#' Get World Countries Listed by the UNEP-WCMC
#' This function gets the list of world countries listed by the UNEP-WCMC using
#' the Protected Planet API \url{https://api.protectedplanet.net/}.
#' @param sleep a numeric specifying the time interval (in seconds) to suspend
#' between each API request.
#' @inheritParams get_token
#' @return A data frame with the following information (columns) for each
#' World countries (rows):
#' \describe{
#' \item{region_name}{the name of the region}
#' \item{region_iso2}{the ISO-2 code of the region}
#' \item{country_name}{the name of the country}
#' \item{country_iso3}{the ISO-3 code of the country}
#' \item{pas_count}{the number of protected areas per country}
#' }
#' @seealso `wdpa_countries`, `get_wdpa`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## List World Countries ----
#' countries <- worldpa::get_countries(sleep = 0.25)
#' head(countries)
#' ## region_name region_iso2 country_name country_iso3 pas_count
#' ## 1 Africa AF Algeria DZA 78
#' ## 2 Africa AF Angola AGO 14
#' ## 3 Africa AF Benin BEN 64
#' ## 4 Africa AF Botswana BWA 22
#' ## 5 Africa AF Burkina Faso BFA 112
#' ## 6 Africa AF Burundi BDI 21
#' }
get_countries <- function(sleep = 0, key = "WDPA_KEY") {
wdpa_token <- get_token(key)
wdpa_countries <- data.frame()
page <- 1
content <- TRUE
while (content) {
request <- wdpa_fullurl("v3/countries", "?token=", wdpa_token,
"&per_page=50", "&page=", page)
response <- httr::GET(request)
response <- httr::content(response, as = "text")
response <- jsonlite::fromJSON(response)
response <- response$"countries"
if (length(response)) {
response <- data.frame(
region_name = response$"region"$"name",
region_iso2 = response$"region"$"iso",
country_name = response$"name",
country_iso3 = response$"iso_3",
pas_count = response$"pas_count",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
wdpa_countries <- rbind(wdpa_countries, response)
page <- page + 1
} else {
content <- FALSE
wdpa_countries <- wdpa_countries[with(wdpa_countries, order(region_name,
country_name)), ]
rownames(wdpa_countries) <- NULL
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