
Defines functions parallelCountNbd

Documented in parallelCountNbd

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#' parallelCountNbd
#' Create a 3-D array containing the number of neighbors around each point, per species
#' @param r The vector of distances to take into account.
#' @param NbSpecies The number of species of the community.
#' @param x,y The coordinates of the points.
#' @param Type A vector containing the species of each point (as integer, i.e. the factor code).
#' @param Weight A vector containing the weights of points.
#' @export
parallelCountNbd <- function(r, NbSpecies, x, y, Type, Weight) {
    .Call(`_SpatDiv_parallelCountNbd`, r, NbSpecies, x, y, Type, Weight)
EricMarcon/SpatDiv documentation built on May 25, 2023, 12:54 p.m.