
Defines functions get_country_code get_UNcode_from_ISO3 get_UNcode get_iso2_from_ISO3 get_iso3_from_ISO2 get_country_name_ISO2 get_country_name_ISO3 get_city_std get_location_std get_country_name_std get_iso match_city match_locations match_locs_level2 match_country

Documented in get_city_std get_country_code get_country_name_ISO2 get_country_name_ISO3 get_country_name_std get_iso get_iso2_from_ISO3 get_iso3_from_ISO2 get_location_std get_UNcode get_UNcode_from_ISO3 match_city match_country match_locations match_locs_level2

# Get and Use ISO COdes

#' @name match_country
#' @title match_country
#' @description use stringdist to get best match for country name
#' @param a country name to match
#' @param return_ISO TRUE/FALSE
#' @param return_country_name TRUE/FALSE
#' @param return_score TRUE/FALSE
#' @param return_score_matrix TRUE/FALSE
#' @return ISOs, country names, matching scores, full matching distance matrix
#' @export
match_country <- function(a, #country_names=country_names,

  if(length(a) > 1 | length(a) == 0){
    stop("ERROR: 'a' can only be of length 1")

  # Load needed data
  data('country_names', package = 'globaltoolboxlite')

  a <- tolower(a)
  a <- stringr::str_replace_all(a, "[[:punct:]]", "") # remove all punctuation
  b <- tolower(country_names$names)

  methods <- c(
  dists <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(b), ncol = length(methods),
                                dimnames = list(b, methods)))
  for (j in 1:length(methods)){
    dists[, j]  <- suppressWarnings(
      stringdist::stringdist(a, b, method = methods[j])
  dists$score_sums <- rowSums(dists)
  dists$osa <- as.integer(dists$osa)

  best_ <- NULL
  # get best from results
  if (any(dists$osa <= 1)){
    best_ <- which.min(dists$score_sums)
  } else if (any(dists$jw <= .1)){
    best_ <- which.min(dists$score_sums)
  } else if (any(dists$osa <= 3 & dists$jw <= 0.31 & dists$soundex == 0)){
    best_ <- which(dists$osa <= 3 & dists$jw <= 0.31 & dists$soundex == 0)

  if (length(best_) == 0 & !return_score_matrix){
  } else if (length(best_) == 0 & return_score_matrix){
  if (length(best_ > 1)){
    iso <- paste(country_names$ISO3[best_], collapse = ", ")
    country <- paste(country_names$Name[best_], collapse = ", ")
    score_sum <- paste(dists$score_sums[best_], collapse = ", ")
  } else {
    iso <- country_names$ISO3[best_]
    country <- country_names$Name[best_]
    score_sum <- dists$score_sums[best_]

  res <- data.frame(iso = iso, country = country, score_sum = score_sum)
  return(res[, which(c(return_ISO, return_country_name, return_score))])

## JK : Turn this into an actual examples block probably
# # Example
# data('test_country_names',package='globaltoolboxlite')
# test_country_name <- sample(test_country_names, 1)
# print(test_country_name)
# match_country(a=test_country_name, country_names=country_names, return_ISO=FALSE,
#                    return_country_name=TRUE, return_score=FALSE, return_score_matrix=FALSE)
# sapply(X=test_country_names, FUN=match_country, country_names=country_names, return_ISO=FALSE,
#         return_country_name=TRUE, return_score=FALSE, return_score_matrix=FALSE)

#' @name match_locs_level2
#' @title match_locs_level2
#' @description use stringdist to get best match for country name, if not official country
#' @param a location name to match
#' @param names locations_lvl2 df loaded with the package
#' @param return_ISO3 TRUE/FALSE
#' @param return_name TRUE/FALSE return standardized name
#' @param return_Code TRUE/FALSE
#' @param return_score TRUE/FALSE
#' @param return_score_matrix TRUE/FALSE
#' @return ISOs, country names, matching scores, full matching distance matrix
#' @export
match_locs_level2 <- function(a,
                              names = NULL,
                              return_score_matrix=FALSE) {

  if (is.null(names)){
    data('locations_lvl2', package = 'globaltoolboxlite')
    names <- locations_lvl2

  if(length(a) > 1 | length(a) == 0){
    stop("ERROR: 'a' can only be of length 1")

  a <- tolower(a)
  a <- stringr::str_replace_all(a, "[[:punct:]]", "") # remove all punctuation
  b <- tolower(names$Name)

  methods <- c(
  dists <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(b), ncol = length(methods),
                                dimnames = list(b, methods)))
  for (j in 1:length(methods)){
    dists[, j]  <-
      suppressWarnings(stringdist::stringdist(a, b, method = methods[j]))
  dists$score_sums <- rowSums(dists)
  dists$osa <- as.integer(dists$osa)

  best_ <- NULL
  # get best from results
  if (any(dists$osa <= 1)){
    best_ <- which.min(dists$score_sums)
  } else if (any(dists$jw <= .1)){
    best_ <- which.min(dists$score_sums)
  } else if (any(dists$osa <= 3 & dists$jw <= 0.31 & dists$soundex == 0)){
    best_ <- which(dists$osa <= 3 & dists$jw <= 0.31 & dists$soundex == 0)

  if (length(best_) == 0 & !return_score_matrix){
  } else if (length(best_) == 0 & return_score_matrix){
  if (length(best_ > 1)){
    iso <- paste(names$ISO3[best_], collapse = ", ")
    code <- paste(names$Code[best_], collapse = ", ")
    name <- paste(names$Name[best_], collapse = ", ")
    score_sum <- paste(dists$score_sums[best_], collapse = ", ")
  } else {
    iso <- names$ISO3[best_]
    code <- names$Code[best_]
    name <- names$Name[best_]
    score_sum <- dists$score_sums[best_]

  res <- data.frame(code = code, iso = iso, name = name, score_sum = score_sum)
  return(res[, c(return_Code, return_ISO3, return_name, return_score)])

#' @name match_locs_level2
#' @title match_locs_level2
#' @description use stringdist to get best match for country name, if not official country
#' @param a location name to match
#' @param names location names to match against
#' @param return_Code TRUE/FALSE
#' @param return_name TRUE/FALSE return standardized name
#' @param return_score TRUE/FALSE
#' @param return_score_matrix TRUE/FALSE
#' @return ISOs, country names, matching scores, full matching distance matrix
#' @export
match_locations <- function(
  if (is.null(names)){
    stop("Need to supply vector to 'names_standard' to match against.")
  if(length(a) > 1 | length(a) == 0){
    stop("ERROR: 'a' can only be of length 1")

  a <- standardize_location_strings(a)
  b <- standardize_location_strings(names)
  methods <- c(
  dists <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(b), ncol = length(methods),
                                dimnames = list(b, methods)))
  for (j in 1:length(methods)){
    dists[, j]  <-
      suppressWarnings(stringdist::stringdist(a, b, method = methods[j]))
  dists$score_sums <- rowSums(dists)
  dists$osa <- as.integer(dists$osa)
  best_ <- NULL
  # get best from results
  if (any(dists$osa <= 1)){
    best_ <- which.min(dists$score_sums)
  } else if (any(dists$jw <= .1)){
    best_ <- which.min(dists$score_sums)
  } else if (any(dists$osa <= 3 & dists$jw <= 0.31 & dists$soundex == 0)){
    best_ <- which(dists$osa <= 3 & dists$jw <= 0.31 & dists$soundex == 0)
  if (length(best_) == 0 & !return_score_matrix){
  } else if (length(best_) == 0 & return_score_matrix){
  if (length(best_ > 1)){
    name <- paste(names[best_], collapse = ", ")
    score_sum <- paste(dists$score_sums[best_], collapse = ", ")
  } else {
    name <- names[best_]
    score_sum <- dists$score_sums[best_]
  res <- data.frame(name = name, score_sum = score_sum)
  return(res[, c(return_name, return_score)])

#' @name match_city
#' @title match_city
#' @description use stringdist to get best match for city name
#' @param a location name to match
#' @param return_ISO3 TRUE/FALSE
#' @param return_name TRUE/FALSE return standardized name
#' @param return_score TRUE/FALSE
#' @param return_score_matrix TRUE/FALSE
#' @return ISOs, city names, matching scores, full matching distance matrix
#' @export
match_city <- function(a,
  if(length(a) > 1 | length(a) == 0){
    stop("ERROR: 'a' can only be of length 1")

  # load the data
  data('city_data', package = 'globaltoolboxlite')

  a <- tolower(a)
  a <- stringr::str_replace_all(a, "[[:punct:]]", "") # remove all punctuation
  b <- tolower(city_data$city_ascii)

  methods <- c("osa",
  dists <- as.data.frame(matrix(
      nrow = length(b),
      ncol = length(methods),
      dimnames = list(b, methods)
  for (j in 1:length(methods)){
    dists[, j]  <-
      suppressWarnings(stringdist::stringdist(a, b, method = methods[j]))
  dists$score_sums <- rowSums(dists)
  dists$osa <- as.integer(dists$osa)

  best_ <- NULL
  # get best from results
  if (any(dists$osa <= 1)){
    best_ <- which.min(dists$score_sums)
  } else if (any(dists$jw <= .1)){
    best_ <- which.min(dists$score_sums)
  } else if (any(dists$osa <= 3 & dists$jw <= 0.31 & dists$soundex == 0)){
    best_ <- which(dists$osa <= 3 & dists$jw <= 0.31 & dists$soundex == 0)

  if (length(best_) == 0 & !return_score_matrix){
  } else if (length(best_) == 0 & return_score_matrix){
  if (length(best_ > 1)){
    iso <- paste(city_data$ISO3[best_], collapse = ", ")
    name <- paste(city_data$city_ascii[best_], collapse = ", ")
    score_sum <-
      paste(city_data$score_sums[best_], collapse = ", ")
  } else {
    iso <- city_data$ISO3[best_]
    name <- city_data$city_ascii[best_]
    score_sum <- city_data$score_sums[best_]

  res <- data.frame(iso = iso, name = name, score_sum = score_sum)
  return(res[, c(return_ISO3, return_name, return_score)])

# Get_Iso3 from Country Name
#' @name get_iso
#' @title get_iso
#' @description get the official ISO for a vector of countries. This will identify most likely matched
#' to the inputted country names used a variety of tools and methods.
#' @param country vector of country names
#' @return vector of ISOs for each country. These can then be used to identify other characteristics of the country
#' @export
get_iso <- function(country){

  country <- tolower(country)

  # just check the unique countries to speed it up
  country_all <- country
  country <- unique(country)
  country_indexes <- match(country_all, country)

  # First try "countrycode" package
  ISO <- suppressWarnings(
    countrycode::countrycode(country, 'country.name', 'iso3c')

  # If not completely successful, try using "match_country" function
  if (sum(is.na(ISO)) != 0){
    isos_need_match <- is.na(ISO)
    match_attempt2 <- as.character(lapply(
      X = country[isos_need_match],
      FUN = function(X){
    # fill in new matches
    ISO[isos_need_match] <- match_attempt2

## JK : Turn this into an actual examples block probably
# # Example
# data('test_country_names',package='globaltoolboxlite')
# get_iso(country=test_country_names)

# Get Standardized Country Name from Country Name
#' @name get_country_name_std
#' @title get_country_name_std
#' @description Standard country name.
#' @param country vector of country names
#' @return vector of country names matching each country. These can then be used to identify other characteristics of the country
#' @export
get_country_name_std <- function(country){
  iso3 <- get_iso(country)
  # Get Country using ISO3
    country_codes$Country[match(toupper(iso3), country_codes$ISO3)]

## JK : Turn this into an actual examples block probably
# # Example
# data('test_country_names',package='globaltoolboxlite')
# get_country_name_std(country=test_country_names)

#' # Get Standardized Name for Location
#' #' @name get_location_std
#' #' @title get_location_std
#' #' @description get a standardized name for a vector of locations. This will identify most likely matched
#' #' to the inputted names used a variety of tools and methods. This should be used when the data likely have
#' #' locations that are not only countries (i.e., some sub-countries like England or Dubai)
#' #' @param location vector of location names
#' #' @return vector of names for each location. These can then be used to identify other characteristics of the location
#' #' @export
#' get_location_std <- function(location){
#'   location <- standardize_location_strings(location)
#'   # just check the unique countries to speed it up
#'   location_all <- location
#'   location <- unique(location)
#'   location_indexes <- match(location_all, location)
#'   # # First try to match the country using get_iso and get_country_name_std
#'   loc_stds <- get_country_name_std(location)
#'   # If not completely successful, try using "match_locs_level2" function
#'   if (sum(is.na(loc_stds)) != 0){
#'     locs_need_match <- is.na(loc_stds)
#'     match_attempt2 <- as.character(lapply(
#'       X = location[locs_need_match],
#'       FUN = function(X){
#'         as.character(match_locs_level2(X))
#'       }
#'     ))
#'     # fill in new matches
#'     loc_stds[locs_need_match] <- match_attempt2
#'   }
#'   return(loc_stds[location_indexes])
#' }
#' ## JK : Turn this into an actual examples block probably
#' # # Example
#' # data('test_mixed_names',package='globaltoolboxlite')
#' # get_iso(country=test_mixed_names)

# Get Standardized Name for inputted set of locations
#' @name get_location_std
#' @title get_location_std
#' @description get a standardized name for a vector of locations. This will identify most likely matched
#' to the inputted names used a variety of tools and methods. This should be used when the data likely have
#' locations that are not only countries (i.e., some sub-countries like England or Dubai)
#' @param location vector of location names
#' @param ref_locations vector of reference locations to match to. If left NULL, will search location names included in package
#' @return vector of names for each location. These can then be used to identify other characteristics of the location
#' @export
get_location_std <- function(location, ref_locations=NULL){
  location <- standardize_location_strings(location)
  # just check the unique countries to speed it up
  location_all <- location
  location <- unique(location)
  location_indexes <- match(location_all, location)
  # if no reference locations provided, search names included in package
  if (is.null(ref_locations)){
    # # First try to match the country using get_iso and get_country_name_std
    loc_stds <- get_country_name_std(location)
    # If not completely successful, try using "match_locs_level2" function
    if (sum(is.na(loc_stds)) != 0){
      locs_need_match <- is.na(loc_stds)
      match_attempt2 <- as.character(lapply(
        X = location[locs_need_match],
        FUN = function(X){
      # fill in new matches
      loc_stds[locs_need_match] <- match_attempt2
  # If reference locations included, try to match against them
  } else {
    loc_stds <- as.character(lapply(
        X = location,
        FUN = function(X){
          as.character(match_locations(a=X, names=ref_locations))

## JK : Turn this into an actual examples block probably
# # Example
# data('test_mixed_names',package='globaltoolboxlite')
# get_iso(country=test_mixed_names)

# Get Standardized Name for City
#' @name get_city_std
#' @title get_city_std
#' @description get a standardized name for a vector of Cities. This will identify most likely matched
#' to the inputted names used a variety of tools and methods.
#' @param location vector of city names
#' @return vector of names for each location. These can then be used to identify other characteristics of the location
#' @export
get_city_std <- function(location){

  ## JK : Seems like a place to use standardize_location_strings
  location <- tolower(location)

  # just check the unique countries to speed it up
  location_all <- location
  location <- unique(location)
  location_indexes <- match(location_all, location)

    loc_stds <- as.character(lapply(
      X = location,
      FUN = function(X){

  # If not completely successful, try using "match_locs_level2" function
  if (sum(is.na(ISO)) != 0){
    locs_need_match <- is.na(loc_stds)
    match_attempt2 <- as.character(lapply(
      X = location[locs_need_match],
      FUN = function(X){
    # fill in new matches
    loc_stds[locs_need_match] <- match_attempt2

# # Example
# data('test_city_names',package='globaltoolboxlite')
# get_city_std(location=test_city_names)

# Get Standardized Country Name from ISO3
#' @name get_country_name_ISO3
#' @title get_country_name_ISO3
#' @description Standard country name from ISO3.
#' @param country vector of ISO3s
#' @return vector of country names matching each ISO. These can then be used to identify other characteristics of the country
#' @export
get_country_name_ISO3 <- function(ISO){
    data('country_codes', package = 'globaltoolboxlite')
        country_codes$Country[match(toupper(ISO), country_codes$ISO3)]

# Get Standardized Country Name from ISO2
#' @name get_country_name_ISO2
#' @title get_country_name_ISO2
#' @description Standard country name from ISO2.
#' @param ISO2 vector of ISO2s
#' @return vector of country names matching ISO2. These can then be used to identify other characteristics of the country
#' @export
get_country_name_ISO2 <- function(ISO2){
  data('country_codes', package = 'globaltoolboxlite')
    country_codes$Country[match(toupper(ISO2), country_codes$ISO2)]

# Get_Iso3 from ISO2
#' @name get_iso3_from_ISO2
#' @title get_iso3_from_ISO2
#' @description ISO3 from ISO2.
#' @param ISO2 vector of ISO2s
#' @return vector of ISO3s matching each ISO2 These can then be used to identify other characteristics of the country
#' @export
get_iso3_from_ISO2 <- function(ISO2){
  data('country_codes', package = 'globaltoolboxlite')
    country_codes$ISO3[match(toupper(ISO2), country_codes$ISO2)]

# Get_Iso2 from ISO3
#' @name get_iso2_from_ISO3
#' @title get_iso2_from_ISO3
#' @description ISO2 from ISO3.
#' @param ISO3 vector of ISO3s
#' @return vector of ISO2s matching each ISO3.
#' @export
get_iso2_from_ISO3 <- function(ISO3){
  data('country_codes', package = 'globaltoolboxlite')
    country_codes$ISO2[match(toupper(ISO3), country_codes$ISO3)]

# Get UN code from Country
#' @name get_UNcode
#' @title get_UNcode
#' @description UN code from country
#' @param country vector of country names
#' @return vector of UN codes matching each country.
#' @export
get_UNcode <- function(country){
  iso <- get_iso(country)
  data('country_codes', package = 'globaltoolboxlite')
    country_codes$UNcode[match(toupper(iso), country_codes$ISO3)]

# Get UN code from ISO3
#' @name get_UNcode_from_ISO3
#' @title get_UNcode_from_ISO3
#' @description UN code from ISO3
#' @param ISO3 vector of ISO3
#' @return vector of UN codes matching each ISO3
#' @export
get_UNcode_from_ISO3 <- function(ISO3){
  data('country_codes', package = 'globaltoolboxlite')
    country_codes$UNcode[match(toupper(ISO3), country_codes$ISO3)]

# get_country_DHScode <- function(DHS_code){
#   return(as.character(dhs_countrydata$CountryName[match(toupper(DHS_code), toupper(dhs_countrydata$DHS_CountryCode))]))
# }

# Get various country codes from Country Name
#' @name get_country_code
#' @title get_country_code
#' @description various country codes from country names
#' @param country vector of countries
#' @param code vector of code types wanted (Includes: "FIFA", "IOC", "ISO2", "UNcode", "MARC", "GAUL", "FIPS", "WMO",
#'                 "ITU", "DS", "M49", "Continent", "TLD", "Geoname.ID", "EDGAR")
#' @return vector of codes matching each country
#' @export
get_country_code <- function(country,
  iso3 <- get_iso(country)
  data('country_codes', package = 'globaltoolboxlite')

  # Get code using ISO3
  code_columns <- match(toupper(code), toupper(colnames(country_codes)))
    country_codes[code_columns, match(toupper(iso3), country_codes$ISO3)]

# Get_Iso from nationality
# # Get_Iso3 from Country Name
# get_iso.from.nationality <- function(nationality, ISO.only=T){
#   nationality <- tolower(nationality)
#   if (length(iso.row.tmp)==1){
#     if (ISO.only){
#       return(as.character(iso_data$ISO3[iso.row.tmp]))
#     } else{
#       return(as.vector(iso_data$ISO3[iso.row.tmp]))
#     }
#   } else if (length(iso.row.tmp==0)){
#     #print('ISO Not Found')
#     return('ISO Not Found')
#   } else if (length(iso.row.tmp>1)){
#     #print(paste0(length(iso.row.tmp),' ISO matches found for ', country))
#     return(paste0(length(iso.row.tmp),' ISO matches found for ', country))
#   }
# }

# iso_match_fun <- function(country){
#   iso.row.tmp <- which(country==tolower(iso_data$Country) | country==tolower(iso_data$Country2))
#   if (length(iso.row.tmp)==0){
#     iso.row.tmp <- unique(c(grep(country, tolower(iso_data$Country)), grep(country, tolower(iso_data$Country2))))
#   }
#   # Try matching individual words
#   country2 <- gsub(' {2,}',' ',country)
#   length.country <- length(strsplit(country2,' ')[[1]])
#   country2 <- gsub('\\(', '', country2) # Get rid of parentheses
#   country2 <- gsub('\\)', '', country2) # Get rid of parentheses
#   if (length(iso.row.tmp)==0 & length.country>1){
#     country.words <- strsplit(country2,' ')[[1]]
#     matches <- lapply(country.words, grep, tolower(iso_data$Country)) # match each word of the country name with words in the iso data
#     match.row <- Reduce(intersect, matches)  # The match row is identified as the one for which matches of multiple word occurs (intersect)
#     if (length(match.row)>0){
#       iso.row.tmp <- match.row
#     } else if (length(match.row)==0 & sum(unlist(matches))>0) {
#       iso.row.tmp <- as.integer(matches[which.min(lengths(matches))])  # Match row is the one with the least matches
#     }
#   }
#   if (length(iso.row.tmp)==1){
#     if (ISO.only){
#       return(as.character(iso_data$ISO3[iso.row.tmp]))
#     } else{
#       return(as.vector(iso_data$ISO3[iso.row.tmp]))
#     }
#   } else if (length(iso.row.tmp==0)){
#     #print('ISO Not Found')
#     return('ISO Not Found')
#   } else if (length(iso.row.tmp>1)){
#     #print(paste0(length(iso.row.tmp),' ISO matches found for ', country))
#     return(paste0(length(iso.row.tmp),' ISO matches found for ', country))
#   }
# }
HopkinsIDD/globaltoolboxlite documentation built on Jan. 12, 2024, 5:49 a.m.