Man pages for HenrikBengtsson/R.huge
Methods for Accessing Huge Amounts of Data [deprecated]

000-LB-.FileMatrixGets a subset of elements of a file matrix
000-LB-.FileVectorGets a subset of elements of a file vector
000-LB-LT_-.FileMatrixAssigns values to a subset of elements of a file matrix
000-LB-LT_-.FileVectorAssigns values to a subset of elements of a file vector
AbstractFileArrayClass representing a persistent array stored in a file
as.character.AbstractFileArrayReturns a short string describing the file array
as.character.FileMatrixReturns a short string describing the file matrix
as.matrix.FileMatrixReturns the elements of a file matrix as an R matrix
as.vector.AbstractFileArrayReturns the elements of a file array as an R vector
clone.AbstractFileArrayClones a file array
close.AbstractFileArrayCloses a connection to the data file of the file array
colnames.FileMatrixGets the column names of a file matrix
delete.AbstractFileArrayDeletes the file array from the file system
dim.AbstractFileArrayGets the dimension of the file array
dimnames.AbstractFileArrayGets the dimension names of a file array
FileMatrixClass representing a persistent matrix stored in a file
FileVectorClass representing a persistent vector stored on file
finalize.AbstractFileArrayInternal: Clean up when file array is deallocated from memory
flush.AbstractFileArrayInternal: Flushes the write buffer
getBasename.AbstractFileArrayGets the basename (filename) of the data file
getByRow.FileMatrixChecks if elements are stored row by row or not
getBytesPerCell.AbstractFileArrayGets the number of bytes per element in a file array
getCloneNumber.AbstractFileArrayGets the clone number of the file array
getComments.AbstractFileArrayGets the comments for this file array
getDataOffset.AbstractFileArrayGets file position of the data section in a file array
getDimensionOrder.AbstractFileArrayGets the order of dimension
getExtension.AbstractFileArrayGets the filename extension of the file array
getFileSize.AbstractFileArrayGets the size of the file array
getName.AbstractFileArrayGets the name of the file array
getPath.AbstractFileArrayGets the path (directory) where the data file lives
getPathname.AbstractFileArrayGets the full pathname to the data file
getSizeOfComments.AbstractFileArrayGets the number of bytes the comments occupies
getSizeOfData.AbstractFileArrayGets the size of the data section in bytes
getStorageMode.AbstractFileArrayGets the storage mode of the file array
isOpen.AbstractFileArrayChecks whether the data file of the file array is open or not
length.AbstractFileArrayGets the number of elements in a file array
names.FileVectorGets the element names of a file vector
ncol.FileMatrixGets the number of columns of the matrix
Non-documented_objectsNon-documented objects
nrow.FileMatrixGets the number of rows of the matrix
open.AbstractFileArrayOpens a connection to the data file of the file array
readAllValues.AbstractFileArrayReads all values in the file array
readContiguousValues.AbstractFileArrayReads sets of contiguous values in the file array
readHeader.AbstractFileArrayRead the header of a file array data file
readValues.AbstractFileArrayReads individual values in the file array
R.huge-packagePackage R.huge
rowMeans.FileMatrixCalculates the means for each row
rownames.FileMatrixGets the row names of a file matrix
rowSums.FileMatrixCalculates the sum for each row
setComments.AbstractFileArraySets the comments for this file array
writeAllValues.AbstractFileArrayWrites all values to a file array
writeEmptyData.AbstractFileArrayWrites an empty data section to the data file of a file array
writeHeader.AbstractFileArrayWrites the header of a file array to file
writeValues.AbstractFileArrayWrites values to a file array
HenrikBengtsson/R.huge documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 8:12 a.m.