scores_lnorm: Proper Scoring Rules for Log-Normal Forecasts

scores_lnormR Documentation

Proper Scoring Rules for Log-Normal Forecasts


This is a simple wrapper around functions from the scoringRules package for predictions with a LN(meanlog, sdlog) distribution. The function is vectorized and preserves the dimension of the input.


scores_lnorm(x, meanlog, sdlog, which = c("dss", "logs"))



the observed counts.

meanlog, sdlog

parameters of the log-normal distribution, i.e., mean and standard deviation of the distribution on the log scale.


a character vector specifying which scoring rules to apply. The Dawid-Sebastiani score ("dss") and the logarithmic score ("logs") are available and both computed by default.


scores for the predictions of the observations in x (maintaining their dimensions).

HIDDA/forecasting documentation built on Jan. 11, 2024, 1:11 a.m.