
##' Convert Principal Component Decomposition or the like into a hyperSpec
##' Object
##' Decomposition of the spectra matrix is a common procedure in chemometric
##' data analysis. \code{scores} and \code{loadings} convert the result matrices
##' into new \code{hyperSpec} objects.
##' Multivariate data are frequently decomposed by methods like principal
##' component analysis, partial least squares, linear discriminant analysis, and
##' the like.  These methods yield latent spectra (or latent variables,
##' loadings, components, \dots{}) that are linear combination coefficients
##' along the wavelength axis and scores for each spectrum and loading.
##' The loadings matrix gives a coordinate transformation, and the scores are
##' values in that new coordinate system.
##' The obtained latent variables are spectra-like objects: a latent variable
##' has a coefficient for each wavelength. If such a matrix (with the same
##' number of columns as \code{object} has wavelengths) is given to
##' \code{decomposition} (also setting \code{scores = FALSE}), the spectra
##' matrix is replaced by \code{x}. Moreover, all columns of \code{object@@data}
##' that did not contain the same value for all spectra are set to \code{NA}.
##' Thus, for the resulting \code{hyperSpec} object, \code{\link{plotspc}} and
##' related functions are meaningful. \code{\link[hyperSpec]{plotmap}} cannot be
##' applied as the loadings are not laterally resolved.
##' The scores matrix needs to have the same number of rows as \code{object} has
##' spectra. If such a matrix is given, \code{decomposition} will replace the
##' spectra matrix is replaced by \code{x} and \code{object@@wavelength} by
##' \code{wavelength}. The information related to each of the spectra is
##' retained. For such a \code{hyperSpec} object, \code{\link{plotmap}} and
##' \code{\link{plotc}} and the like can be applied. It is also possible to use
##' the spectra plotting, but the interpretation is not that of the spectrum any
##' longer.
##' @param object A \code{hyperSpec} object.
##' @param x matrix with the new content for \code{object@@data$spc}.
##'   Its size must correspond to rows (for \code{scores}) and to either columns
##'   or rows (for \code{loadings}) of \code{object}.
##' @param wavelength for a scores-like \code{x}: the new
##'   \code{object@@wavelength}.
##' @param label.wavelength The new label for the wavelength axis (if \code{x}
##'   is scores-like). If not given, the label of \code{object} is kept.
##' @param label.spc The new label for the spectra matrix. If not given, the
##'   label of \code{object} is kept.
##' @param scores is \code{x} a scores-like matrix?
##' @param retain.columns for loading-like decompostition (i.e. \code{x} holds
##'   loadings, pure component spectra or the like), the data columns need
##'   special attention.
##'   Columns with different values across the rows will be set to \code{NA} if
##'   \code{retain.columns} is \code{TRUE}, otherwise they will be deleted.
##' @param ... ignored.
##' @return A \code{hyperSpec} object, updated according to \code{x}
##' @author C. Beleites
##' @seealso See \code{\link{\%*\%}} for matrix multiplication of
##'   \code{hyperSpec} objects.
##'   See e.g. \code{\link[stats]{prcomp}} and \code{\link[stats]{princomp}} for
##'   principal component analysis, and package \code{pls} for Partial Least
##'   Squares Regression.
##' @keywords methods manip
##' @include apply.R
##' @examples
##' pca <- prcomp (flu)
##' pca.loadings <- decomposition (flu, t (pca$rotation), scores = FALSE)
##' pca.center <- decomposition (flu, pca$center, scores = FALSE)
##' pca.scores <- decomposition (flu, pca$x)
##' plot (pca.center)
##' plot (pca.loadings, col = c ("red", "gray50"))
##' plotc (pca.scores, groups = .wavelength)
##' @export
decomposition <- function (object, x, wavelength = seq_len (ncol (x)),
                           label.wavelength, label.spc,
                           scores = TRUE, retain.columns = FALSE,
#  message ("decomposition will be deprecated: please change your code to use `loadings` or `scores` instead.")

  validObject (object)

  if (is.vector (x))
    if (nrow (object) == length (x))
      dim (x) <- c(length (x), 1)
      dim (x) <- c(1, length (x))

  if ((nrow (x) == nrow (object)) && scores){
    ## scores-like object?

    object@data$spc <- x
    .wl (object) <- wavelength

    if (!missing (label.wavelength))
      object@label$.wavelength <- label.wavelength

  } else if (ncol (x) == nwl (object)){

    ## loadings-like object
    spc <- match ("spc", colnames(object@data))

    ## apply changes type of retained columns to character!!!
    ## must be done in a loop one column after the other otherwise a matrix or a list in a column
    ## (e.g. for the independent variate of PLS, POSIXlt) will cause an error

    cols <- rep (TRUE, ncol (object@data)) # columns to keep

    for (i in seq_len (ncol (object@data)) [-spc]) {
      tmp <- as.data.frame (lapply (object@data[, i, drop = FALSE], .na.if.different))
      object@data [1, i] <- tmp
      if (all (is.na (tmp)))
        cols [i] <- FALSE

    if (!retain.columns) {
      object@label [colnames (object@data) [!cols]] <- NULL
      object@data <- object@data[, cols, drop = FALSE]

    object@data <- object@data[rep(1, nrow(x)), , drop = FALSE]
    object@data$spc <- x

  } else {
    stop ("Either rows (if scores == TRUE) or columns (if scores == FALSE) of",
          " x and object must correspond")

  rownames (object@data) <- rownames (x)

  if (!missing (label.spc)) object@label$spc <- label.spc

  object@data$spc <- unclass (object@data$spc)   # remove AsIs

  validObject (object)


##' @include unittest.R
.test (decomposition) <- function (){
context ("decomposition")

  test_that ("scores-like", {
    flu$matrix <- cbind (flu$c, flu$c)
    expect_true (is.matrix (flu$matrix))

    tmp <- flu [,, 405 ~ 410]
    tmp@wavelength <- seq_len (nwl (tmp))
    colnames (tmp@data$spc) <- seq_len (nwl (tmp))

    scores <- decomposition (flu, flu [[,, 405 ~ 410]])
    expect_equal (scores, tmp)

  test_that ("spc labels", {
    scores <- decomposition (flu, flu [[,, 405 ~ 410]], label.spc = "bla")
    expect_equal (labels (scores, "spc"), "bla")

  test_that ("wl labels", {
    scores <- decomposition (flu, flu [[,, 405 ~ 410]], label.wavelength = "bla")
    expect_equal (labels (scores, ".wavelength"),	"bla")

  test_that ("check loadings-like", {

    tmp <- flu [1, c ("spc"),]
    loadings <- decomposition (flu, flu [[1,,]])
    expect_equal (loadings, tmp)

  test_that ("POSIXct", {
    flu$ct <- as.POSIXct(Sys.time())
    expect_equal (decomposition (flu, flu [[]], scores = FALSE)$ct, flu$ct)

  test_that ("POSIXlt", {
    flu$lt <- as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())
    expect_equal (decomposition (flu, flu [[]], scores = FALSE)$lt, flu$lt)

  test_that ("spc labels", {
    tmp <- decomposition (flu, flu [[]], scores = FALSE, label.spc = "bla")
    expect_equal (labels (tmp, "spc"),	"bla")

  test_that ("wl labels: should *not* be changed for loadings-like decomposition", {
    tmp <- decomposition (flu, flu [[]], scores = FALSE, label.wavelength = "bla")
    expect_equal (labels (tmp, ".wavelength"),	labels (flu, ".wavelength"))

GegznaV/hyperSpec2 documentation built on Dec. 27, 2019, 9:43 a.m.