ddi_distStmt: ddi_distStmt and its children

View source: R/citation.R

ddi_distStmtR Documentation

ddi_distStmt and its children


Distribution statement for the work at the appropriate level: marked-up document; marked-up document source; study; study description, other material; other material for study. More information on these elements, especially their allowed attributes, can be found in the references.









Child nodes or attributes.


Parent nodes

distStmt is contained in the following elements: citation; docSrc; fileCitation; and sourceCitation.

distStmt specific child nodes

ddi_depDate() is the date that the work was deposited with the archive that originally received it. The ISO standard for dates (YYYY-MM-DD) is recommended for use with the "date" attribute.

ddi_depositr() is the name of the person (or institution) who provided this work to the archive storing it.

ddi_distDate() is the date that the work was made available for distribution/presentation. The ISO standard for dates (YYYY-MM-DD) is recommended for use with the "date" attribute. If using a text entry in the element content, the element may be repeated to support multiple language expressions.

ddi_distrbtr() is the organization designated by the author or producer to generate copies of the particular work including any necessary editions or revisions. Names and addresses may be specified and other archives may be co-distributors. A URI attribute is included to provide an URN or URL to the ordering service or download facility on a Web site.


A ddi_node object.

Shared and complex child nodes

  • ddi_contact()


distStmt documentation

depDate documentation

depositr documentation

distDate documentation

distrbtr documentation



# Functions that need to be wrapped in ddi_distStmt()

ddi_depDate(date = "2022-01-01", "January 1, 2022")

ddi_depositr(abbr = "BJS", 
             affiliation = "U.S. Department of Justice",
             "Bureau of Justice Statistics")

ddi_distDate(date = "2022-01-01", "January 1, 2022")

ddi_distrbtr(abbr = "ICPSR",
             affiliation = "Institute for Social Research",
             URI = "http://www.icpsr.umich.edu",
             "Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research")

Global-TIES-for-Children/rddi documentation built on Oct. 24, 2022, 9:50 p.m.