
# Base R operators ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Insert \%*\%
#' Call this function as an addin to insert \code{ \%*\% } at the cursor position.
#' @export
#' @seealso Operator \link[base]{\%*\%} for matrix multiplication.\cr
#'  About shortcut keys: \href{}{keyboard shortcuts}.
#' @examples
#' # To call the functions with keyboard shortcuts explore
#' # link "keyboard shortcuts" in section "See also".
#' @family 'Insert at cursor position' addins
insertMatMuliplication_Addin <- function() {
    rstudioapi::insertText(text = " %*% ")

#' Insert \%in\%
#' Call this function as an addin to insert \code{ \%in\% } at the cursor position.
#' @export
#' @seealso Operator \link[base]{\%in\%}.\cr
#'  About shortcut keys: \href{}{keyboard shortcuts}.
#' @examples
#' # To call the functions with keyboard shortcuts explore
#' # link "keyboard shortcuts" in section "See also".
#' @family 'Insert at cursor position' addins
insertIn_Addin <- function() {
    rstudioapi::insertText(text = " %in% ")

# "sp" family operators by VG --------------------------------------------------

#' Insert \%!in\%
#' Call this function as an addin to insert \code{ \%!in\% } at the cursor position.
#' @note Operator does not work unless library which contains this operator is loaded.
#' @export
#' @family 'Insert at cursor position' addins
#' @seealso Operator \link[base]{\%in\%}.\cr
#'  About shortcut keys: \href{}{keyboard shortcuts}.
#' @examples
#' # To call the functions with keyboard shortcuts explore
#' # link "keyboard shortcuts" in section "See also".
insertNotIn_Addin <- function() {
    rstudioapi::insertText(text = " %!in% ")

#' Insert \%++\%
#' Call this function as an addin to insert \code{ \%++\% } at the cursor position.
#' @note Operator does not work unless library which contains this operator is loaded.
#' @export
#' @family 'Insert at cursor position' addins
#' @seealso  About shortcut keys: \href{}{keyboard shortcuts}.\cr
#' Operator \code{\link[spMisc]{\%++\%}}.
#' @examples
#' # To call the functions with keyboard shortcuts explore
#' # link "keyboard shortcuts" in section "See also".
insertPaste0_Addin <- function() {
    rstudioapi::insertText(text = " %++% ")

#' Insert \%.+.\%
#' Call this function as an addin to insert \code{ \%.+.\% } at the cursor position.
#' @note Operator does not work unless library which contains this operator is loaded.
#' @export
#' @family 'Insert at cursor position' addins
#' @seealso  About shortcut keys: \href{}{keyboard shortcuts}. \cr
#' \code{\link[spMisc]{\%.+.\%}}.
#' @examples
#' # To call the functions with keyboard shortcuts explore
#' # link "keyboard shortcuts" in section "See also".

insertPaste_Addin <- function() {
    rstudioapi::insertText(text = " %.+.% ")

#' Insert \%if.NULL\%
#' Call this function as an addin to insert \code{ \%if.NULL\% } at the cursor position.
#' @note Operator does not work unless library which contains this operator is loaded.
#' @export
#' @family 'Insert at cursor position' addins
#' @seealso  About shortcut keys: \href{}{keyboard shortcuts}.\cr
#' Operator \code{\link[spMisc]{\%if.NULL\%}}.
#' @examples
#' # To call the functions with keyboard shortcuts explore
#' # link "keyboard shortcuts" in section "See also".
insertIfNULL_Addin <- function() {
    rstudioapi::insertText(text = " %if.NULL% ")

#' Insert \%if_null\%
#' Call this function as an addin to insert \code{ \%if_null\% } at the cursor position.
#' @note Operator does not work unless library which contains this operator is loaded.
#' @export
#' @family 'Insert at cursor position' addins
#' @seealso  About shortcut keys: \href{}{keyboard shortcuts}. \cr
#' Operator \code{\link[spMisc]{\%if_null\%}}.
#' @examples
#' # To call the functions with keyboard shortcuts explore
#' # link "keyboard shortcuts" in section "See also".
insert_if_null_Addin <- function() {
    rstudioapi::insertText(text = " %if_null% ")

#' Insert \%if_null_or_len0\%
#' Call this function as an addin to insert \code{ \%if_null_or_len0\% } at the cursor position.
#' @note Operator does not work unless library which contains this operator is loaded.
#' @export
#' @family 'Insert at cursor position' addins
#' @seealso  About shortcut keys: \href{}{keyboard shortcuts}. \cr
#'  Operator \code{\link[spMisc]{\%if_null_or_len0\%}}.
#' @examples
#' # To call the functions with keyboard shortcuts explore
#' # link "keyboard shortcuts" in section "See also".
insert_if_null_or_len0_Addin <- function() {
    rstudioapi::insertText(text = " %if_null_or_len0% ")
GegznaV/spAddins documentation built on Nov. 20, 2020, 10:42 p.m.