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Brief introduction

The Well-Plate Maker (WPM) is a shiny application deployed as an R package. Functions for a command-line/script use are also available. The WPM allows users to generate well plate maps to carry out their experiments while improving the handling of batch effects. In particular, it helps controlling the "plate effect" thanks to its ability to randomize samples over multiple well plates. The algorithm for placing the samples is inspired by the backtracking algorithm: the samples are placed at random while respecting specific spatial constraints. The use of WPM as well as the definition of configurable spatial constraints are described in the following sections.

Getting started


R version >= 4.0.0 OS tested : Windows, Fedora, Ubuntu,MacOS The application should also work on other platforms. If problems are encountered on other OS, report them by creating an issue.

WPM R package dependencies

CRAN dependencies: golem, rlang, shiny, shinydashboard, shinyWidgets, dplyr, shinycustomloader, DT, RColorBrewer, logging, stringr, ggplot2

Bioconductor dependencies: Biobase, SummarizedExperiment

How to install

From GitHub (consider it a devel version):

devtools::install_github("HelBor/wpm", build_vignettes=TRUE)

From Bioconductor (release, stable version):

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


Instructions can also be found on the Bioconductor page

How to use the WPM package

There are two ways to use the WPM:

Supported input formats

| Input Format | Command line | WPM app | | --------------------- |:------------:| :------:| | CSV / txt | yes | yes | | ExpressionSet | yes | no | | SummarizedExperiment | yes | no | | MSnSet | yes | no |

Types of samples

WPM identifies four different types of samples with decreasing priority:

This priority rule allows consistent distributions of samples into wells. For example, if a well is declared forbidden, then this well will no longer be considered for the other types of samples.

Load the WPM package


For a complete Tutorial, please see the Vignette of the package.


Using the WPM with the command lines

The following steps must be performed in the correct order.

Prepare the dataset

You can work with CSV/txt/TSV files, ExpressionSet, MSnSet, or SummarizedExperiment objects. The first step is to create a dataframe containing all the data necessary for the WPM to work correctly. Notably, it is needed to specify which column in the file corresponds to the grouping factor, if any.

# if you have a CSV file
df <- convertCSV("path-to-your-CSV", "grouping_factor")
# if you have an ExpressionSet or an MSnSet
df <- convertESet(myExpressionSet, "grouping_factor") # or convertESet(myMSnSet, "grouping_factor")
# if you have a SummarizedExperiment
df <- convertSE(mySummarizedExperiment, "grouping_factor")

For more details about the functions, please use ?wpm::<functionName> R command.

Run the WPM

The next step is to run the wrapperWPM function by giving it all the parameters needed:

Suppose you have generated this (toy) dataframe:

# create a MSnSet toy example
sample_names <- c("s1","s2","s3","s4", "s5")
M <- matrix(NA, nrow = 4, ncol = 5)
colnames(M) <- sample_names
rownames(M) <- paste0("id", LETTERS[1:4])
pd <- data.frame(Environment = rep_len(LETTERS[1:3], 5),
                 Category = rep_len(1:2, 5), row.names = sample_names)
rownames(pd) <- colnames(M)
x <- MSnbase::MSnSet(exprs = M,pData =  pd)

# convert it into a dataframe that is valid according to the WPM constraints
df <- convertESet(x, "Environment")
# example without buffer specification
wpm_res <- wrapperWPM(user_df = df,
            plate_dims = list(8,12),
            nb_plates = 1,
            forbidden_wells = "A1,A2,A3",
            fixed_wells = "B1,B2",
            spatial_constraint = "NS")

For more details, see ?wpm::wrapperWPM

Plate map visualization

The final step is to create a visual output of the generated plate plan(s) using the drawMap() function :

drawned_map <- wpm::drawMap(df = wpm_res,
        sample_gps = length(levels(as.factor(pd$Environment))),
        gp_levels = gp_lvl <- levels(as.factor(pd$Environment)),
        plate_lines = 8,
        plate_cols = 12,
        project_title = "my Project Title")


For more details, see ?wpm::drawMap

Using the WPM through a web interface

The WPM is accompanied with a GUI providing the necessary parameters for the application to work. No programming skills are required. Simply run in the console:


If everything is in order, a new window will open in your default browser. If not, find the line written in the R console that looks like Listening on, and paste the URL in your web browser.

WPM has 4 main panels:

Parameters setting

Check the results

The Result panel allows you to look at the final dataset containing the wells chosen for each sample and a plot of your final well-plate map. Dataframe and plots are downloadable separately.

Example of a final dataset:

Example of a final plot (96 well-plate with 80 samples divided into 10 groups):

Pending Features

Citing Our work

Borges, H., Hesse, A. M., Kraut, A., Couté, Y., Brun, V., & Burger, T. (2021). Well Plate Maker: A user-friendly randomized block design application to limit batch effects in largescale biomedical studies. Bioinformatics (link to the publication).

HelBor/wpm documentation built on June 15, 2021, 4:16 p.m.