Man pages for GreenGrassBlueOcean/RefinitivR
Connect to Datastream and python Eikon api in r

CheckifCustomInstrumentCheck if a symbol is really a custom symbol
ConstructTicketJsonBodyrewrite JSON body in case a waiting ticket is assigned so...
CorrectCustomInstrumentFunction to check if custom symbol is in format...
create_OMM_StreamCreate an OMM stream when an Eikon terminal is running
create_RDP_StreamCreate a RDP stream when an Eikon terminal is running
CustomInstrumentBasketBuilderBuild a basket element for a custom instrument
CustomInstrumentHolidayBuilderBuild a holiday object for a custom instrument
CustomInstrumentUDCBuilderBuild a user defined continuation object for a custom...
DataStreamConnectInitialize DataStream Connection
EikonChunkerReturns a list of chunked Rics so that api limits can be...
EikonConnectInitialize Eikon Python api
EikonGetDataFunction to obtain data from Eikon. Based on the Eikon python...
EikonGetNewsHeadlinesReturns a list of news headlines
EikonGetNewsStoryReturn a single news story corresponding to the identifier...
EikonGetSymbologyReturns a list of instrument names converted into another...
EikonGetTimeseriesFunction to obtain timeseries from Eikon. Based on the Eikon...
EikonNameCleanerConvert Eikon formula's in human readable names
EikonPostProcessorA postprocessor to process Eikon (python) get_Data into r...
EikonRepairMicOften operating Mics are missing from the Eikon api, this...
EikonShowAttributesShow the attributes of the Python Eikon
EikonTimeSeriesPreprocessorPreprocessor for Eikon Get timeseries to automatically chunk...
flattenNestedlistFlatten a nested list put list format in data.table format...
get_rdp_streaming_urlShow all available custom instruments that have been created
InspectRequestfunction to check if a downloaded dataframe is empty
install_eikonCheck if Conda exists, if not instals miniconda, add the...
NagerHolidayDataPublic Holidays between the years 1990 and 2030
OperatingMicLookupOperating Mic lookup from Reuters Exchange Code
PostProcessTimeSeriesRequestPostprocessor for raw Timeseries Requests
ProcessIPAOutputProcess output of RDP IPA calls
Process_RDP_outputOutput processor for python function RDP$get_search_metadata
ProcessSymbologyFunction to process raw output of python get_symbology to...
PropertiesActiveRefinitivObjectFunction to check through which Refinitiv Connection object...
rd_check_proxy_urlCheck if refinitiv proxy url is alive
RDConnectRD connection function to refinitiv Data libraries
rd_GetDataFunction to obtain data from Eikon. Based on the Eikon python...
rd_GetHistoryThe get_history function allows you to retrieve pricing...
rd_ManageCustomInstrumentsCREATE, GET, UPDATE or DELETE a custom instrument
rd_OutputProcesserProcess output from refintiv data to r data.frame output
RDPGetOptionAnalyticsGet RDP option analytics
RDPget_search_metadataGet search metadata from RDP
RDPsearchRDP search function is a wrapper for the pyton
RDPShowAvailableSearchViewsShow Available Search Views for seachview parameter in...
rd_SearchCustomInstrumentsShow all available custom instruments that have been created
RefinitivJsonConnectConnect to Eikon directly with JSON requests
replaceInListReplace items in nested list
retryFunction to retry failed functions after a time out of 5...
SearchViewsLookupLookup code for SearchViews to alternate between RD and JSON...
TestDataStreamCredentialsFunction to test if the DataStream Credentials are really...
TR_FieldHelper function to build the Eikonformulas parameter for the...
GreenGrassBlueOcean/RefinitivR documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 1:37 a.m.