CheckTerminalType: Check Terminal Type and Connectivity for Eikon or Workspace

View source: R/CheckTerminalType.r

CheckTerminalTypeR Documentation

Check Terminal Type and Connectivity for Eikon or Workspace


This function checks the connectivity to Eikon or Workspace and sets the corresponding port in the global options. It first verifies if there is a terminal connection available and then checks if Eikon or Workspace Desktop is running by testing specific ports.


CheckTerminalType(verbose = FALSE, force = FALSE)



Logical; if 'TRUE', the function will print messages about the detection process. Defaults to 'FALSE'.


Logical; if 'TRUE', the function will recheck and reset the terminal type even if the eikon_port option is already set. Defaults to 'FALSE'.


The function checks for the existence of a terminal connection by attempting to connect to the proxy on port 9000. If successful, it then checks for Eikon connectivity by attempting to connect to port 9060. If Eikon is running, the port is set to 9060, and if Workspace is detected, the port is set to 9000.


This function sets a global option eikon_port to either 9000 (Workspace) or 9060 (Eikon), depending on the detected connection. If there is no connection, the function will stop with an error message.


## Not run: 
# Check terminal connection and detect terminal type
CheckTerminalType(verbose = TRUE, force = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

GreenGrassBlueOcean/RefinitivR documentation built on Sept. 28, 2024, 11 p.m.