUE))

# Example 4: Full-likelihood method 

nu <- 10; tau <- 3; v0 <- 10
T <- cumsum(rexp(100,1))
ucvm7 <- simulateUCVM(T=T, nu=nu, tau=tau, method = "exact") 
plot(ucvm7$Z, asp=1, type="o", cex=0.5, pch=19)
with(ucvm7, estimateUCVM(Z = Z, T = T, CI=TRUE, method="zLike"))

# Example 5: `crawl' method (from Johnson et al. 2008) 

# 5a. same track as above
with(ucvm7, estimateUCVM(Z = Z, T = T, method="crawl"))

# 5b. much longer track
T <- cumsum(rexp(1000,1))
ucvm8 <- simulateUCVM(T = T, nu = nu, tau = tau, method="exact") 
plot(ucvm8$Z, asp=1, type="o", cex=0.5, pch=19, col=rgb(0,0,0,.2))
with(ucvm8, estimateUCVM(Z = Z, T = T, method="crawl"))

EliGurarie/smoove documentation built on Aug. 2, 2022, 10:26 p.m.