Man pages for EvolEcolGroup/pastclim
Manipulate Time Series of Palaeoclimate Reconstructions

Barreto2023Documentation for the Barreto et al 2023 dataset
Beyer2020Documentation for the Beyer2020 dataset
bioclim_vars-methodsCompute bioclimatic variables
check_available_datasetCheck if dataset is available.
check_available_variableCheck if var is available for this dataset.
check_coords_namesCheck that we have a valid pair of coordinate names
check_dataset_pathCheck dataset and path_to_nc params
check_time_varsCheck multiple time variables
check_var_downloadedInternal function to check whether we have downloaded a given...
check_var_in_ncCheck whether variables exist in a netcdf file
clean_data_pathClean the data path
climate_for_locationsExtract local climate for one or more locations for a given...
climate_for_time_sliceExtract a climate slice for a region
copy_example_dataInternal function to copy the example dataset when a new data...
df_from_region_seriesExtract data frame from a region series
df_from_region_sliceExtract data frame from a region slice
distance_from_seaCompute a raster of distances from the sea for each land...
dot-cvCoefficient of variation (expressed as percentage)
download_chelsaDownload the CHELSA modern observations.
download_datasetDownload palaeoclimate reconstructions.
download_etopoDownload the ETOPO Global relief model
download_worldclim_futureDownload a WorldClim future predictions.
download_worldclim_presentDownload a WorldClim modern observations.
ExampleDocumentation for the Example dataset
get_available_datasetsGet the available datasets.
get_biome_classesGet the biome classes for a dataset.
get_data_pathGet the data path where climate reconstructions are stored
get_dataset_infoGet the information about a dataset
get_downloaded_datasetsGet the variables downloaded for each dataset.
get_file_for_datasetGet the file details for a variable and dataset.
get_ice_maskGet the ice mask for a dataset.
get_land_maskGet the land mask for a dataset.
get_mis_time_stepsGet time steps for a given MIS
get_sea_levelGet sea level estimate
get_time_bp_stepsGet time steps for a given dataset
get_varnameGet a the varname for this variable
get_vars_for_datasetGet a list of variables for a given dataset.
help_consolePrint help to console
HYDE_3.3_baselineDocumentation for HYDE 3.3 dataset
is_region_seriesCheck the object is a valid region series
Krapp2021Documentation for the Krapp2021 dataset
list_available_datasetsList all the available datasets.
load_dataset_listLoad the dataset list
load_etopoLoad the ETOPO global relief
location_seriesExtract a time series of bioclimatic variables for one or...
location_sliceExtract local climate for one or more locations for a given...
location_slice_from_region_seriesExtract local climate for one or more locations for a given...
make_binary_maskCreate a binary mask
make_ice_maskDownscale an ice mask
make_land_maskCreate a land mask
mis_boundariesTime boundaries of marine isotope stages (MIS).
region_extentRegion extents.
region_outlineRegion outlines.
region_outline_unionRegion outlines unioned.
region_seriesExtract a time series of climate variables for a region
region_sliceExtract a climate slice for a region
sample_region_seriesSample points from a region time series
sample_region_sliceSample points from a region time slice
sample_rs_fixedSample the same locations from a region time series
sample_rs_variableSample the different number of points from a region time...
set_data_pathSet the data path where climate reconstructions will be...
slice_region_seriesExtract a slice for a time series of climate variables for a...
time_bpExtract and set time in years before present for SpatRaster...
time_bp_to_indexFind the closest index to a given time in years BP
time_bp_to_i_seriesConvert a time BP to indexes for a series
time_series_for_locationsExtract a time series of bioclimatic variables for one or...
update_dataset_listUpdate the dataset list
validate_ncValidate an netcdf file for pastclim
var_labelsGenerate pretty variable labels for plotting
WorldClim_2.1Documentation for the WorldClim datasets
ybp2dateConvert years BP from pastclim to lubridate date, or vice...
EvolEcolGroup/pastclim documentation built on Nov. 6, 2023, 5:11 a.m.