Man pages for Eucrow/sapmuebase
Base utils to use in SAP MUE

addInfluenceAreaVariablefunction to create a influence area variable from the...
areas_influenciaList of influence areas
arteList of gears
backupScriptsBackup scripts and related files.
caladero_origenFishing ground - Origin
catchesPercentileUPCreate dataset with catches percentile for every species.
checkAllFormatVariablesFunction to check all the variables format of a dataframe...
checkFormatVariableFunction to check the correct format of a variable of a...
checkStructureFileCheck the correct structure file of tallas_x_up SIRENO...
convertSNtoLogicalConvert logical varible in spanish (S/N) to logical...
especies_mezclaMixed species
especies_no_mezclaNon mixed species
especies_prioritariasPriority species
especies_sexadasSexed species
estrato_rimList of ESTRATO_RIM available
estrato_rim_arteESTRATO_RIM - Gear
estrato_rim_origenESTRATO_RIM - Origin
exportCsvSAPMUEBASEexport csv with SAPMUE format
exportListToCsvExport to csv a list of dataframes
exportListToXlsxExport to xlsx a list of dataframes
fixReportSirenoFilesFix erroneous format of the reports from SIRENO in the...
formato_variablesVariables format
formatVariableTypesFormat the variables of a dataframe obtained by the RIM and...
getSGPVesselIdGet vessel identification code of Spanish SGP (Secretaría...
getVariableTypesGet the variable types of the RIM and OAB files downloaded...
humanizefunction to create new description columns from encoded...
humanizeVariableHumanize variable Add new column with the description of a...
importCsvSAPMUEimport csv with usually format used in SAPMUE
importIPDFileImport RIM IPD file
importOABAccidentalsImport SIRENO accidentals catches report from on-board...
importOABCatchesImport SIRENO catches report from on-board sampling in the...
importOABCatchesCECAFImport SIRENO catches report from on-board sampling in the...
importOABFilesImport the SIRENO on board reports from ICES project.
importOABFilesCECAFImport the SIRENO on board reports from CECAF project.
importOABHaulsImport SIRENO haul report from on-board sampling in the ICES...
importOABHaulsCECAFImport SIRENO haul report from on-board sampling in the CECAF...
importOABLengthsImport SIRENO lengths report from on-board sampling in the...
importOABLengthsCECAFImport SIRENO haul report from on-board sampling in the CECAF...
importOABLitterImport SIRENO litter report from on-board sampling in the...
importOABTripsImport SIRENO trips report from on-board sampling in the ICES...
importOABTripsCECAFImport SIRENO trips report from on-board sampling in the...
importRIMCatchesImport SIRENO catches report from at-market sampling in the...
importRIMCatchesInLengthsImport SIRENO catches in lengths report from at-market...
importRIMFilesImport the SIRENO at-market reports from ICES project.
importRIMLengthsImport SIRENO lengths report from at-market sampling in the...
isVesselActiveIndicates if vessel is active in the Spanish SGP (Secretaría...
metier_caladero_dcfRelation between METIER_DCF and CALADERO_DCF
metier_coherenceRelation between METIER_DCF, CALADERO_DCF, ESTRATO_RIM,...
origenFishing origin of the samples
p97_capturas_historicoHistorical percentile 97 range by species.
p99_capturas_historicoHistorical percentile 99 range by species.
prescripciones_oab_2021_coherenciaPrescriptions coherence.
prescripciones_rim_mt2_coherenciaPrescriptions coherence.
procedenciaSampling institution
rango_tallas_historico_caladeroHistorical size range by species and fishing ground.
relacion_variablesTo improve legibility, some field names from the reports...
removeSppFrom_SpRemove " spp" abbreviation in species.
separateDataframeByInfluenceAreaSeparate a dataframe by influence area
spBelongsToTaxonCheck in WORMS if one species belongs to a taxon.
speciesBelongToTaxonCheck in WORMS if species belongs to a taxon.
split_lineSplit a line read by the function fix_import_files. Used in...
tipo_muestreoType of sample
variables_to_humanizeVariables to humanize
vesselInSGPFleetDetect if a vessel exists in Spanish SGP (Secretaría General...
Eucrow/sapmuebase documentation built on April 17, 2024, 10:29 a.m.