
Defines functions expect_equal_deparsing expect_equal_bf

expect_equal_bf <- function(...) {
  if (testthat::edition_get() >= 3) {
    testthat::expect_equal(..., ignore_formula_env = TRUE, ignore_function_env = TRUE)
  } else {
    stop('This function requires 3e of testthat.')

expect_equal_deparsing <- function(object, expected) {
  if (testthat::edition_get() >= 3) {
    # multiple tests are performed to the builded formula because generated
    # formulas create the same stan_code (and get deparsed equally) but diffent in
    # their lobstr::ast()s
    expect_equal_bf(object$formula, expected$formula)
    for (i in seq_along(expected$pforms)) {
      expect_equal_bf(deparse(object$pforms[[i]]), deparse(expected$pforms[[i]]))

  } else {
    stop('This function requires 3e of testthat.')
Famondir/birtms documentation built on Feb. 18, 2022, 2:51 a.m.