

To use koboloadeRlight, you will need at least a \bold{dataframe} that follows basic principales of Kobotoolbox exported files - No group names in the column headers - Download the data with XLM values and headers - No special characters in column headers or choices, expect for select_multiple questions (see below). To do so, make sure that there is sepcial symbols in your XLSform before export. - Select_multiple questions should appear in the dataframe in at least two columns (this is the default option when exporting data from kobo): - One generic column with the name of the question as header and all choices that were picked by respondents - One column per choice in the question. The name of the column should be the name of the question, followed by a forward slash, and the name of the choice (e.g. ws_multi/pomp).

Walk through

koboloadeRlight can handle two main scenarii of data exploration: - Data downloaded right from a Kobotoolbox server. Data and form are available. - Data from a kobotoolbox server modified. Typically cleaned data.

For the first scenario: - Import your data as a dataframe (with [read_csv()] or [read_excel] for instance). - Run [kobo_dico()] to build a dictionnary linking your form and your data. - Run a choice of [kobo_crunching_all()], [kobo_crunching()] or other analysis functions.

If you don't have access to the updated form: - If you added questions to your dataframe (e.g. made additional calculations that you stored as columns), make sure to add them to your form. - Run [kobo_to_xlsform()] to generate a new form from the data - If you have a XLSform that genereated your data, you can use [kobo_xlsform_relabel()] to relabel your choices and questions according to the form. - Run [kobo_dico()] to build a dictionnary linking your form and your data. - Run a choice of [kobo_crunching_all()], [kobo_crunching()] or other analysis functions.


This package is based on koboloadeR It provides a lighter alternative to koboloadeR, focusing on core functions. The package is built for data exported from KoboToolbox. Full documentation for KoboToolbox is available here :

ElliottMess/koboloadeRlight documentation built on June 20, 2019, 2:24 p.m.