AdditiveCovariatesNormalization: The AdditiveCovariatesNormalization class

AdditiveCovariatesNormalizationR Documentation

The AdditiveCovariatesNormalization class


Package: aroma.affymetrix
Class AdditiveCovariatesNormalization


Directly known subclasses:

public abstract static class AdditiveCovariatesNormalization
extends ChipEffectTransform

This class represents a normalization method that corrects for GC-content effects on copy-number chip-effect estimates.


AdditiveCovariatesNormalization(dataSet=NULL, ..., target=NULL, subsetToFit="-XY",
  shift=0, onMissing=c("median", "ignore"))



A SnpChipEffectSet.


Additional arguments passed to the constructor of ChipEffectTransform.


(Optional) A character string or a function specifying what to normalize toward.


The units from which the normalization curve should be estimated. If NULL, all are considered.


Specifies how to normalize units for which the GC contents are unknown.


An optional amount the data points should be shifted (translated).


For SNPs, the normalization function is estimated based on the total chip effects, i.e. the sum of the allele signals. The normalizing is done by rescale the chip effects on the intensity scale such that the mean of the total chip effects are the same across samples for any given GC content. For allele-specific estimates, both alleles are always rescaled by the same amount. Thus, when normalizing allele-specific chip effects, the total chip effects is change, but not the relative allele signal, e.g. the allele B frequency.

Fields and Methods


getCdf -
process -

Methods inherited from ChipEffectTransform:

Methods inherited from Transform:
getOutputDataSet, getOutputFiles

Methods inherited from AromaTransform:
as.character, findFilesTodo, getAsteriskTags, getExpectedOutputFiles, getExpectedOutputFullnames, getFullName, getInputDataSet, getName, getOutputDataSet, getOutputDataSet0, getOutputFiles, getPath, getRootPath, getTags, isDone, process, setTags

Methods inherited from ParametersInterface:
getParameterSets, getParameters, getParametersAsString

Methods inherited from Object:
$, $<-, [[, [[<-, as.character, attach, attachLocally, clearCache, clearLookupCache, clone, detach, equals, extend, finalize, getEnvironment, getFieldModifier, getFieldModifiers, getFields, getInstantiationTime, getStaticInstance, hasField, hashCode, ll, load, names, objectSize, print, save, asThis


Henrik Bengtsson

HenrikBengtsson/aroma.affymetrix documentation built on Feb. 20, 2024, 9:07 p.m.