About lastools

'lastools' is an R package for reading and writing version 1.2 and version 2.0 Log ASCII Standard (LAS) files (@las_spec_v1, @las_spec_v2) and for performing common functions on LAS files including:

While the Canadian Well Logging Society provides free software called LasApps (@las_cws_front_page) and a Python package called lasio (@lasio) exists to perform similar functions; at time of writing no R package existed for reading and manipulating LAS files.

The aim of lastools is to provide functionality for reading and manipulating LAS files in the R environment and to provide additional unique functionality not found in existing alternative packages/libraries/software.


lastools can be installed from github repository using devtools:


LAS Data

Las file

A LAS file is a standardized, structured ASCII file containing header information and log curve data derived from the continuous collection of (usually geophysical) measurements from a borehole or well (@reeves). They are often termed wireline log LAS files and have the file extension ".las". They are distinct from 'lidar' LAS files which are 'industry-standard binary format files for storing airborne lidar data.

The LAS standard was introduced by the Canadian Well Logging Society in 1989 and to date consists of 3 Versions (version 1.2 (1989), 2.0 (1992) & 3.0 (1999)) (@las_preamble). Version 2.0 replaced inconsistencies in version 1.2 while version 3.0 clarified some of the poorly defined specifications of LAS 2.0 and provides expanded data storage capabilities (@las_spec_v1, @las_spec_v2, @las_spec_v3). Despite version 3.0 being the 'latest' version, its implementation and usage has been extremely limited (@las_preamble). Following this, the package lastools only provides support for LAS file versions 1.2 & 2.0.

The exact standards and structure/s for each LAS file type can be accessed via the below links (and/or from the embedded hyperlinks elsewhere):

Las Standard 1.2

Las Standard 2.0

Las Standard 3.0


Gitmaxwell/lastools documentation built on May 16, 2020, 2:46 p.m.