test_that("sample_ceda_data_folder() works correctly", {
test_sample_folder <- sample_ceda_data_folder()
expected_end_sample_folder <- file.path("extdata", "CEDA Data")
expect_true(endsWith(test_sample_folder, expected_end_sample_folder))
test_that("sample_ceda_data_path() works correctly", {
# Test paths match for Ghana tmp data
# Get tmp data for Ghana
GHN_tmp <- sample_ceda_data_path(country = "Ghana", metric = "tmp", version = 2020)
# Test that the file path created for tmp data for Ghana matches expected path
expected_GHN_tmp <- file.path("extdata", "CEDA Data", "CEDA_2020", "tmp", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.Ghana.tmp.per")
expect_true(endsWith(GHN_tmp, expected_GHN_tmp))
# Test all possible sample paths
# Get all sample data
all <- sample_ceda_data_path(country = c("Ghana", "South_Africa"), metric = c("tmp", "tmx", "tmn"), version = 2020)
# Alternaticely just:
# all <- sample_ceda_data_path()
# Test that the file paths created for all sample data match expected paths for all sample data
# Create list of expected file paths
expected_all <- c(file.path("extdata", "CEDA Data", "CEDA_2020", "tmp", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.Ghana.tmp.per"),
file.path("extdata", "CEDA Data", "CEDA_2020", "tmp", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.South_Africa.tmp.per"),
file.path("extdata", "CEDA Data", "CEDA_2020", "tmx", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.Ghana.tmx.per"),
file.path("extdata", "CEDA Data", "CEDA_2020", "tmx", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.South_Africa.tmx.per"),
file.path("extdata", "CEDA Data", "CEDA_2020", "tmn", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.Ghana.tmn.per"),
file.path("extdata", "CEDA Data", "CEDA_2020", "tmn", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.South_Africa.tmn.per"))
# Tests each element of the expected_all and all lists of filepaths. Is there a better way to do this?
# expect_true(endsWith(all, expected_all))
expect_true(endsWith(all[[1]], expected_all[[1]]))
expect_true(endsWith(all[[2]], expected_all[[2]]))
expect_true(endsWith(all[[3]], expected_all[[3]]))
expect_true(endsWith(all[[4]], expected_all[[4]]))
expect_true(endsWith(all[[5]], expected_all[[5]]))
expect_true(endsWith(all[[6]], expected_all[[6]]))
# Test for a bad country name
expect_error(sample_ceda_data_path(metric = "xx"),
regexp = "'arg' should be one of ")
# Test for a bad metric
expect_error(sample_ceda_data_path(country = "xx"),
regexp = "'arg' should be one of ")
test_that("ceda_data_path() works correctly", {
# Tests that the path for a single file (Ghana tmp) is as expected
expect_equal(ceda_data_path(ceda_data_folder = "temp_folder",
country = "Ghana",
metric = "tmp",
version = 2020),
file.path("temp_folder", "CEDA_2020", "tmp", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.Ghana.tmp.per"))
# Tests that the paths for two files (two countries, one metric) are as expected.
# This checks that mutliple values can be passed to the country argument.
expect_equal(ceda_data_path(ceda_data_folder = "temp_folder",
country = c("Ghana", "South_Africa"),
metric = "tmp",
version = 2020),
c(file.path("temp_folder", "CEDA_2020", "tmp", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.Ghana.tmp.per"),
file.path("temp_folder", "CEDA_2020", "tmp", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.South_Africa.tmp.per")))
# Tests that the paths for six files (two countries, three metrics) are as expected.
# This checks that multiple values can be passed to both the country, and the metric arguments.
expect_equal(ceda_data_path(ceda_data_folder = "temp_folder",
country = c("Ghana", "South_Africa"),
metric = c("tmp", "tmn", "tmx"),
version = 2020),
c(file.path("temp_folder", "CEDA_2020", "tmp", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.Ghana.tmp.per"),
file.path("temp_folder", "CEDA_2020", "tmp", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.South_Africa.tmp.per"),
file.path("temp_folder", "CEDA_2020", "tmn", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.Ghana.tmn.per"),
file.path("temp_folder", "CEDA_2020", "tmn", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.South_Africa.tmn.per"),
file.path("temp_folder", "CEDA_2020", "tmx", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.Ghana.tmx.per"),
file.path("temp_folder", "CEDA_2020", "tmx", "crucy.v4.04.1901.2019.South_Africa.tmx.per")))
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