
Defines functions delete_partition_external_table

# Title     : Functions to manage external tables in S3
# Created by: gisela
# Created on: 16/7/20

#' Delete data from an external table
#' To delete data from an external table stored in S3, we need to follow this steps:
#' 1. Grab any partitions that match the condition of the data that needs to be deleted
#' 2. Drop the partitions in the table (ALTER DROP PARTION)
#' 3. Delete the files that correspond to that partition
#' @param redshift redshift connection
#' @param condition sql query to get the partitions to be deleted
#' @param partition_field table's partition column
#' @param table table that the data needs to be deleted
#' @param bucket S3 bucket that the data is being saved to
#' @param s3_key key where the data is being saved to
#' @examples
#' If we want to delete from external_marketing.browse_recommendations_filtered_x_days, partition insert_date=2019-03-13
#' https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/buckets/everlane-data-athena-marketing/browse_recommendations_filtered_x_days/insert_date%253D2019-03-13/?region=us-east-1&tab=overview
#' delete_partition_external_table(
#'  redshift,
#'  condition = "select distinct insert_date from external_marketing.browse_recommendations_filtered_x_days where date >= '2019-03-13' - 7",
#'  partition_field = "insert_date",
#'  table = "external_marketing.browse_recommendations_filtered_x_days",
#'  bucket_name = "everlane-data-athena-marketing"
#'  s3_key = "browse_recommendations_filtered_x_days/"
#' )

delete_partition_external_table <- function(redshift, condition, partition_field, table, bucket_name, s3_key) {
  # Get partitions to delete (Run "condition" sql that returns which partitions to delete)
  partitions_to_delete <- dbGetQuery(redshift, condition)
  if (nrow(partitions_to_delete) != 0 ){
    for (row in 1:nrow(partitions_to_delete)){
      # Delete partitions from table (Run alter drop partition)
      query =
            alter table %s
            drop partition (%s = '%s');
          partitions_to_delete[row, partition_field]
      dbGetQuery(redshift, query)
      message("Partition ", partitions_to_delete[row, partition_field], " deleted")

      # Delete corresponding S3 keys from bucket
      # Bucket contents in dataframe
      s3_prefix <- sprintf("%s%s=%s", s3_key, partition_field, partitions_to_delete[row, partition_field])

      bucket <- get_bucket_df(bucket = bucket_name, prefix = s3_prefix)
      # Loop through file list
      for(file in bucket$Key){
        delete_object(file, bucket = bucket_name, prefix = s3_prefix)
        message("File ", file, " deleted from s3")
Everlane/everlaneR documentation built on Oct. 7, 2020, 3:13 p.m.