Man pages for HerveAbdi/data4PCCAR
Some data sets and R-functions for PCA and CA to accompany Abdi & Beaton (to appear, 2023) Principal Component and Correspondence Analysis with R

addArrowsAdd arrows to a factorial map (best with a circle of...
addArrowsAndNamesAdd arrows and names to a factorial graph created by...
addCircleOfCorAdd a Circle of Correlation to a PCA-like map of correlation...
addLines4MCA('ggplot2') add lines to the levels of the qualitative...
alcoholInEuropeThe average consumption of 4 types of alcoholic beverages in...
BinQuantRecode a quantitative variable as a binned factor.
blindSortingWinesWine experts and panelists (blind) sorted red, rosé, and...
Boot4PLSCBootstrap for PLSC.
BootCCABootstrap for Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA).
boot.eigengenerate a bootstrap distribution of eigenvalues for a given...
BR4varMCAComputes pseudo Bootstrap ratios from pseudo-F for variables...
buildRandomImage4PCAMake a random image (with similar PCA loadings) of a matrix...
coloringLabelscreate a vector of color names for the levels of an MCA from...
colorOfMusic12 Children and 10 Adults picked up the color that best...
colorsOfVowels133 (French) participants associated 6 colors to 6 vowels...
compSCompute an SCP matrix with several possible combinations of...
corePCA2corePCA2, authored by Derek Beaton. Cf. package GSVD on...
corrcoef4matCompute the squared correlation and R_V coefficients between...
ctr4VariablesCompute contributions (or squared cosines) for (qualitatitve)...
data4PCCARA collection of data sets and R-functions to illustrate and...
deadInTheUSAThe causes of death as a function of age in the USA in 2001.
dimensionsOfDepressionThe similarity of 15 psychometric instruments measuring...
eigCAA bare-bone function to compute the eigen-values (and if...
eigCA4MultinomSample from a multinomial distribution (with a given...
epGPCA2epGPCA2, authored by Derek Beaton. Cf. package GSVD on...
epOutputHandlerepOutputHandler, authored by Derek Beaton. Cf. package GSVD...
epVariVarimax rotation on loadings and factor scores.
fastBoot4CA'fastBoot4CA': create for a Correspondence Analysis (CA) a...
fastPerm4CAPermutation test for CA on real contingency tables obtained...
firstposensures that the first element of all the columns of one/two...
firstpos4ExPoMakes positive the first value of factor scores and singular...
fiveBeers5JudgesFive tasters evaluated five beers on dimensions that they had...
fiveBeersHedonicsFive tasters evaluated how much they liked (using a 10 point...
fiveWines4Rotation5 wines are described by sensory and chemistry variables.
foodInFranceHow much typical French families spent on different types of...
foodOfTheWorld26 world cuisines are described by their cooking ingredients.
genPDQ2genPDQ2, authored by Derek Beaton. Cf. package GSVD on...
getBiplotCoorCompute the biplot coordinates of variables for a PCA...
getImportantCtrGet the items with important contributions for a factorial...
getRandomFSgenerate multivariate random observations (i.e., factor...
getVarNamesGet the names of variables from the levels of the columns in...
graduatingInUSANumber of University Graduates in the USA from 1966 to 2001.
grapes-pow-grapespower, authored by Derek Beaton. Cf. package GSVD on GitHub,...
gsvdGSVD, authored by Derek Beaton. Cf. package GSVD on GitHub,...
is.diagMatTest if an object is a diagonal matrix
is.diagonal.matrixis.diagonal.matrix, authored by Derek Beaton. Cf. package...
isDiagonal.matrixsqrt.mat, authored by Derek Beaton. Cf. ExPosition CRAN
is.empty.matrixis.empty.matrix, authored by Derek Beaton. Cf. package GSVD...
is.identical.matrixis.identical.matrix, authored by Derek Beaton. Cf. package...
is.identity.matrixis.identity.matrix, authored by Derek Beaton. Cf. package...
malinvaudQ4CA.permCompute the Malinvaud/Saporta test for the omnibus and...
matrix.exponentmatrix.exponent, authored by Derek Beaton. Cf. package GSVD...
mentalImageryOSIQ(simulated) results of 2,100 participants answering a Likert...
monteCarlo.eigenMonte Carlo generation of (random) eigenvalues to match a...
multinomCV4CACompute the permuted and bootstrapped eigenvalues of the...
nameExpositionResultsadd dimension names to the results from 'ExPosition' or...
normaliznormalize and send back a matrix normalized by column (i.e.,...
perm4CCAPermutation for canonical correlation analysis (CCA); as...
perm4PLSCPermutation for PLSC (as implemented in...
phi2CTA fast function to compute the phi2 for a Contingency table.
phi2Mat4BurtTableCompute the phi2 (correlation) matrix for data tables...
PLS4jackin PLS regression (PLSR) compute a supplementary projection...
PLSR_SVDPLS regression (PLSR) using the Singular Value Decomposition...
print.alcoholInEUChange the print function for the data set: 'alcoholInEU' #'...
print.blindSortingWinesChange the print function for the data set:...
print.bootBrick.ijChange the print function for class bootBrick.ij
print.bootBrick.ij4plscChange the print function for class bootBrick.ij4plsc
print.bootBrick.ij.eig4plscChange the print function for class bootBrick.ij.eig4plsc
print.bootEigenChange the print function for the class 'bootEigen'.
print.colorsOfVowelsChange the print function for the data set: 'colorsOfVowels'
print.coor4biplotChange the print function for coor4biplot
print.ctr12Change the print function for objects of class 'ctr12'
print.deadUSAChange the print function for the data set: 'deadUSA'
print.dimDepressionChange the print function for the data set: 'dimDepression'...
print.epGPCA2Change the print function for the data set: 'foodOfTheWorld'
print.epVariChange the print function for createFactorMap
print.epVariSup.iChange the print function for epVariSup.i
print.epVariSup.jChange the print function for epVariSup.j
print.fiveBeers5JudgesChange the print function for the data set:...
print.fiveBeersRankChange the print function for the data set: 'fiveBeersRank'...
print.fiveWines4RotationChange the print function for the data set:...
print.foodInFranceChange the print function for the data set: 'foodInFrance' #'...
print.foodOfTheWorldChange the print function for the data set: 'foodOfTheWorld'
print.graduatingUSAChange the print function for the data set: 'graduatingUSA'...
print.Inference4CAChange the print function for Inference4CA
print.OSIQChange the print function for the data set: 'OSIQ' #' Change...
print.perm4CAChange the print function for perm4CA class
print.perm4PLSCChange the print function for 'perm4PLSC' class
print.PLSR_SVDprint function for 'print.PLSR_SVD'
print.randEigenChange the print function for the class 'randEigen'.
print.sixAuthorsChange the print function for the data set: 'sixAuthors' #'...
print.sixBeers12DescriptorsChange the print function for the data set:...
print.sixFacesChange the print function for the data set: 'sixFaces'
print.sixteenGumsChange the print function for the data set: 'sixteenGums' #'...
print.str_colorsOfMusicChange the print function for the data set:...
print.supElementsPLSChange the print function for supElementsPLS
print.supVar4PLSCChange the print function for supVar4PLSC
print.twentyWinesChange the print function for the data set: 'twentyWines' #'...
print.wines3ColorsChange the print function for the data set: 'winesOf3Colors'...
projSupplementaryObservations4PLSCCompute latent variables / factor scores for supplementary...
recode2IntegerRecode a vector of real values to integers matching a given...
renormInertiaExPoRenorm the output of an 'ExPosition analysis'.
scale0center and normalize a vector to 1 or to (N - 1)
sixAuthorsPunctuatedThe punctuation used by six classical French Writers
sixBeers12Descriptors10JudgesTen tasters evaluated the intensity of twelve descriptors for...
sixFacesThe pictures of six faces (3 men and 3 women). To be used to...
sixteenGums4Descriptorsthe average data from ten tasters who evaluated the intensity...
sqrt.matsqrt.mat, authored by Derek Beaton. Cf. ExPosition CRAN
supplementary4VariCompute the projection of supplementary elements (rows or...
supplementaryObservations4PLSCcompute the latent variables for supplementary observations...
supplementaryObservations4PLSCAcompute the latent variables for supplementary observations...
supplementaryVariables4PLSCProject supplementary variables (columns) for a PLSC analysis...
supplementaryVariables4PLSCAProject supplementary variables (columns) for a PLSCA...
sv2Compute the squared singular values of a matrix.
tepCCAA 'TExPosition'-type version of Canonical Correlation...
tepRAA 'TExPosition'-type version of Redundancy Analysis...
theme_ptca2A 'ggplot2' theme that matches the defaults of the factorial...
tolerance.svdtolerance.svd, authored by Derek Beaton. Cf. package GSVD on...
twentyWines20 red wines (10 French, 10 American) were rated by an expert...
winesOf3Colors36 plus 1 wines are evaluated on several dimensions organized...
HerveAbdi/data4PCCAR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2022, 4:19 p.m.