fiveBeers5Judges: Five tasters evaluated five beers on dimensions that they had...

fiveBeers5JudgesR Documentation

Five tasters evaluated five beers on dimensions that they had previously chosen. These data can be used to illustrate, for example, Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) or Distatis.


fiveBeers5Judges: Five tasters evaluated five beers on dimensions that they had previously chosen. These data can be used to illustrate, among others, Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA), STATIS, or Distatis.

The judges are named J1 to J5




A list containing one data frame and several vectors:

  • ratings: A 5 by 26 data frame with the original ratings performed using a 5 point Likert rating scale with the beers being rows and the evaluations by the judges being the columns.

  • judgeVector: A vector indicating what judge was rating what variable. A 5 by 26 data frame with

  • Var4Judges: a vector storing the number of variables per judge.

  • namesOfJudges: A vector storing the names of the judges.

  • color4Products: A vector storing the color names for the beers.

  • color4Judges: A vector storing the color names for the judges.


Hervé Abdi


These data were used in a couple of workshops for the SPISE meeting.

HerveAbdi/data4PCCAR documentation built on July 20, 2024, 7:52 a.m.