
# ### ~/Beratung/StuteW/KernelAdjustedNonparRegression/AMSE_Minimierung.R
# ### Schaetzung und Minimierung der AMSE-Funktion fuer die Simulationen in "Ker-
# ### nel Adjusted Nonparametric Regression" von Eichner & Stute
# ### R 2.12.2, 17./18./22.3./5./6./7./8./14./18./26./27./29.4./27.5./3.6.2011
# ###********************************************************************************
# ## Hilfsfunktionen
# ##*****************
#  # R-Paket fuer "Kernel Regression Smoothing with Local Plug-in Bandwidth"
#  #*************************************************************************
# library( lokern)
#  # Grafikfunktion
#  #****************
# TitleAndTopAxis <- function( at, digits = 4, ...) {
#  op <- par( ...);      at0 = par( "usr")[ 1];   lh <- 1.1 * par( "cex.axis")
#  B <- signif( Biases, digits);   V <- signif( Variances, digits)
#  M <- signif( MSEs, digits)
#  axis( 3, at = c( at0, at), tick = FALSE, hadj = 0, line = 0,
#        labels = c( expression( paste( widehat(plain(MSE)), ":", sep = "")),
#                    bquote( .(M[ 1])), bquote( .(M[ 2])), bquote( .(M[ 3])) ) )
#  axis( 3, at = c( at0, at), tick = FALSE, hadj = 0, line = 1 * lh,
#        labels = c( expression( paste( widehat(plain(Var)), ":", sep = "")),
#                    bquote( .(V[ 1])), bquote( .(V[ 2])), bquote( .(V[ 3])) ) )
#  axis( 3, at = c( at0, at), tick = FALSE, hadj = 0, line = 2 * lh,
#        labels = c( expression( paste( widehat(plain(Bias)), ":", sep = "")),
#                    bquote( .(B[ 1])), bquote( .(B[ 2])), bquote( .(B[ 3])) ) )
#  axis( 3, at = at, tick = FALSE, hadj = 0, line = 2.9 * lh,
#        labels = c( expression( hat(m)[n](x[0])), expression( m[n](x[0])),
#                    expression( plain(lokerns)(x[0])) ) )
#  title( bquote( list( h[adj] == {n^{-1/5} == .(signif( h, digits))},
#                       ~~h[ideal] == .(signif( h_opt, digits)),
#                       ~~bar(h[lokerns]) == .(signif( lox0.meanh, digits)),
#                       ~~~x[0] == .(x0) )),
#         line = 4.2 * lh, outer = TRUE)
#  title( bquote( list( "AMSE-optimal,   K = Gauss kernel", ~~S == .(MCsamplesize),
#                       ~~n == .(n), ~~sigma(paste(Y,"|",X==x)) == .(sd.eps) )),
#         line = 5.4 * lh, outer = TRUE)
#  invisible( par( op))
#  }
#  # Potenzielle Kern- und damit assoziierte Funktionen
#  #****************************************************
# Kern <- function( x) dnorm( x)   # Gausskern
# Integral_Kquadrat  <- integrate( function( u) { k <- Kern( u); k*k },
#                                  lower = -Inf, upper = Inf)$value
#                       # = 1 / (2 * sqrt( pi)), falls Kern Gausskern
# Integral_xquadratK <- integrate( function( u) u*u * Kern( u),
#                                  lower = -Inf, upper = Inf)$value
#                       # = 1, falls Kern Gausskern
#  # Potenzielle Regressionsfunktionen
#  #***********************************
# #m.poly3 <- function( x, a0 = 1, a1 = -3, a2 = 1, a3 = 1)
# # a0 + a1 * x + a2 * x*x + a3 * x*x*x   # m'(x)  = a1 + 2 a2 x + 3 a3 x^2
# #                                       # m''(x) = 2 a2 + 6 a3 x
# #m.poly4 <- function( x, a0 = 1, a1 = -3, a2 = 1, a3 = 1, a4 = -1)
# # a0 + a1 * x + a2 * x*x + a3 * x*x*x + a4 * x*x*x*x
# #   # m'(x)  = a1 + 2 a2 x + 3 a3 x^2 + 4 a4 x^3
# #   # m''(x) = 2 a2 + 6 a3 x + 12 a4 x^2
# # # Effizienter: a0 + (a1 + (a2 + (a3 + a4 * x) * x) * x) * x
#  # Gewuenscht ist ein Polynom 4. Grades m mit einem
#  # Tief-/Hochpunkt, wo also m'(x) = 0 und m''(x) <> 0, einem
#  # Wendepunkt,      wo also m''(x) = 0 und m'(x) <> 0 sowie einem
#  # Sattelpunkt,     wo also m'(x) = 0 = m''(x).
#  # Memo: Fuer f(x) = a * (x - x1) * (x - x2)^3 + b ist der
#  # TP/HP an (3 * x1 + x2) / 4, der WP an (x1 + x2) / 2 und der SP an x2.
# m.poly4 <- function( x, x1 = 0, x2 = 8, a = 0.01, b = 0)
#  a * (x - x1) * (x - x2)^3 + b
# #m.sin <- function( x, a0 = 0, a1 = 1, a2 = 1)   # m'(x)  =  a1 a2 cos( a2 x)
# # a0 + a1 * sin( a2 * x)                         # m''(x) = -a1 a2^2 sin( a2 x)
#  # Nadaraya-Watson-Schaetzer ("NW-Schaetzer", m_n im Paper)
#  #**********************************************************
# NadWat <- function( x, X, Y, h, K = Kern) {
#   # x:    Vektor (x_1, ..., x_r) oder Skalar
#   # X, Y: Vektoren (X_1, ..., X_n), (Y_1, ..., Y_n)
#   # h:    Skalar
#   # K:    Fkt. mit vektorieller Ein- & Ausgabe
#  M <- K( outer( x/h, X/h, "-"))   # r x n
#  drop( (M %*% Y) / rowSums( M))   # r x 1
#  }
#  # Gewichte
#  #**********
# Wn <- function( sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K = Kern) {
#   # sigma:   Vektor (sigma_1, ..., sigma_s) oder Skalar
#   # h:       Skalar
#   # xXh:     Vektor ((x - X_1)/h, ..., (x - X_n)/h)
#   # thetaXh: Vektor ((\theta - X_1)/h, ..., (\theta - X_n)/h)
#   # K:       Fkt. mit vektorieller Ein- & Ausgabe
#  A <- outer( sigma/h, xXh)       # s x n
#  A <- outer( A, thetaXh, "+")    # s x n x n
#  A <- rowSums( K( A), dims = 2)  # s x n
#  A / rowSums( A)   # s x n: (W_{ni}( x, \sigma_r))_{1<=r<=s, 1<=i<=n}
#  }
#  # Zwei Versionen des Bias-Schaetzers: BiasA() mit m_n, BiasB() mit \hat m_n
#  #****************************************************************************
# BiasA <- function( sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K = Kern, mmDiff) {
#   # sigma, X, h, xXh, thetaXh, K: Siehe Wn()!
#   # mmDiff: Vektor (m_n(X_1) - m_n(x), ..., m_n(X_n) - m_n(x))
#  drop( Wn( sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K) %*% mmDiff)  # s x 1
#  }
# BiasB <- function( sigma, Y, h, xXh, XXh, thetaXh, K = Kern) {
#   # sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K: Siehe Wn()!
#   # Y:   Vektor (Y_1, ..., Y_n)
#   # XXh: Matrix ((X_j - X_i)/h)_{1<=j<=n, 1<=i<=n}
#  wx <- Wn( sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K)   # s x n
#  wX <- apply( XXh, 2, function( XXih) Wn( sigma, h, XXih, thetaXh, K))
#        # (1<=r<=s)*(1<=j<=n) x (1<=i<=n)
#  wX <- array( wX, dim = c( length( sigma), dim( XXh)))
#        # (1<=r<=s) x (1<=j<=n) x (1<=i<=n)
#  wX <- aperm( wX - as.vector( wx), c( 2, 1, 3))
#        # (1<=j<=n) x (1<=r<=s) x (1<=i<=n)
#  rowSums( wx * colSums( wX * Y))   # s x 1
#                # (1<=r<=s) x (1<=i<=n)
#  }
#  # Zwei Versionen des Varianzschaetzer: VarA() mit m_n, VarB() mit \hat m_n
#  #***************************************************************************
# VarA <- function( sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K = Kern, YmDiff2) {
#   # sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K: Siehe Wn()!
#   # YmDiff2: Vektor ( (Y_1 - m_n(x))^2, ..., (Y_n - m_n(x))^2 )
#  wx <- Wn( sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K)   # s x n
#  drop( (wx * wx) %*% YmDiff2)  # s x 1
#  }
# VarB <- function( sigma, Y, h, xXh, XXh, thetaXh, K = Kern) {
#   # sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K: Siehe Wn()!
#   # Y:   Vektor (Y_1, ..., Y_n)
#   # XXh: Matrix ((X_j - X_i)/h)_{1<=j<=n, 1<=i<=n}
#  wx <- Wn( sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K)   # s x n
#  wX <- apply( XXh, 2, function( XXih) Wn( sigma, h, XXih, thetaXh, K))
#        # (1<=r<=s)*(1<=j<=n) x (1<=i<=n)
#  wX <- aperm( array( wX, dim = c( length( sigma), dim( XXh))), c( 2, 1, 3))
#        # (1<=j<=n) x (1<=r<=s) x (1<=i<=n)
#  Y_twXY <- Y - t( colSums( wX * Y))   # (1<=i<=n) x (1<=r<=s)
#  rowSums( (wx * wx) * t( Y_twXY * Y_twXY))  # s x 1
#  }
#  # Zwei Versionen des geschaetzten "Asymptotic Mean Squared Errors"
#  # (\widehat AMSE): AMSE_A() mit m_n, AMSE_B() mit \hat m_n
#  #*****************************************************************
# AMSE_A <- function( sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K = Kern, mmDiff, YmDiff2) {
#   # sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K: Siehe Wn()!
#   # mmDiff:  Vektor (m_n(X_1) - m_n(x), ..., m_n(X_n) - m_n(x))
#   # YmDiff2: Vektor ( (Y_1 - m_n(x))^2, ..., (Y_n - m_n(x))^2 )
#  W <- Wn( sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K)  # s x n
#  Bn  <- W %*% mmDiff          # = BiasA( sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K, mmDiff)
#  Vn2 <- (W * W) %*% YmDiff2   # = VarA( sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K, YmDiff2)
#  drop( Vn2 + Bn * Bn)         # s x 1
#  }
# AMSE_B <- function( sigma, Y, h, xXh, XXh, thetaXh, K = Kern) {
#   # sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K: Siehe Wn()!
#   # Y:   Vektor (Y_1, ..., Y_n)
#   # XXh: Matrix ((X_j - X_i)/h)_{1<=j<=n, 1<=i<=n}
#  wx <- Wn( sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K)   # s x n
#  wX <- apply( XXh, 2, function( XXih) Wn( sigma, h, XXih, thetaXh, K))
#        # (1<=r<=s)*(1<=j<=n) x (1<=i<=n)
#  wX <- array( wX, dim = c( length( sigma), dim( XXh)))
#        # (1<=r<=s) x (1<=j<=n) x (1<=i<=n)
#  wX_wx <- aperm( wX - as.vector( wx), c( 2, 1, 3))
#           # (1<=j<=n) x (1<=r<=s) x (1<=i<=n)
#  Bn <- rowSums( wx * colSums( wX_wx * Y))
#        # = BiasB( sigma, Y, h, xXh, XXh, thetaXh, K),   s x 1
#  Y_twXY <- Y - t( colSums( aperm( wX, c( 2, 1, 3)) * Y)) # (1<=i<=n) x (1<=r<=s)
#  Vn2 <- rowSums( (wx * wx) * t( Y_twXY * Y_twXY))
#         # = VarB( sigma, Y, h, xXh, XXh, thetaXh, K),   s x 1
#  drop( Vn2 + Bn * Bn)         # s x 1
#  }
# ## Die Simulations-Szenarien
# ##***************************
# ##Version <- "A"   # Varianz- und Bias-Schaetzung mit NW-Schaetzer m_n fuer m
# Version <- "B"   # Varianz- und Bias-Schaetzung mit \hat m_n fuer m
#  # Simulationsparameter
# x00 <- c( 2, 4, 5, 8)   # Punkte, an denen die AMSE-optim. "kernel adjusted
#                         # nonparametric regressions" von m stattfinden sollen.
#                         # Fuer m.poly4()'s Voreinstellung ist TP an 2, WP an 4
#                         # und SP an 8; ein "beliebiger" Punkt liegt z. B. bei 5.
# nn  <- c( 25, 50, 100)  # Stichprobenumfaenge.
# sdd <- c( 0.5, 1, 2)    # Std.-abwn. der Fehler \epsilon_i: \sqrt(Var(Y|X=x)).
# Resultate <- array( NA, dim = c( length( x00), length( nn), length( sdd), 3, 3),
#                     dimnames = list( x0 = paste( "x0", x00, sep = "="),
#                                      n  = paste( "n",  nn,  sep = "="),
#                                      sd = paste( "sd", sdd, sep = "="),
#                                      Schaetzer = c( "Bias", "Var", "MSE"),
#                                      Methode   = c( "adjusted", "idealistic",
#                                                     "classic")) )
# mm <- m.poly4  # Regressionsfunktion und ihre erste sowie zweite Ableitung
# mm_prime  <- function() {};   body( mm_prime)  <- D( body( mm), "x")
# mm_second <- function() {};   body( mm_second) <- D( body( mm_prime), "x")
# formals( mm_second) <- formals( mm_prime) <- formals( mm)
#  # Dichte der Normalverteilung (der X_i) und ihre erste Ableitung
# f <- dnorm;     f_prime <- function( x) -x * dnorm( x)
# for( x0 in x00) {   # Punkt x_0
#  design.mean <- x0 + 0.5   # "Zentrum" und "Skala" des Designs = Erwartungswert
#  design.sd <- 1            # bzw. Standardabweichung der Verteilung der X_i.
#  xx <- design.mean + seq( -3.3 * design.sd, 3.3 * design.sd, length = 101)
#     # x-Gitter, worauf m und der NW-Schaetzer m_n ausgewertet & gezeichnet werden.
#  sig.range <- c( 0.01, 1.5 * diff( range( xx))) # Zu betrachtender Wertebereich
#  sig.grid <- seq( sig.range[ 1],              # samt Gitter fuer den Skalenparame-
#                   sig.range[ 2], length = 501)# ter \sigma des adaptiv. Verfahrens.
#  for( n in nn) { # Stichprobenumfang
#   for( sd.eps in sdd) { # Standardabweichung der \epsilon_i
#    set.seed( 20110426)   # Startwert des Pseudo-Zufallszahlengenerators
#     # Berechnung der fuer x_0 optimalen, "idealistischen" Fensterbreite h_opt
#     # zur Berechnung des NW-Schaetzers an x_0
#    numerator   <- sd.eps^2  * Integral_Kquadrat * f( x0)
#    denominator <- n * Integral_xquadratK^2 *
#                   (f( x0) * mm_second( x0) + 2 * f_prime( x0) * mm_prime( x0))^2
#    h_opt <- (numerator / denominator)^(1/5)
#     # Wahl von h fuer das adaptive Verfahren
#    h <- n^(-1/5)
#     # Vorbereitung des Grafik-Ausgabe
#    now <- format( Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
#    pdf( paste( "Plots/mBVA_x", x0, "_n", formatC( n, width = 3, flag = 0), "_s",
#                formatC( 10*sd.eps, width = 2, flag = 0), "_D", now, ".pdf",
#                sep = ""),
#         paper = "a4", width = 0, height = 0)
#    op <- par( mfrow = c( 3,1), mar = c( 3,3,3,0.1)+0.1, mgp = c( 1.5,0.5,0),
#               tcl = -0.3, cex.main = 2)
#     ## Ein paar beispielhafte Simulationslaeufe mit Grafikgenerierung
#     ##****************************************************************
#    for( bsp in 1:4) {
#      # Datengenerierung Y_i = m( X_i) + \epsilon_i, i = 1, ..., n
#     X <- rnorm( n, mean = design.mean, sd = design.sd)
#     Y <- mm( X) + rnorm( length( X), sd = sd.eps)
#      # NW-Schaetzer auf einem x-Gitter, um ihn zur Anschauung zu zeichnen
#     mnxx <- NadWat( xx, X, Y, h_opt)
#      # Kern-Schaetzer mit lokal-adaptiver "plug-in"-Bandbreite (aus dem R-Paket
#      # "lokern"), auf selbem x-Gitter, um auch ihn zur Anschauung zu zeichnen
#     loxx <- lokerns( x = X, y = Y, x.out = xx)$est
#      # Vorratsberechnung von Groessen, die nicht von \sigma abhaengen, aber
#      # i. F. wiederholt gebraucht werden; Algor. wird so effizienter.
#     x0Xh <- (x0 - X) / h;   thetaXh <- (mean( X) - X) / h
#     if( Version == "A") {   # Var.- & Bias-Schaetzung mit m_n
#       # NW-Schaetzer m_n(x0) und m_n(X_1), ..., m_n(X_n) mit Fensterbreite
#       # h = n^(-1/5) sowie daraus gebildete Groessen zur Schaetzung von
#       # Var_x0(\sigma) und Bias_x0(\sigma)
#      mnx0 <- NadWat( x0, X, Y, h)   # m_n(x0)
#      mnX  <- NadWat( X, X, Y, h)    # m_n(X_i) fuer i = 1, ..., n
#      mnX_mnx0 <- mnX - mnx0         # m_n(X_i) - m_n(x0) fuer i = 1, ..., n
#      Y_mnX2 <- (Y - mnX)^2          # (Y_i - m_n(X_i))^2 fuer i = 1, ..., n
#       # Schaetzer von Var_x0(\sigma) und Bias_x0(\sigma) auf dem \sigma-Gitter,
#       # um sie zur Anschauung zu zeichnen
#      Bn <- BiasA( sigma = sig.grid, h = h, xXh = x0Xh, thetaXh = thetaXh,
#                   mmDiff = mnX_mnx0)
#      Vn2 <- VarA( sigma = sig.grid, h = h, xXh = x0Xh, thetaXh = thetaXh,
#                   YmDiff2 = Y_mnX2)
# #      # Versuch 1: Minimizer und Minimum des Schaetzers von AMSE_x0(\sigma):
# #     opt <- optimize( f = AMSE_A, interval = sig.range, h = h, xXh = x0Xh,
# #                      thetaXh = thetaXh, mmDiff = mnX_mnx0, YmDiff2 = Y_mnX2)
# #     sig_opt_x0 <- opt$minimum;   amse_min <- opt$objective
# #
# #      # Versuch 2: Minimizer und Minimum des Schaetzers von AMSE_x0(\sigma):
# #     opt <- optimize( f = AMSE_A, interval = sig.range/c(1,3), h = h, xXh = x0Xh,
# #                      thetaXh = thetaXh, mmDiff = mnX_mnx0, YmDiff2 = Y_mnX2)
# #     sig_opt_x0_2 <- opt$minimum;   amse_min_2 <- opt$objective
#      } else if( Version == "B") { # Var.- & Bias-Schaetzung mit \hat m_n
#       # Weitere Vorratsgroesse, die nicht von \sigma abhaengt, aber i. F.
#       # wiederholt gebraucht wird
#      XjXih <- outer( X/h, X/h, "-")
#       # Schaetzer von Var_x0(\sigma) und Bias_x0(\sigma) auf dem \sigma-Gitter,
#       # um sie zur Anschauung zu zeichnen
#      Bn <- BiasB( sigma = sig.grid, Y = Y, h = h, xXh = x0Xh, XXh = XjXih,
#                   thetaXh = thetaXh)
#      Vn2 <- VarB( sigma = sig.grid, Y = Y, h = h, xXh = x0Xh, XXh = XjXih,
#                   thetaXh = thetaXh)
# #      # Versuch 1: Minimizer und Minimum des Schaetzers von AMSE_x0(\sigma):
# #     opt <- optimize( f = AMSE_B, interval = sig.range, Y = Y, h = h,
# #                      xXh = x0Xh, XXh = XjXih, thetaXh = thetaXh)
# #     sig_opt_x0 <- opt$minimum;   amse_min <- opt$objective
# #
# #      # Versuch 2: Minimizer und Minimum des Schaetzers von AMSE_x0(\sigma):
# #     opt <- optimize( f = AMSE_B, interval = sig.range/c(1,3), Y = Y, h = h,
# #                      xXh = x0Xh, XXh = XjXih, thetaXh = thetaXh)
# #     sig_opt_x0_2 <- opt$minimum;   amse_min_2 <- opt$objective
#     } else stop( "Version '", Version, "' gibt es nicht!")
# #     # Versuch 2 "besser" als Versuch 1?
# #    if( amse_min_2 < amse_min) {
# #     sig_opt_x0 <- sig_opt_x0_2; amse_min <- amse_min_2
# #     }
#      # "Komposition" von AMSE_x0(\sigma) aus den Schaetzern von Var_x0(\sigma)
#      # und Bias_x0(\sigma) auf dem \sigma-Gitter
#     An <- Vn2 + Bn * Bn
#      # Minimizer und Minimum des Schaetzers von AMSE_x0(\sigma)
#      # durch "grid search":
#     min_idx <- which.min( An)
#     sig_opt_x0 <- sig.grid[ min_idx];   amse_min <- An[ min_idx]
#      # Der AMSE-optimale "kernel adjusted nonparametric regression"-Schaetzwert
#      # an x_0, also \hat m_n( x_0)
#     W <- Wn( sigma = sig_opt_x0, h = h, xXh = x0Xh, thetaXh = thetaXh)
#     mnhatx0 <- W %*% Y
#      # Grafische Darstellung fuer den aktuellen Datensatz
#     plot( Y ~ X, xlim = range( X, xx),
#           ylim = range( Y, mnxx, mnhatx0, loxx, na.rm = TRUE),# mm(xx)
#           main = bquote( n == .(n)), xlab = "x", ylab = "y") # Das Streudiagramm
#     lines( xx, mm( xx), lty = 2)    # Die "wahre" Regressionsfunktion m
#     lines( xx, mnxx)                # Der NW-Schaetzer m_n von m
#     lines( xx, loxx, col = "blue")  # Der lokal-adaptive Schaetzer von m
#     points( x0, mnhatx0, col = "red", pch = 8, cex = 2)  # (x_0, \hat m_n(x_0))
#     legend( "bottomleft", lty = c( 2, 1, 1), col = c( "black", "black", "blue"),
#             bty = "n", cex = 1.5,
#             legend = c( bquote( paste( "m, ", sigma(paste( Y,"|", X==x))
#                                               == .(sd.eps)) ),
#                         expression( m[n]), "lokern()"))
#     legend( "top", pch = 8, col = "red", bty = "n", cex = 1.5,
#             legend = bquote( paste( hat(m)[n](x[0]), ",   ", x[0] == .(x0))))
#     matplot( sig.grid, cbind( Bn*Bn, Vn2), type = "l", lty = 1:2,
#              col = c( "black", "red"), xlab = expression( sigma), ylab = "")
#     legend( "top", lty = 1:2, col = c( "black", "red"), bty = "n", cex = 1.5,
#             legend = c( expression( paste( widehat(plain(Bias))[x[0]]^2, (sigma))),
#                         expression( widehat(plain(Var))[x[0]](sigma))))
#     plot( sig.grid, An, type = "l", xlab = expression( sigma), ylab = "",
#           main = expression( widehat(plain(AMSE))[x[0]](sigma)))
#     points( sig_opt_x0, amse_min, pch = 13, col = "red", cex = 2)
#     legend( "top", pch = 13, col = "red", bty = "n", cex = 1.5,
#             legend = substitute( group( "(", list( plain( Minimizer),
#                                                    plain( Minimum)), ")")
#                                  == group( "(", list( x, y), ")"),
#                                  list( x = signif( amse_min, 4),
#                                        y = signif( sig_opt_x0, 4))))
#     } # bsp-loop
#    par( op)
#    dev.off() ## Ende der beispielhaften Simulationslaeufe
#     ## Die eigentliche Simulation   (Kommentierung siehe oben!)
#     ##****************************
#    MCsamplesize <- 5000
#    now <- format( Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
#    set.seed( 20110426) # Derselbe Startwert des Pseudo-RNGs wie oben.
#    Sim <- replicate( MCsamplesize, {   # Schleife ueber Monte-Carlo-Samples
#     X <- rnorm( n, mean = design.mean, sd = design.sd)
#     Y <- mm( X) + rnorm( length( X), sd = sd.eps)
# if( n > 25 || sd.eps == 1) {
#   c( mnhatx0 = NA, mnx0_hopt = NA, lox0 = NA, lox0.h = NA)
#  } else {
#     mnx0_hopt <- NadWat( x0, X, Y, h_opt)
#     lokerns.x0 <- lokerns( x = X, y = Y, x.out = x0)
#     lox0 <- lokerns.x0$est;     lox0.h <- lokerns.x0$bandwidth
#     x0Xh <- (x0 - X) / h;   thetaXh <- (mean( X) - X) / h
#     if( Version == "A") {
#      mnx0 <- NadWat( x0, X, Y, h);     mnX <- NadWat( X, X, Y, h)
#      mnX_mnx0 <- mnX - mnx0;           Y_mnX2 <- (Y - mnX)^2
# #      # Minimierungsversuch 1:
# #     opt <- optimize( f = AMSE_A, interval = sig.range, h = h, xXh = x0Xh,
# #                      thetaXh = thetaXh, mmDiff = mnX_mnx0, YmDiff2 = Y_mnX2)
# #     sig_opt_x0 <- opt$minimum;   amse_min <- opt$objective
# #      # Minimierungsversuch 2:
# #     opt <- optimize( f = AMSE_A, interval = sig.range/c(1,3), h = h, xXh = x0Xh,
# #                      thetaXh = thetaXh, mmDiff = mnX_mnx0, YmDiff2 = Y_mnX2)
# #     sig_opt_x0_2 <- opt$minimum;   amse_min_2 <- opt$objective
#      An <- AMSE_A( sig.grid, h = h, xXh = x0Xh, thetaXh = thetaXh,
#                    mmDiff = mnX_mnx0, YmDiff2 = Y_mnX2)
#     } else if( Version == "B") {
#      XjXih <- outer( X/h, X/h, "-")
# #      # Minimierungsversuch 1:
# #     opt <- optimize( f = AMSE_B, interval = sig.range, Y = Y, h = h,
# #                      xXh = x0Xh, XXh = XjXih, thetaXh = thetaXh)
# #     sig_opt_x0 <- opt$minimum;   amse_min <- opt$objective
# #      # Minimierungsversuch 2:
# #     opt <- optimize( f = AMSE_B, interval = sig.range/c(1, 3), Y = Y, h = h,
# #                      xXh = x0Xh, XXh = XjXih, thetaXh = thetaXh)
# #     sig_opt_x0_2 <- opt$minimum;   amse_min_2 <- opt$objective
#      An <- AMSE_B( sig.grid, Y = Y, h = h, xXh = x0Xh, XXh = XjXih,
#                    thetaXh = thetaXh)
#     } else stop( "Version '", Version, "' gibt es nicht!")
# #     # Minimierungsversuch 2 "besser" als 1?
# #    if( amse_min_2 < amse_min) sig_opt_x0 <- sig_opt_x0_2
#      # Minimizer und Minimum des Schaetzers von AMSE_x0(\sigma)
#      # durch "grid search":
#     sig_opt_x0 <- sig.grid[ which.min( An)]
#     W <- Wn( sigma = sig_opt_x0, h = h, xXh = x0Xh, thetaXh = thetaXh)
#     mnhatx0 <- W %*% Y
#     c( mnhatx0 = mnhatx0, mnx0_hopt = mnx0_hopt, lox0 = lox0, lox0.h = lox0.h)
#  }
#     } )
#    lox0.meanh <- mean( Sim[ "lox0.h",]);     Sim <- Sim[ -4,]
#    mx0 <- mm( x0);     Means <- rowMeans( Sim);     Biases <- Means - mx0
#    Variances <- apply( Sim, 1, var);     MSEs <- Biases * Biases + Variances
#    Resultate[ paste( "x0", x0, sep = "="), paste( "n", n, sep = "="),
#               sd = paste( "sd", sd.eps, sep = "="),
#               c( "Bias", "Var", "MSE"), ] <- rbind( Biases, Variances, MSEs)
# if( !(n > 25 || sd.eps == 1)) {
#     ## Grafische Darstellung der Resultate (Boxplots)
#     ##************************************************
#    Bim1 <- as.list( as.data.frame( t( Sim)))
#    Bim2 <- list( "'Idealistic' - Adjusted" = Sim[ "mnx0_hopt",] - Sim[ "mnhatx0",],
#                  "'Classic' - Adjusted"    = Sim[ "lox0",]      - Sim[ "mnhatx0",])
#    pch <- c( 1, 4, 5);    cols <- c( "red", "orange", "green");     cex <- 2
#    pdf( paste( "Plots/AMSEopt_x", x0, "_n", formatC( n, width = 3, flag = 0),
#                "_s", formatC( 10*sd.eps, width = 2, flag = 0), "_D", now,
#                ".pdf", sep = ""),
#         paper = "a4", width = 0, height = 0)
#    par( pl <- list( oma = c( 0,0,8,0), mar = c( 3.5, 3.3, 1, 3)+.1,
#                     mgp = c( 2, 0.5, 0), tcl = -0.3, lab = c( 5, 10, 0)))
#     boxplot( Bim1, names = c( "Adjusted ...", "'Idealistic' ...", "'Classic' ..."),
#              ylab = expression( hat(m)[n](x[0])~~~~"bzw."~~~~m[n](x[0])
#                                                ~~~~"bzw."~~~~lokerns(x[0])),
#              cex.axis = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2,
#              xlab = expression( "kernel regression estimate values at"~x[0]))
#     abline( h = mx0, col = "blue")
#     axis( 4, at = mx0, tick = FALSE, labels = expression( m(x[0])), line = 0,
#           las = 2, cex.axis = 1.2, col.axis = "blue")
#     points( Means, col = cols, pch = pch, cex = cex, lwd = 3)
#     legend( "top", pch = pch, col = cols, pt.lwd = 3, bty = "n", cex = 1.4,
#             legend = c( expression( bar(hat(m)[n](x[0]))),
#                         expression( bar(m[n](x[0]))),
#                         expression( bar(lokerns(x[0]))) ), y.intersp = 1.7)
#     TitleAndTopAxis( at = 1:3 - 0.18, cex.axis = 1.2)
#     boxplot( Bim2, cex.axis = 1.1, cex.lab = 1.1,
#              ylab = expression( m[n](x[0]) - hat(m)[n](x[0])~~~~~~"bzw."~~~~~~
#                                 lokerns(x[0]) - hat(m)[n](x[0])),
#              xlab = bquote( "Difference between kernel regression estimates at "~
#                             x[0] == .(x0)~"with"~
#                             sigma(paste(Y,"|",X==x)) == .(sd.eps)))
#     abline( h = 0, col = "blue")
#     points( c( Means[ "mnx0_hopt"] - Means[ "mnhatx0"],
#                Means[ "lox0"] - Means[ "mnhatx0"]),
#             col = c( "darkgreen", "brown"), pch = c( 8, 9), cex = cex, lwd = 2)
#     legend( "topleft", pch = c( 8, 9, -1), col = c( "darkgreen", "brown", NA),
#             pt.lwd = 2, bty = "n", cex = 1.4,
#             legend = c( bquote( bar(m[n](x[0]) - hat(m)[n](x[0])) ==
#                                 .(round( Means[ "mnx0_hopt"] - Means[ "mnhatx0"],
#                                          5))),
#                         bquote( bar(lokerns(x[0]) - hat(m)[n](x[0]))==
#                                 .(round( Means[ "lox0"] - Means[ "mnhatx0"], 5))),
#                         expression() ), y.intersp = 1.7)
#     TitleAndTopAxis( at = c( 0.833, 1.5, 2.165) - 0.12, cex.axis = 1.2)
#    dev.off()
#  }
#    } # sd.eps-loop
#   } # n-loop
#  } # x0-loop
# # rm( list = ls()); dev.off()
# today <- format( Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d")
# sink( paste( "Resultate_", today, ".txt", sep = ""))
#  print( ftable( Resultate))
# sink()
# #round( ftable( Resultate[ c( "x0=4", "x0=8", "x0=2"),
# #                          c( "n=25", "n=50", "n=100"),
# #                          c( "sd=0.5", "sd=2"), , ],
# #               row.vars = c( "x0", "sd", "Schaetzer") ), 4)
# library( Hmisc)
# punkte <- c( "minimum" = "x0=2", "point of inflection" = "x0=4",
#              "'arbitrary' point" = "x0=5", "saddle point" = "x0=8")
# Tab <- lapply( punkte, function( v)
#                         ftable( Resultate[ v, c( "n=50", "n=25", "n=100"),
#                                            c( "sd=0.5", "sd=2"), , ],
#                                 row.vars = c( "sd", "Schaetzer")) )
# names( Tab) <- paste( "Performance in", names( punkte),
#                       paste( "$(", gsub( "x0", "x_0", punkte, fixed = TRUE),
#                              ")$", sep = ""),
#                       "based on", MCsamplesize, "Monte Carlo samples" )
# CV <- attr( Tab[[1]], "col.vars")
# CV$n <- paste( "$", CV$n, "$", sep = "")
# CV$Methode2 <- c( "$\\hat m_n$", "$m_n$", "\\texttt{lokerns}")
# RV <- attr( Tab[[1]], "row.vars")
# RV$sd <- paste( "$", gsub( "sd", "\\sigma", RV$sd, fixed = TRUE), "$", sep = "")
# RV$Schaetzer <- paste( "$\\widehat{\\text{", RV$Schaetzer, "}}$", sep = "")
# w <- latex( object = Tab, file = paste( "Tab_", today, ".tex", sep = ""),
#             title = "", where = "!htbp", dec = 3, first.hline.double = FALSE,
#             cgroup = CV$n, colheads = rep( CV$Methode2, length( CV$n)),
#             extracolheads = rep( CV$Methode, length( CV$n)),
#             rgroup = RV$sd, rowname = rep( RV$Schaetzer, length( RV$sd))
#             )
GerritEichner/kader documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:14 p.m.