
# setwd("./QAP")

# Read in the cosponsorship data (108th Senate)
senlist <- dget("inst/extdata/sennet.txt")
# Extract the adjacency matrix
SenNet <- senlist$net
# Read in vertex-level ideology data
dwnom <- read.csv("inst/extdata/dwnom.csv")

# The covariate-creation operations that follow will be applied
# to each column in dwnom--each of two network covariates

# Create Distance Matrix for homophily
ideoDist <- as.matrix(dist(dwnom[,1]))

# Create Sender covariate
# element ij is i's value
ideoSend <- matrix(dwnom[,1], nrow(dwnom), nrow(dwnom), byrow = FALSE)

# Create Receiver covariate
# element ij is j's value
ideoRec <- matrix(dwnom[,1], nrow(dwnom), nrow(dwnom), byrow = TRUE)

# Create Distance Matrix for homophily using the second dimension of DW-Nominate
ideoDist2 <- as.matrix(dist(dwnom[,2]))

# Create Sender covariate
ideoSend2 <- matrix(dwnom[,2], nrow(dwnom), nrow(dwnom), byrow = FALSE)

# Create Receiver covariate
ideoRec2 <- matrix(dwnom[,2], nrow(dwnom), nrow(dwnom), byrow = TRUE)

# Create the 'graph stack' of covariates
# this is a list object which includes all the covariates
covariates <- list(ideoDist = ideoDist, ideoSend = ideoSend, ideoRec = ideoRec,
	ideoDist2 = ideoDist2, ideoSend2 = ideoSend2, ideoRec2 = ideoRec2)

# Run QAP for contunious outcomes (netlogit is for dichotomous ties)
# First OLS (nullhyp="classical") - this is a way of turning off QAP
# Second QAP
system.time(ols <- netlm(SenNet, covariates, nullhyp = "classical"))

system.time(qap <- netlm(SenNet, covariates, nullhyp = "qap", reps = 100))

resultsOLS <- cbind(summary(ols)[[1]], summary(ols)[[9]], summary(ols)[[10]],

resultsQAP <- cbind(summary(qap)[[1]], summary(qap)[[10]], summary(qap)[[11]],

resultsALL <- cbind(summary(qap)[[1]], summary(ols)[[11]], summary(qap)[[12]])
Hershberger/networksS17 documentation built on May 7, 2019, 4:02 a.m.