

calsim <- read_rds('data-raw/MikeWrightCalSimOct2017/cvpia_calsim.rds')
cvpia_nodes <- read_csv('data-raw/MikeWrightCalSimOct2017/cvpia_calsim_nodes.csv', skip = 1)
watersheds <- cvpia_nodes$watershed

need_split <- cvpia_nodes$calsim_habitat_flow %>% str_detect(', ')
habitat_split <- cvpia_nodes$calsim_habitat_flow[need_split] %>% str_split(', ') %>% flatten_chr()
habitat_node <- c(cvpia_nodes$calsim_habitat_flow[!need_split], habitat_split, 'C134', 'C160')[-20]

node_columns <- names(calsim) %in% c(habitat_node, 'date')

flow_calsim <- calsim[, node_columns]

flow <- flow_calsim %>%
  mutate(`Upper Sacramento River` = C104,
         `Antelope Creek` = C11307,
         `Battle Creek` = C10803,
         `Bear Creek` = C11001,
         `Big Chico Creek` = C11501,
         `Butte Creek` = C217A,
         `Clear Creek` = C3,
         `Cottonwood Creek` = C10802,
         `Cow Creek` = C10801,
         `Deer Creek` = C11309,
         `Elder Creek` = C11303,
         `Mill Creek` = C11308,
         `Paynes Creek` = C11001,
         `Stony Creek` = C142A,
         `Thomes Creek` = C11304,
         `Upper-mid Sacramento River` = C115,
         `Bear River` = C285,
         `Feather River` = C203,
         `Yuba River` = C230,
         `Lower-mid Sacramento River1` = C134, # low-mid habitat = 35.6/58*habitat(C134) + 22.4/58*habitat(C160),
         `Lower-mid Sacramento River2` = C160,
         `American River` = C9,
         `Lower Sacramento River` = C166,
         `Calaveras River` = C92,
         `Cosumnes River` = C501,
         # `Mokelumne River` = NA,
         `Merced River` = C561,
         `Stanislaus River` = C520,
         `Tuolumne River` = C540,
         `San Joaquin River` = C630) %>%
  select(date, `Upper Sacramento River`:`San Joaquin River`)

# testing Moke flows from exteranl model to calsim II - C503 vs 04-501
moke_test <- read_excel('data-raw/EBMUDSIM/CVPIA_SIT_Data_RequestEBMUDSIMOutput_ExCond.xlsx', sheet = 'Tableau Clean-up') %>%
  mutate(date = as_date(Date), C503) %>%
  select(date, C503)

c501_504 <- read_csv('data-raw/MikeWrightCalSimOct2017/C422-C843.csv', skip = 1) %>%
  select(date = X2, C504, C501) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(date = dmy(date))

moke_test %>%
  left_join(c501_504) %>%
  mutate(calsim = as.numeric(C504) - as.numeric(C501)) %>%
  select(date, ebmudsim = C503, calsim) %>%
  gather(model, flow, -date) %>%
  filter(year(date) >= 1980, year(date) < 2000) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = flow, color = model)) +
  geom_line() +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 18))
#looks great

# bring in Moke flow from other model run
moke <- read_excel('data-raw/EBMUDSIM/CVPIA_SIT_Data_RequestEBMUDSIMOutput_ExCond.xlsx', sheet = 'Tableau Clean-up') %>%
  mutate(date = as_date(Date), `Mokelumne River` = C91) %>%
  select(date, `Mokelumne River`)

flows_cfs <- flow %>%
  left_join(moke) %>%
  select(date:`Cosumnes River`, `Mokelumne River`, `Merced River`:`San Joaquin River`)

use_data(flows_cfs, overwrite = TRUE)

# retQ----------------------------
# proportion flows at tributary junction coming from natal watershed using october average flow

# create lookup vector for retQ denominators based on Jim's previous input
denominators <- c(rep(watersheds[16], 16), NA, watersheds[19], watersheds[21], watersheds[19],
                  watersheds[21], NA, rep(watersheds[24],2), watersheds[25:27], rep(watersheds[31],4))

names(denominators) <- watersheds

dens <- cvpiaFlow::flows_cfs %>%
  select(-`Lower-mid Sacramento River1`) %>% #Feather river comes in below Fremont Weir use River2 for Lower-mid Sac
  rename(`Lower-mid Sacramento River` = `Lower-mid Sacramento River2`) %>%
  gather(watershed, flow, -date) %>%
  filter(month(date) == 10, watershed %in% unique(denominators)) %>%
  rename(denominator = watershed, den_flow = flow)

return_flow <- cvpiaFlow::flows_cfs %>%
  select(-`Lower-mid Sacramento River1`) %>% #Feather river comes in below Fremont Weir use River2 for Lower-mid Sac
  rename(`Lower-mid Sacramento River` = `Lower-mid Sacramento River2`) %>%
  gather(watershed, flow, -date) %>%
  filter(month(date) == 10) %>%
  mutate(denominator = denominators[watershed]) %>%
  left_join(dens) %>%
  mutate(retQ = ifelse(flow / den_flow > 1, 1, flow / den_flow),
         retQ = replace(retQ, watershed %in% c('Calaveras River', 'Cosumnes River', 'Mokelumne River'), 1)) %>%
  select(watershed, date, retQ)

devtools::use_data(return_flow, overwrite = TRUE)

return_flow %>%
  select(watershed, starts_with('198'), starts_with('199')) %>% View()

# delta flows and diversions --------------------
# North Delta inflows: C400 + C157
# South Delta inflow: C401B + C504 + C508 + C644
# North Delta diversions: D403A + D403B + D403C + D403D + D404
# South Delta diversions: D418 + D419 + D412 + D410 + D413 + D409B + D416 + D408_OR + D408_VC
delta_flows <- calsim %>%
  select(date, C400, C157, C401B, C504, C508, C644, D403A, D403B, D403C, D403D,
         D404, D418, D419, D412, D410, D413, D409B, D416, D408_OR, D408_VC) %>%
  mutate(n_dlt_inflow_cfs = C400 + C157,
         s_dlt_inflow_cfs = C401B + C504 + C508 + C644,
         n_dlt_inflow_cms = cfs_to_cms(n_dlt_inflow_cfs),
         s_dlt_inflow_cms = cfs_to_cms(s_dlt_inflow_cfs),
         n_dlt_div_cfs =  D403A + D403B + D403C + D403D + D404,
         s_dlt_div_cfs = D418 + D419 + D412 + D410 + D413 + D409B + D416 + D408_OR + D408_VC,
         n_dlt_div_cms = cfs_to_cms(n_dlt_div_cfs),
         s_dlt_div_cms = cfs_to_cms(s_dlt_div_cfs),
         n_dlt_prop_div = n_dlt_div_cfs / n_dlt_inflow_cfs,
         s_dlt_prop_div = s_dlt_div_cfs / s_dlt_inflow_cfs,
         s_dlt_prop_div = ifelse(s_dlt_prop_div > 1, 1, s_dlt_prop_div)) %>%

devtools::use_data(delta_flows, overwrite = TRUE)

# bypasses ------------
# habitat flow
bypass_flows <- calsim %>%
         sutter1 = D117,
         sutter2 = C135,
         sutter3 = C136A,
         sutter4 = C137,
         yolo1 = D160,
         yolo2 = C157) %>%
  mutate(sutter2 = sutter2 + sutter1,
         sutter3 = sutter3 + sutter2,
         sutter4 = sutter4 + sutter3,
         yolo2 = yolo2 + yolo1)

devtools::use_data(bypass_flows, overwrite = TRUE)

# bypass overtopped --------------------
# overtopped is > 100 cfs
bypass_overtopped <- calsim %>%
  mutate(sutter = D117 + D124 + D125 + D126 + C137,
         yolo = D160 + C157) %>%
  select(date, sutter, yolo) %>%
  filter(between(year(date), 1979, 2000)) %>%
  gather(bypass, flow, - date) %>%
  mutate(overtopped = flow >= 100) %>%
  select(-flow) %>%
  spread(bypass, overtopped)

use_data(bypass_overtopped, overwrite = TRUE)
FlowWest/cvpiaFlow documentation built on Oct. 26, 2020, 11 p.m.