EPIC.package: EPIC: a package to Estimate the Proportion of Immune and...

EPIC.packageR Documentation

EPIC: a package to Estimate the Proportion of Immune and Cancer cells from tumor gene expression data.


EPIC package provides the function and cell reference profiles to estimate the proportion of immune, stromal, endothelial and cancer or other cells from bulk gene expression data.


See the package vignette (command in the R console: vignette("EPIC") ) and function definitions below.

EPIC functions

EPIC is the main function to call to estimate the various cells proportions from a bulk sample.

Included datasets

BRef: reference profiles from circulating immune cells.

TRef: reference profiles from tumor infiltrating non-malignant cells obtained from single cell data of melanoma patients.

melanoma_data: example dataset containing data from lymph nodes from patients with metastatic melanoma.

mRNA_cell_default: values of mRNA per cell for the main cell types.


Racle, J., Jonge, K. de, Baumgaertner, P., Speiser, D.E., and Gfeller, D. (2017). Simultaneous enumeration of cancer and immune cell types from bulk tumor gene expression data. eLife Sciences, 6, e26476 (https://elifesciences.org/articles/26476)


Julien Racle <julien.racle@unil.ch> and David Gfeller <david.gfeller@unil.ch>.

GfellerLab/EPIC documentation built on July 22, 2023, 2:06 a.m.