1._Dictionary | 1. Dictionary |
2._Cell_coordinates_and_cell_indices | 2. Cell coordinates and cell indices |
9._Advanced_-_Cell-index_maps_for_reading_and_writing | 9. Advanced - Cell-index maps for reading and writing |
affxparser-package | Package affxparser |
applyCdfGroupFields | Applies a function to a list of fields of each group in a CDF... |
applyCdfGroups | Applies a function over the groups in a CDF structure |
arrangeCelFilesByChipType | Moves CEL files to subdirectories with names corresponding to... |
cdfAddBaseMmCounts | Adds the number of allele A and allele B mismatching... |
cdfAddPlasqTypes | Adds the PLASQ types for the probes in a CDF structure |
cdfAddProbeOffsets | Adds probe offsets to the groups in a CDF structure |
cdfGetFields | Gets a subset of groups fields in a CDF structure |
cdfGetGroups | Gets a subset of groups in a CDF structure |
cdfGtypeCelToPQ | Function to imitate Affymetrix' gtype_cel_to_pq software |
cdfHeaderToCelHeader | Creates a valid CEL header from a CDF header |
cdfMergeAlleles | Function to join CDF allele A and allele B groups strand by... |
cdfMergeStrands | Function to join CDF groups with the same names |
cdfMergeToQuartets | Function to re-arrange CDF groups values in quartets |
cdfOrderBy | Orders the fields according to the value of another field in... |
cdfOrderColumnsBy | Orders the columns of fields according to the values in a... |
cdfSetDimension | Sets the dimension of an object |
compareCdfs | Compares the contents of two CDF files |
compareCels | Compares the contents of two CEL files |
convertCdf | Converts a CDF into the same CDF but with another format |
convertCel | Converts a CEL into the same CEL but with another format |
copyCel | Copies a CEL file |
createCel | Creates an empty CEL file |
findCdf | Search for CDF files in multiple directories |
findFiles | Finds one or several files in multiple directories |
invertMap | Inverts a read or a write map |
isCelFile | Checks if a file is a CEL file or not |
parseDatHeaderString | Parses a DAT header string |
readBpmap | Parses a Bpmap file |
readCcg | Reads an Affymetrix Command Console Generic (CCG) Data file |
readCcgHeader | Reads an the header of an Affymetrix Command Console Generic... |
readCdf | Parsing a CDF file using Affymetrix Fusion SDK |
readCdfCellIndices | Reads (one-based) cell indices of units (probesets) in an... |
readCdfDataFrame | Reads units (probesets) from an Affymetrix CDF file |
readCdfGroupNames | Reads group names for a set of units (probesets) in an... |
readCdfHeader | Reads the header associated with an Affymetrix CDF file |
readCdfIsPm | Checks if cells in a CDF file are perfect-match probes or not |
readCdfNbrOfCellsPerUnitGroup | Gets the number of cells (probes) that each group of each... |
readCdfQc | Reads the QC units of CDF file |
readCdfUnitNames | Reads unit (probeset) names from an Affymetrix CDF file |
readCdfUnits | Reads units (probesets) from an Affymetrix CDF file |
readCdfUnitsWriteMap | Generates an Affymetrix cell-index write map from a CDF file |
readCel | Reads an Affymetrix CEL file |
readCelHeader | Parsing the header of an Affymetrix CEL file |
readCelIntensities | Reads the intensities contained in several Affymetrix CEL... |
readCelRectangle | Reads a spatial subset of probe-level data from Affymetrix... |
readCelUnits | Reads probe-level data ordered as units (probesets) from one... |
readChp | A function to read Affymetrix CHP files |
readClf | Parsing a CLF file using Affymetrix Fusion SDK |
readClfEnv | Parsing a CLF file using Affymetrix Fusion SDK |
readClfHeader | Read the header of a CLF file. |
readPgf | Parsing a PGF file using Affymetrix Fusion SDK |
readPgfEnv | Parsing a PGF file using Affymetrix Fusion SDK |
readPgfHeader | Read the header of a PGF file into a list. |
updateCel | Updates a CEL file |
updateCelUnits | Updates a CEL file unit by unit |
writeCdf | Creates a binary CDF file |
writeCdfHeader | Writes a CDF header |
writeCdfQcUnits | Writes CDF QC units |
writeCdfUnits | Writes CDF units |
writeCelHeader | Writes a CEL header to a connection |
writeTpmap | Writes BPMAP and TPMAP files |
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