SynthData: Synthetic count data

SynthDataR Documentation

Synthetic count data


SynthData and SynthData2 were generated using empirical cdf of American Gut Project Data. SynthData has scale_free-type-graph structure of size 500 rows and 200 columns, and SynthData2 has cluster-type-graph structure of size 1000 rows and 100 columns.





SynthData is an object of class matrix with 500 rows and 200 columns. SynthData2 is an object of class matrix with 1000 rows and 100 columns.

An object of class matrix (inherits from array) with 1000 rows and 100 columns.


Yoon, Gaynanova and Müller (2019) Microbial Networks in SPRING - Semi-parametric Rank-Based Correlation and Partial Correlation Estimation for Quantitative Microbiome Data. Frontiers in Genetics. 10:516. doi:10.3389/fgene.2019.00516

GraceYoon/SPRING documentation built on June 29, 2022, 4:14 p.m.