
#' Plot hook for Hugo environment
#' This [knitr()] plot hook uses the options in a knitr code chunk to generate some
#' [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) lines that after handling by Hugo processor will produce
#' HTML code to display an image produced by an knitr code chunk. The last section
#' of **Details** shows the HTML that can be generated.
#' After setting the hook with `knitr::knit_hooks$set` each time that an image is
#' generated the function is called with the file name and the list with chunk options.
#' The function uses the chunk options:
#'  - `hugoopts`. This is a list with parameters for he Hugo shortcode `figure` .
#'  Possible parameters (no defaults except for `caption` and `cappos`) are:
#'    -    `class` : 'class' to use in HTML figure statement
#'    -    `id` : 'id' to use in HTML figure statement
#'    -    `link` : 'href' to navigate to when image is clicked
#'    -    `target` : 'target' to use when image is clicked. E.g. '_blank'
#'    -    `rel` : 'rel' to use when image is clicked. E.g. 'nofollow'
#'    -    `src` : 'url' of generated image
#'    -    `alt` : 'alt-text' for image
#'    -    `caption` : 'caption' to place below or above image. (default `fig.cap` chunk option)
#'    -    `cappos` : position of caption ('below' or 'above' with default 'below')
#'    -    `width` : 'width' of the image
#'    -    `height` :  'height' of the image
#'    -    `attr` : 'text' of the 'caption' link
#'    -    `attrlink` : 'url' of the 'caption' link
#'  Example of generated HTML:
#' ```
#' ```   hugoopts= list(link="https://www.hanoostdijk.nl",target="_blank",rel="nofollow",
#' ```               alt="alt-text",caption="caption-text",width="500",
#' ```               attrlink="https://www.hanoostdijk.nl",attr="click here")
#'results after Hugo processing in the following HTML:
#' ```  <div class="hoqc-center" >
#' ```    <figure>
#' ```      <a href="https://www.hanoostdijk.nl" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
#' ```        <img src="index_files/figure-html/index-8-1.png"
#' ```             alt="alt-text" width="500"/>
#' ```      </a>
#' ```      <figcaption>
#' ```        <p>caption-text <a href="https://www.hanoostdijk.nl">click here</a></p>
#' ```      </figcaption>
#' ```    </figure>
#' ```  </div >
#' @name hugo_plot_hook
#' @param x Character string with the filename of a generated image
#' relative with respect to the code folder
#' @param options List with the chunk options
#' @return Character string to be processed by Hugo to create picture
#' @section Acknowledgement:
#' Started with the idea from https://ropensci.org/technotes/2020/04/23/rmd-learnings/ \cr
#' This function use the Hugo shortcode figureHOQC that is an adaption of Hugo shortcode
#' [figureHOQC](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/blob/master/tpl/tplimpl/embedded/templates/shortcodes/figure.html)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' to define the hook:
#'```{r setup}
#'knitr::knit_hooks$set(plot = hugo_plot_hook)
#'to make use of it:
#'```{r hugoopts= list(alt="alt-text",caption="caption-text",width="500") }

hugo_plot_hook <- function (x, options) {
  hugoopts <- options$hugoopts
   if ( is.null(hugoopts$caption)  && (!is.null(options$fig.cap))  ){
    hugoopts$caption = options$fig.cap
  if ( is.null(hugoopts$cappos)  && (!is.null(hugoopts$caption))  ){
    hugoopts$cappos = "below"
         "{<figureHOQC src=",
         '" ',
         if (!is.null(hugoopts)) {
                               sep = " ")
HanOostdijk/HOQCutil documentation built on July 28, 2023, 5:56 p.m.