
# @RdocDocumentation "Non-documented objects"
# % Colors
# @alias colorsToRGB
# @alias getBlue
# @alias getBlue.Colors
# @alias getColorNames
# @alias getCyanMagentaColors
# @alias getGray
# @alias getGreen
# @alias getGreen.Colors
# @alias getHeatColors
# @alias getHSV
# @alias getMonochrome
# @alias getMonochrome.Colors
# @alias getRainbowColors
# @alias getRed
# @alias getRed.Colors
# @alias getRGB
# @alias getRgbFromWavelength
# @alias getRGBorHSV
# @alias getRGBorHSV.Colors
# @alias getTerrainColors
# @alias getTopoColors
# @alias invert
# @alias invert.Colors
# @alias isColorName
# @alias rescale1D
# @alias rescale1D.Colors
# @alias rgbToColors
# @alias toGrayScale
# @alias toGrayScale.Colors
# @alias toMonochrome
# @alias toMonochrome.Colors
# % Device
# @alias bringToTop
# @alias bringToTop.default
# @alias callFunction
# @alias callFunction.Device
# @alias choose
# @alias choose.default
# @alias closeAll
# @alias constructor.Device
# @alias finalize.Device
# @alias getAspectRatio
# @alias getAspectRatio.Device
# @alias getDimensions
# @alias getDimensions.Device
# @alias getMouseClick
# @alias getMouseClick.Device
# @alias getNext
# @alias getOptions
# @alias getParameters
# @alias getPlotParameters
# @alias getPlotParameters.Device
# @alias getPrintPath
# @alias isOpen
# @alias isOpen.default
# @alias new
# @alias new.default
# @alias paste
# @alias paste.default
# @alias plotRegions
# @alias putAuthor
# @alias putAuthor.Device
# @alias putDataset
# @alias putDataset.Device
# @alias putTimestamp
# @alias putTimestamp.Device
# @alias resetOptions
# @alias set
# @alias setOptions
# @alias setPlotParameters
# @alias setPlotParameters.Device
# @alias setPrintPath
# % GifAnimator
# @alias GifAnimator
# @alias as.character.GifAnimator
# @alias clearRecord
# @alias clearRecord.GifAnimator
# @alias combineFrames
# @alias combineFrames.GifAnimator
# @alias finalize.GifAnimator
# @alias findPngDevice
# @alias getCurrentFrame
# @alias getCurrentFrame.GifAnimator
# @alias getCurrentFrameName
# @alias getCurrentFrameName.GifAnimator
# @alias getFrames
# @alias getFrames.GifAnimator
# @alias getPathname
# @alias getPathname.GifAnimator
# @alias getRecordFormat
# @alias getRecordFormat.GifAnimator
# @alias getRecordPath
# @alias getRecordPath.GifAnimator
# @alias isFrameRecorded
# @alias isFrameRecorded.GifAnimator
# @alias recordClose
# @alias recordClose.GifAnimator
# @alias recordCurrent
# @alias recordCurrent.GifAnimator
# @alias recordOpen
# @alias recordOpen.GifAnimator
# @alias reset
# @alias reset.GifAnimator
# @alias seq.GifAnimator
# @alias setRecordPath
# @alias setRecordPath.GifAnimator
# @alias skip
# @alias skip.GifAnimator
# % Plots
# @alias Plots
# @alias getAbundantClosePoints
# @alias getAbundantClosePoints.Plots
# @alias getClosePoints
# @alias plotSymbols
# @alias plotSymbols.Plots
# @alias setStyle
# @alias setStyle.Plots
# @alias subplots
# @alias subplots.default
# @alias subplots.Plots
# \description{
#   This page contains aliases for all "non-documented" objects that 
#   \code{R CMD check} detects in this package. 
#   Almost all of them are \emph{generic} functions that have specific 
#   document for the corresponding method coupled to a specific class. 
#   Other functions are re-defined by \code{setMethodS3()} to 
#   \emph{default} methods. Neither of these two classes are non-documented
#   in reality.
#   The rest are deprecated methods.
# }
# @author
# @keyword internal

# 2005-02-18
# o Created to please R CMD check.
HenrikBengtsson/R.graphics documentation built on May 6, 2019, 11:53 p.m.