get_location_std: get_location_std

View source: R/get_country.R

get_location_stdR Documentation



get a standardized name for a vector of locations. This will identify most likely matched to the inputted names used a variety of tools and methods. This should be used when the data likely have locations that are not only countries (i.e., some sub-countries like England or Dubai)


get_location_std(location, ref_locations = NULL)



vector of location names


vector of reference locations to match to. If left NULL, will search location names included in package


# Get Standardized Name for Location #' @name get_location_std #' @title get_location_std #' @description get a standardized name for a vector of locations. This will identify most likely matched #' to the inputted names used a variety of tools and methods. This should be used when the data likely have #' locations that are not only countries (i.e., some sub-countries like England or Dubai) #' @param location vector of location names #' @return vector of names for each location. These can then be used to identify other characteristics of the location #' @export get_location_std <- function(location)

location <- standardize_location_strings(location)

# just check the unique countries to speed it up location_all <- location location <- unique(location) location_indexes <- match(location_all, location)

# # First try to match the country using get_iso and get_country_name_std loc_stds <- get_country_name_std(location)

# If not completely successful, try using "match_locs_level2" function if (sum( != 0) locs_need_match <- match_attempt2 <- as.character(lapply( X = location[locs_need_match], FUN = function(X) as.character(match_locs_level2(X)) )) # fill in new matches loc_stds[locs_need_match] <- match_attempt2 return(loc_stds[location_indexes])

## JK : Turn this into an actual examples block probably # # Example # data('test_mixed_names',package='globaltoolboxlite') # get_iso(country=test_mixed_names)


vector of names for each location. These can then be used to identify other characteristics of the location

HopkinsIDD/globaltoolboxlite documentation built on Jan. 12, 2024, 5:49 a.m.