Man pages for FerrenaAlexander/FerrenaBulkRNAseq
Pipeline for analysis of bulkRNAseq data

gsea.dotplot.onecolPlot GSEA results as a dotplot
gsea.resultsGet GSEA results
heatmapplotMake an expression heatmap with hierarchical clustering
markerheatmapMarker annotated heatmap
modulescoreCalculate a sample-wise module score given a list of genes
pathwayanalysisRun Overrepresentation Analysis via the ClusterProfiler...
pathwayanalysis_declare_significant_clustersDeclare significant clusters in the output of pathway...
pathwayanalysis_finalize_emap_plotsAdd more emapplots (graph plots with edges between similar...
pathwayanalysis_relabel_significant_clustersRelabel some pathway clusters with biologically relevant...
pathwayanalysis_sigcluster_subplotsMake plots for pathways in each cluster.
pathwayanalysis_vennMake a Venn Diagram with genes from the significant clusters.
pathwayanalysis_wordcloudA fast way to make a wordcloud from a character vector of...
regressoutRegress out a variable from a gene expression matrix with...
survivalA function for survival analysis.
volcanoplotMake a VolcanoPlot
FerrenaAlexander/FerrenaBulkRNAseq documentation built on Oct. 16, 2022, 8:18 a.m.