
context("GRAPLEr service testing")

graple <- new("Graple")
graple <- GrapleCheckService(graple)
test_that("Graple service is available and returns success message", {
  expect_match(graple@StatusMsg, 'I am alive, and at your service.')

graple <- GrapleListPostProcessFilters(graple)
test_that("Graple service is available and returns success message", {
  expect_match(graple@StatusMsg, 'The list of post process filters available are :')

graple <- GrapleChkVersionCompatibility(graple)
test_that("Graple service is available and returns success message", {
  expect_match(graple@StatusMsg, 'The list of post process filters available are :')

# # Default SubmissionURL is set to http://graple.acis.ufl.edu, use setSubmissionURL method to change submissionURL
# graple <- Graple()
# #The result of the method call is stored in the object itself
# graple <- GrapleCheckService(graple)
# print(graple@StatusMsg)
# graple <- GrapleListPostProcessFilters(graple)
# print(graple@StatusMsg)
# graple <- GrapleChkVersionCompatibility(graple)
# print(graple@StatusMsg)
# #Batch Experiment
# #
# #Start a new experiment and setup parameters
# grapleExp1 <- Graple(ExpRootDir="D:/GRAPLE/ExpRoot/Exp1", ResultsDir="D:/GRAPLE/Results/Exp1", TempDir = tempdir())
# grapleExp1 <- setExpName(grapleExp1, "BatchExperiment1")
# # Change SubmissionURL
# # grapleExp1 <- setSubmissionURL(grapleExp1, "")
# # Change directories
# #grapleExp1 <- setExperimentDir(grapleExp1, "C:/ExpRoot/Exp1")
# #grapleExp1 <- setResultsDir(grapleExp1, "C:/ExpRoot/Results/Exp1")
# #grapleExp1 <- setTempDir(grapleExp1, "C:/TempDir")
# #grapleExp1 <- setSecurityKey(grapleExp1, 'C:/TempDir/APIKey.txt')
# #Run the experiment
# grapleExp1 <- GrapleRunExperiment(grapleExp1);
# print(grapleExp1@StatusMsg)
# #check on status and wait until it is ready
# grapleExp1 <- GrapleCheckExperimentCompletion(grapleExp1)
# while (grapleExp1@StatusMsg != '100.0% complete') {
#   Sys.sleep(5);
#   grapleExp1 <- GrapleCheckExperimentCompletion(grapleExp1)
#   print(grapleExp1@StatusMsg);
# }
# #get the experiment results. Extracted to results dir you specified
# grapleExp1 <- GrapleGetExperimentResults(grapleExp1);
# print(grapleExp1@StatusMsg)
# #
# ##Batch Experiment w/ Filter
# #
# filterName <- "ExtractVariables"
# grapleExp2 <- Graple(ExpRootDir="D:/GRAPLE/ExpRoot/Exp2", ResultsDir="D:/GRAPLE/Results/Exp2", TempDir = tempdir())
# grapleExp2 <- GrapleRunExperiment(grapleExp2, filterName);
# grapleExp2 <- GrapleCheckExperimentCompletion(grapleExp2);
# grapleExp2 <- GrapleGetExperimentResults(grapleExp2);
# #
# #Multiple Sweep Experiments at once
# #
# grapleExp3 <- Graple(ExpRootDir="D:/GRAPLE/ExpRoot/Exp3", ResultsDir="D:/GRAPLE/Results/Exp3", TempDir = tempdir())
# grapleExp4 <- Graple(ExpRootDir="D:/GRAPLE/ExpRoot/Exp4", ResultsDir="D:/GRAPLE/Results/Exp4", TempDir = tempdir())
# grapleExp3 <- setExpName(grapleExp3, "SweepExperiment3")
# grapleExp4 <- setExpName(grapleExp4, "SweepExperiment4")
# grapleExp3 <- GrapleRunSweepExperiment(grapleExp3)
# print(grapleExp3@StatusMsg)
# grapleExp4 <- GrapleRunSweepExperiment(grapleExp4)
# print(grapleExp4@StatusMsg)
# grapleExp3 <- GrapleCheckExperimentCompletion(grapleExp3)
# grapleExp4 <- GrapleCheckExperimentCompletion(grapleExp4)
# while (grapleExp3@StatusMsg != '100.0% complete' && grapleExp4@StatusMsg != '100.0% complete') {
#   Sys.sleep(10);
#   grapleExp3 <- GrapleCheckExperimentCompletion(grapleExp3)
#   print(paste(grapleExp3@ExpName, grapleExp3@StatusMsg, sep=":"))
#   grapleExp4 <- GrapleCheckExperimentCompletion(grapleExp4)
#   print(paste(grapleExp4@ExpName, grapleExp4@StatusMsg, sep = ":"))
# }
# grapleExp3 <- GrapleGetExperimentResults(grapleExp3)
# print(grapleExp3@StatusMsg)
# grapleExp4 <- GrapleGetExperimentResults(grapleExp4)
# print(grapleExp4@StatusMsg)
GRAPLE/GRAPLEr documentation built on Oct. 7, 2020, 4:12 p.m.