We have the “weighted” model. It is implemented for the effective mass but not yet for the correlator fit. Also we want to extend this to $\delta t \neq 1$. In this document we will derive the exact model in the general case to figure out what the weight factor $w$ has to be exactly.


Analytic considerations

Let us assume that we have a perfect signal with energy $E_0 > 0$ amplitude and $A_0$. Additional there is a single thermal state with $E_1 > 0$ and $A_1$. We can therefore write the model as $$ C(t) = A_0 \left[ \exp(-E_0 t) + \exp(-E_0 (T - t)) \right] + A_1 \left[ \exp(-E_1 t) + \exp(-E_1 (T - t)) \right] \,. $$

If the thermal pollution was constant ($E_1 = 0$), we could just shift it away. But in this case of a time dependence, we first need to weight that away before we do the shift. We multiply the correlation function with the inverse of time dependence of the pollution, so we have $$ C_\mathrm{w}(t) = C(t) * \left[ \exp(E_1 t) + \exp(E_1 (T - t)) \right] = A_0 \left[ \exp(-E_0 t) + \exp(-E_0 (T - t)) \right] + A_1 \left[ \exp(-E_1 t) + \exp(-E_1 (T - t)) \right] $$

Synthetic data

First we generate some synthetic data which contains exactly what we want: A one-state correlation function with energy $E_0$ and amplitude $A_0$. Then we add a single thermal state with energy $E_1 < 0$ and amplitude $A_2$. We add just a little bit of gaussian noise to generate measurements from that. The plot shows the central values that we use.

E_0 <- 0.25
A_0 <- 1.34
E_1 <- -0.03
A_1 <- 0.00003

n_meas <- 500
extent_time <- 96

tt <- 0:(extent_time - 1)

cf0_signal <- A_0 * (exp(- E_0 * tt) + exp(- E_0 * (extent_time - tt)))
cf0_thermal <- A_1 * (exp(- E_1 * tt) + exp(- E_1 * (extent_time - tt)))
cf0 <- cf0_signal + cf0_thermal
cf <- do.call(cbind, lapply(cf0, function (m) rnorm(n_meas, m, 0.05 * m)))

corr <- cf_meta(Time = extent_time)
corr <- cf_orig(corr, cf = cf)

plot(tt, cf0,
     main = 'Central generation values',
     xlab = 'Time',
     ylab = 'Correlator',
     log = 'y',
     type = 'l',
     ylim = range(cf0, cf0_signal, cf0_thermal))
lines(tt, cf0_signal, col = 'blue')
lines(tt, cf0_thermal, col = 'red')
legend('top', c('Both', 'Signal', 'Thermal'), col = c('black', 'blue', 'red'), pch = 1)

This correlation function has a nice single state and a sizable thermal state in the end.

boot_R <- 1500

corr_sym <- symmetrise.cf(corr)
corr_boot <- bootstrap.cf(corr_sym, boot.R = boot_R, boot.l = 1, seed = 0)

plot(corr_boot, log = 'y')

We can see that the effective mass undershoots the signal value that we have put in.

effmass <- bootstrap.effectivemass(corr_boot, type = 'solve')
plot(effmass, ylim = c(0, E_0),
     main = '“Solve” effective mass', xlab = 'Time', ylab = 'Effective Mass')
abline(h = E_0, col = 'red')

Now we do a weight-shift-reweight with the masses that we put in. We see that the correlator looks much better afterwards and the effective mass is just what the expect from the sigal.

corr_rt <- weight_shift_reweight.cf(corr_boot, E_1, rep(E_1, boot_R), +1)
plot(corr_rt, log = 'y')

effmass_rt <- bootstrap.effectivemass(corr_rt, type = 'weighted')
     xlab = 'Time', ylab = 'Effective mass',
     main = '“Weighted” effective mass')
abline(h = E_0, col = 'red')

The removal seemed to have worked out nicely.

HISKP-LQCD/hadron documentation built on Sept. 17, 2022, 10:03 a.m.