sac_instream: Mainstem Sacramento River Instream Rearing Habitat

Description Usage Format Fall Run and Steelhead Modeling Model Scaling Upper Sacramento River Upper-mid Sacramento River Lower-mid Sacramento River Lower Sacramento River Source Examples


A dataset containing the instream rearing habitat area in square meters as a function of flow in cubic feet per second




dataframe with 81 rows and 3 variables:


integer flow value in cubic feet per second


suitable instream rearing area in square meters


name of watershed

Fall Run and Steelhead Modeling

The entire mapped rearing extent was modeled using Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model refined for use in the NOAA-NMFS Winter Run Chinook Salmon life cycle model. The high quality depth and high quality velocity ("Pref11") "BankArea" result was used as floodplain area. High quality velocities were assumed to be less than or equal to 0.15 meters per second, and high quality depths were assumed to be between 0.2 meters and 1.5 meters.

Model Scaling

The study's results were scaled using the proportion of the CVPIA reach with each study reach extent.

Upper Sacramento River

The CVPIA Upper Sacramento River extends from Keswick to Red Bluff (59.3 mi). This reach overlaps with two of the study's, Keswick to Battle Creek (28.9 mi) and Battle Creek to the confluence with the Feather River (186.5 mi).

Upper-mid Sacramento River

The study's extent is from Battle Creek to the confluence with the Feather River (186.5 mi). The CVPIA Upper-mid Sacramento River extends from Red Blurr to Wilkins Slough (122.3 mi).

Lower-mid Sacramento River

The CVPIA Lower-mid Sacramento River extends from Wilkins Slough to the American River (58.0 mi). This reach overlaps with two of the study's, Battle Creek to the confluence with the Feather River (186.5 mi) and the confluence with the Feather River to Freeport (33.9 mi).

Lower Sacramento River

The study's extent is from the confluence with the Feather River to Freeport (33.4 mi). The CVPIA Lower Sacramento River extends from the confluence with the American River to Freeport (13.7 mi).


Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model refined for use in the NOAA-NMFS Winter Run Chinook Salmon life cycle model



FlowWest/cvpiaHabitat documentation built on Oct. 27, 2020, 2:09 p.m.