
title: Review of gevp sorting author: Martin Ueding ( date: 2019-02-21 colorlinks: true urlcolor: blue ...

We have experienced a problem with the sorting of the eigenvalues in the GEVP for $t < t_0$. In hadron PR 157 I was asked to review lines 93--121 of R/gevp.R. I will review this in commit 2863b591666bb6399bd9a09bbdf22bc99a3ffebb.

Analytic problem statement

To quote from man/gevp.Rd:

The generalised eigenvalue problem $$ C(t) v(t,t_0) = C(t_0) \lambda(t,t_0) v(t,t_0) $$ is solved by performing a Cholesky decomposition of $C(t_0)=L^t L$ and transforming the GEVP into a standard eigenvalue problem for all values of $t$. The matrices $C$ are symmetrised for all $t$. So we solve for $\lambda$ $$ (L^t)^{-1} C(t) L^{-1} w = \lambda w $$ with $w = L v$ or the wanted $v = L^{-1} w$.

The amplitudes can be computed from $$ A_i^{(n)}(t) = \frac{\sum_{j}C_{ij}(t) v_j^{(n)}(t,t_0)} {\sqrt{(v^{(n)}, Cv^{(n)})(\exp(-mt)\pm \exp(-m(t-t)))}} $$ and this is what the code returns up to the factor $$ 1/\sqrt{\exp(-mt)\pm \exp(-m(t-t))} $$ The states are sorted by their eigenvalues when "values" is chosen. If "vectors" is chosen, we take $$ \max\big( \sum_i \langle v(t_0,i), v(t, j)\rangle\big) $$ with $v$ the eigenvectors.

We want to consistently sort the eigenvalues for $t > t_0$.

Actual implementation

Sorting time

The gevp function has the parameter sort.type, which we will only use with "vectors" here. And there is a logical sort.t0, whose action we will investigate in detail.

Depending on sort.t0, an integer t.sort will be computed which holds the time slice with which the scalar product is formed. That is not entirely true though, as there is a fallback to $t_0 + 2$ later.

We have $t_\text{sort} = t_0 + 2$ by default. But if the user specified sort.t0 = FALSE, the sorting does not happen with respect the fixed value of $t_0 + 2$ but rather depends on the time slice $t$ that we are working with: $$ t_\text{sort}(t) = \begin{cases} t & \text{for } t > t_0 + 1 \ t + 2 & \text{for } t < t_0 - 1 \ t_0 + 2 & \text{otherwise} \,. \end{cases} $$ Just to be explicit: The special values are $t \in { t_0-1, t_0, t_0+1 }$. Applying these three cases to a range of time slices $t$, we get the following $t_\text{sort}$:

| Case | $t$ | $t_\text{sort}$ | | ---: | :--- | :--- | | 2 | $t_0-3$ | $t_0 - 1$ | | 2 | $t_0-2$ | $t_0$ | | 3 | $t_0-1$ | $t_0 + 2$ | | 3 | $t_0+1$ | $t_0 + 2$ | | 1 | $t_0+2$ | $t_0 + 2$ | | 1 | $t_0+3$ | $t_0 + 3$ |

This looks a bit strange, but perhaps it will make sense later on.


The eigenvectors depend on $t$ and $t_0$. $t_0$ is arbitrary but fixed, so the remaining dependency is on $t$. Each of them has length matrix.size because it tells us how the various correlators in the matrix have to be combined to give a pure state. There are matrix.size many eigenvectors on each time slice.

The variable evectors holds them and is initialized with NA at first in line 58:

evectors <- array(NA, dim=c(Thalf + 1, matrix.size, matrix.size))

The loop over $t$ goes from $t_0 + 1$ to $T/2$ and then from $t_0 - 1$ to 0. In line 95 the eigenvalues on time slice $t$ are computed:

variational.solve <- eigen(t(invL) %*% cM %*% invL,
  symmetric = TRUE, only.values = FALSE, EISPACK = FALSE)

The variational.solve is a list that contains values and vectors.

Then in line 106 the scalar product between the eigenvectors on the current time slice and the ones on $t_\text{sort}$ is computed:

X <- abs(t(variational.solve$vectors) %*% evectors[t.sort, , ])

For the first iteration ($t = t_0 + 1$) the array evectors is completely filled with NA. Therefore sorting by eigenvalues is performed for this case.

The variational.solve$vectors contain the eigenvectors $w$, but the array evectors that is assigned slices in line 141 contains the eigenvectors $v = L^{-1} w$. The documentation of gevp promises to form the scalar product $\langle v(t_0, i), v(t, j) \rangle$, which mismatches the implementation. I cannot see whether that causes a problem, at this point.

In line 141 the eigenvectors $w$ are sorted and multiplied with $L^{-1}$ to give the eigenvalues $v$. These are then stored in evectors at slice $t + 1$. The following is an overview over the slices that are created with the iterations:

| $t$ | $t_\text{sort}$ | generated evectors | | --- | --- | --- | | $t_0 + 1$ | — | $t_0 + 2$ | | $t_0 + 2$ | $t_0 + 2$ | $t_0 + 3$ | | $t_0 + 3$ | $t_0 + 3$ | $t_0 + 4$ | | … | … | … | | $T/2$ | $T/2$ | $T/2 + 1$ | | $t_0 - 1$ | $t_0 + 2$ | $t_0$ | | $t_0 - 2$ | $t_0$ | $t_0 - 1$ | | $t_0 - 3$ | $t_0 - 1$ | $t_0 - 2$ | | … | … | … | | 0 | 2 | 1 |

We can see that the the evectors slice that is needed for the next iterations is always generated before it is used via $t_\text{sort}$. Also the first index of evectors has dimension $T/2 + 1$, therefore the indices can be from the interval $[1, T/2+1]$, which fits perfectly.


The eigenvalues on $t_0 + 1$ have been sorted simply by their values. This also sorts the eigenvectors correspondingly. Now we want to sort the other eigenvalues by matching the eigenvectors to the ones at $t_\text{sort}$. The rational is that the mixing of the different operators has not changed much, but the values of the correlators at the various time slices might have changed a lot. The eigenvectors are therefore a better proxy for identifying the same state across time slices.

As hinted earlier, the ordering for all $t$ except $t_0 + 1$ shall be computed with the scalar products $X_{ij} = |\langle v(t, i), v(t_\text{sort}, j)\rangle |$:

X <- abs(t(variational.solve$vectors) %*% evectors[t.sort, , ])

This is a square matrix of length matrix.size. We want to get an ordering (a permutation of $1, \ldots, N$) for every $i$. First we have to decide whether it shall be ascending or descending ordering. This is done in lines 100f:^ternary

decreasing <- TRUE
if (t < t0) decreasing <- FALSE
I'd prefer to write this assignement as `decreasing <- t >= t0`, or if it
has to be as like this using R's equivalent of a ternary operator:

decreasing <- if (t < t0) FALSE else TRUE

This way the variable is assigned its value once and is constant. But that
is a different story.

The important bit is that we do a decreasing sort for the time slices $t \ge t_0$. But actually this value is ignored, at least most of the time. We'll see.

The first attempt to find an ordering is in line 108:

idx <- apply(X, 1, order, decreasing = TRUE)

For each $i$ it gives the values ${ \sigma(j) }$ such that the overlaps $X_{i,\sigma(j)}$ for fixed $i$ are sorted from largest to smallest. Also note that the parameter decreasing is always set to TRUE, no matter what the variable decreasing contains.

From all these orderings we just take the first one per $i$:

sortindex <- idx[1, ]

This means that for each eigenvector at slice $t$ we pick the one eigenvector at $t_\text{sort}$ which has the greatest overlap. This definition does not exclude ambiguities, multiple vectors could have greatest overlap with a common reference vector. For instance a very large eigenvector at $t_\text{sort}$ might have more overlap with an eigenvector at $t$ which points into a different direction but is much smaller. Let us take these eigenvectors: $$ v(t_\text{sort}, 1) = (100, 2)^\mathrm T \,,\quad v(t_\text{sort}, 2) = (0, 1)^\mathrm T \,,\qquad v(t, 1) = (0, 1)^\mathrm T \,. $$

From the looks of it, we would want to associate $v(t, 1)$ with $v(t_\text{sort}, 2)$ because they are identical. The scalar product is $X_{1,2} = 1$. But $v(t_\text{sort}, 1)$ has a much larger overlap, $X_{1,1} = 2$. This mean that we would associate it to the wrong eigenvector just because the reference one is very large. Perhaps it would be better to consider instead something corresponding to the angle in eigenspace: $$ X_{ij} = \frac{|\langle v(t, i), v(t_\text{sort}, j)\rangle |} {\|v(t, i)\| \, \|v(t_\text{sort}, j)\|} \,. $$ With that definition my pathological example would be resolved better.

Still there could be ambiguities. Unless we are in sort.t0 mode (which always uses $t_\text{sort} = t_0 + 2$) already, we just try using that as a sorting time:

idx <- apply(abs(t(variational.solve$vectors) %*% evectors[t0 + 2, , ]),
             1, order, decreasing = TRUE)
sortindex <- idx[1, ]

There are a couple of time slices that already use $t_0 + 2$ as the sorting time (see previous table), so that might just be redundant. We also always use decreasing sort here.

If that fails again, we just sort by eigenvalues on that time slice, but this time honoring the decreasing setting.

sortindex <- order(variational.solve$values, decreasing = decreasing)

So does the direction of the sorting make sense? For plain eigenvalue sorting the decreasing parameter is honored and it makes sense that the order of eigenvalues is reversed when passing $t_0$. This arises because the eigenvalues at $t_0$ are all normalized to unity, therefore the smallest mass has the smallest slope and therefore the highest eigenvalues for $t > t_0$ and the smallest eigenvalues for $t < t_0$.

For the eigenvectors one has to think a bit more thorough. We expect that the correlators $C_{ij}(t)$ in the matrix are linear combinations of the compositions of the spectrum $\lambda_i(t)$. In general we have (0808.1017) $$ C_{ij}(t) = \sum_{n = 1}^\infty \exp(-E_n t) \psi_{ni} \psi_{nj} \,, $$ where the $\psi$ are overlaps of the operators $i$ and $j$ with the state $n$. We of course want the spectrum $E_n$. I would think that the mixing that determines how the states $|n\rangle$ couple to the operators is similar on all time slices. The choice of $t_0$ is done after they have been computed, so there is no physical explanation for the eigenvectors to depend on $t_0$ and therefore the directions in eigenspace for all eigenvectors should be the same.

If that is true, then using decreasing = TRUE always is exactly the right thing to do.


There are two things that I find suspicious:

The actual sorting direction seems consistent between $t > t_0$ and $t < t_0$ for both the eigenvalue and eigenvector method.

HISKP-LQCD/hadron documentation built on Sept. 17, 2022, 10:03 a.m.