ddi_fileTxt: fileTxt and its children

View source: R/fileTxt.R

ddi_fileTxtR Documentation

fileTxt and its children


Provides descriptive information about the data file. More information on these elements, especially their allowed attributes, can be found in the references.

Parent nodes













Child nodes or attributes.


fileTxt is contained in fileDscr.

fileTxt specific child nodes

  • ddi_dataChck() are the types of checks and operations performed on the data file at the file level.

  • ddi_dataMsng() can be used to give general information about missing data, e.g., that missing data have been standardized across the collection, missing data are present because of merging, etc.

  • ddi_fileCont() are the file contents. It is the abstract or description of the file. A summary describing the purpose, nature, and scope of the data file, special characteristics of its contents, major subject areas covered, and what questions the PIs attempted to answer when they created the file. A listing of major variables in the file is important here. In the case of multi-file collections, this uniquely describes the contents of each file.

  • ddi_fileName() contains a short title that will be used to distinguish a particular file/part from other files/parts in the data collection. The element may be repeated to support multiple language expressions of the content.

  • ddi_filePlac() indicates where the file was produced, whether at an archive or elsewhere.

  • ddi_fileType() are the types of data files. These include raw data (ASCII, EBCDIC, etc.) and software-dependent files such as SAS datasets, SPSS export files, etc. If the data are of mixed types (e.g., ASCII and packed decimal), state that here.

  • ddi_format() is the physical format of the data file: Logical record length format, card-image format (i.e., data with multiple records per case), delimited format, free format, etc. The element may be repeated to support multiple language expressions of the content.

  • ddi_ProcStat() is the processing status of the file. Some data producers and social science data archives employ data processing strategies that provide for release of data and documentation at various stages of processing.


A ddi_node object.

Shared and complex child nodes

  • ddi_dataFingerprint()

  • ddi_dimensns()

  • ddi_fileCitation()

  • ddi_fileStrc()

  • ddi_software()

  • ddi_verStmt()


fileTxt documentation

dataChck documentation

dataMsng documentation

fileCont documentation

fileName documentation

filePlac documentation

fileType documentation

format documentation

ProcStat documentation



# Functions that need to be wrapped in ddi_fileTxt()

ddi_dataChck("Consistency checks were performed by Data Producer/ Principal Investigator.")

ddi_dataMsng('The codes "-1" and "-2" are used to represent missing data.')

ddi_fileCont("Part 1 contains both edited and constructed variables describing demographic...")

ddi_fileName(ID = "File1", "Second-Generation Children Data")

ddi_filePlac("Washington, DC: United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census")

ddi_fileType(charset = "US-ASCII", "ASCII data file")


ddi_ProcStat("Available from the DDA. Being processed.")

Global-TIES-for-Children/rddi documentation built on Oct. 24, 2022, 9:50 p.m.