Estimating the Survival Function for Discharge

Based on this article.

#surv_data <- readRDS(file = "../data/ed_ex.rds")
#surv_data <- readRDS(file = "../../cw-data/cw_ip_spells.rds")
#surv_data <- readRDS(file = "../../lgt-data/data-out/spell_table_lgt_20190816_b704e260_ms.rds")
surv_data <- readRDS(file = "../../cw-data/spell_table_cw_20190827_38ba2c47.rds")

spec_dir_mapping <- readr::read_csv("../data/SPECIALTY_HCPmap.csv")
surv_data <- surv_data %>% dplyr::left_join(spec_dir_mapping, by = c("main_specialty_start" = "spec_name"))

surv_data <- surv_data %>% filter(admission_method_type == "Emergency Admissions",
                                  !(age_band_start %in% c("1-4 yrs", "5-9 yrs", "10-14 yrs")),
                                  directorate == "Medical"#,
                                  #main_specialty_start %in% c("ACUTE INTERNAL MEDICINE", "GENERAL MEDICINE")
                                  ) %>%
  mutate(start_datetime = initial_ed_end_datetime, end_datetime = spell_end,
         age_band_start = forcats::fct_drop(age_band_start))
surv_data <- surv_data %>% mutate(los = difftime(end_datetime, start_datetime), adm_wd = weekdays(start_datetime)) %>% filter(!
units(surv_data$los) <- "hours"
clean_surv_data <- surv_data %>% filter(! & los >= 0 & end_datetime < lubridate::ymd_hm('2017-09-01 00:00'))

obsLen <- 365*24 # length of observation time (censoring time = end of study)
clean_surv_data <- clean_surv_data %>% mutate(eventT = los,
                                              obsT = pmin(eventT, obsLen),
                                              status = eventT <= obsLen,
                                              gender = dplyr::if_else(gender == "Male", 1, 0),
                                              adm_calmonth = as.factor(format(start_datetime, "%b")),
                                              adm_daytime = dplyr::if_else(dplyr::between(lubridate::hour(start_datetime), 8, 16), 1, 0))
# eventT <- clean_surv_data %>% pull(los)
# adm_wd <- clean_surv_data %>% pull(adm_wd)
# obsT   <- pmin(eventT, obsLen)  # observed censored event times
# status <- eventT <= obsLen     # has event occured?

dfSurv <- clean_surv_data %>% select(eventT, obsT, status)
dfSurv2 <- clean_surv_data %>% select(spell_number, eventT, obsT, status,
                                      adm_wd, adm_calmonth, gender, age_band_start,
                                      start_datetime, end_datetime, adm_daytime)
ggplot(dfSurv, aes(eventT)) + stat_ecdf(geom = "step") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n=12), limits = c(0, 30L*24L)) +
  ggtitle("Cumulative time since arrival distribution") +
  xlab("Time from arrival (t)") + ylab("F(t)") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = obsLen, colour = "blue") #+
  #geom_vline(xintercept = 4, colour = "green", linetype = "longdash")
KM0 <- survfit(Surv(obsT, status) ~ 1,  type="kaplan-meier", conf.type="log", data=dfSurv)
KM1 <- survfit(Surv(obsT, status) ~ adm_wd,  type="kaplan-meier", conf.type="log", data=dfSurv2)
autoplot(KM1) + ggtitle(expression(paste("Kaplan-Meier estimate ", hat(S)(t), " with CI"))) +
  xlab("Time from arrival (t)") + ylab(expression(paste(hat(S)(t), ": % remaining in hospital"))) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = obsLen, colour = "blue") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n=12), limits = c(0, 30L*24L))
S_function <- make_survival_function(KM0)

cond_S_function <- function(t0, t1, S_function) {

ggplot(data.frame(x=c(0,30L*24L)), aes(x)) +
  stat_function(fun = S_function, geom = "line", aes(colour = "S(x)")) +
  stat_function(fun = function(x) cond_S_function(1L*24L, x, S_function),
                geom = "line", aes(colour = "S(x|t0 = 1 day)")) +
  stat_function(fun = function(x) cond_S_function(2L*24L, x, S_function),
                geom = "line", aes(colour = "S(x|t0 = 2 days)")) +
  stat_function(fun = function(x) cond_S_function(4L*24L, x, S_function),
                geom = "line", aes(colour = "S(x|t0 = 4 days)")) +
  stat_function(fun = function(x) cond_S_function(7L*24L, x, S_function),
                geom = "line", aes(colour = "S(x|t0 = 7 days)")) +
  stat_function(fun = function(x) cond_S_function(14L*24L, x, S_function),
                geom = "line", aes(colour = "S(x|t0 = 14 days)")) +
  ggtitle("Probability of remaining in hospital after time t1, given in hospital after time t0") +
  xlab("Time from arrival (t) hours") + ylab("Probability still in hospital at time t") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 30L*24L, by = 24L), limits = c(0, 30L*24L)) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = obsLen, colour = "blue") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

Next we should estimate the variability of this for typical medical population e.g. 180 medical pts. H: with full info can predict e.g. 3day horizon given 2day; but not for e.g. 100days.

Estimating distribution of residual occupancy

So lets say we have 30 (or 300) patients who have been in hospital already for (random exponentially distributed) times (in hours):

times_in_hospital_1 <- floor(rexp(30, 1/51.6))
times_in_hospital_2 <- floor(rexp(300, 1/51.6))

Now use the survival function from above to estimate the probability each patient will still be in after a further 48 hours.

probabilities_still_in_48h_1 <- get_discharge_probability(times_in_hospital_1, S_function, 48)
probabilities_still_in_48h_2 <- get_discharge_probability(times_in_hospital_2, S_function, 48)

These are the parameters of individual bernoulli trials, the sum of which yields a Poisson Binomial distribution. It is possible to calculate this distribution via the discrete Fourier transform of the following vector:

p1 <- probabilities_still_in_48h_1
x1 <- (1/(length(p1)+1)) * get_poisson_binomial_characteristic_values(p1)
p2 <- probabilities_still_in_48h_2
x2 <- (1/(length(p2)+1)) * get_poisson_binomial_characteristic_values(p2)

The Poisson Binomial distribution mass function is now given by (for the sample of 30):

pb_dist1 <- fft(x1)
pb_dist1 <- tibble::tibble(prob = Re(pb_dist1)) %>% tibble::rowid_to_column("k") %>% mutate(k = k-1)
expected_k1 <- pb_dist1 %>% dplyr::mutate(prod = prob*k) %>%
  summarise(expectation = sum(prod)) %>% pull(expectation)
ggplot(data = pb_dist1, aes(x = k, y = prob)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + geom_vline(xintercept = expected_k1, colour = "green")

The Poisson Binomial distribution mass function is now given by (for the sample of 300):

pb_dist2 <- fft(x2)
pb_dist2 <- tibble::tibble(prob = Re(pb_dist2)) %>% tibble::rowid_to_column("k") %>% mutate(k = k-1)
expected_k2 <- pb_dist2 %>% dplyr::mutate(prod = prob*k) %>%
  summarise(expectation = sum(prod)) %>% pull(expectation)
ggplot(data = pb_dist2, aes(x = k, y = prob)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + geom_vline(xintercept = expected_k2, colour = "green")

Next step is to write a function to run this on patients actually in hospital/ward at a specified time t.

T1 <- strptime("2017-07-01 12:00:00", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "Europe/London")
ipss1 <- get_inpatient_snapshot(df = surv_data, t = T1) %>% filter(!

ipss1 <- ipss1 %>% mutate(prob_here_48h = get_discharge_probability(stay_duration, S_function, 48))

x_vect1 <- (1/(nrow(ipss1)+1)) * get_poisson_binomial_characteristic_values(ipss1 %>% pull(prob_here_48h))

pb_dist_T1 <- fft(x_vect1)
pb_dist_T1 <- tibble::tibble(prob = Re(pb_dist_T1)) %>% tibble::rowid_to_column("k") %>% mutate(k = k-1)
expected_k_T1 <- pb_dist_T1 %>% dplyr::mutate(prod = prob*k) %>%
  summarise(expectation = sum(prod)) %>% pull(expectation)
ggplot(data = pb_dist_T1, aes(x = k, y = prob)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + geom_vline(xintercept = expected_k_T1, colour = "green")

Now let's see how accurate that prediction is

ipss1_48h <- get_inpatient_snapshot(df = surv_data, t = T1 + 48*60*60) %>% mutate(residual = spell_number %in% ipss1$spell_number)
residual_T1 <- ipss1_48h %>% filter(residual == TRUE) %>% nrow()
paste("Predicted residual occupancy: ", expected_k_T1, ". Actual residual occupancy: ", residual_T1)
paste("Error: ", expected_k_T1 - residual_T1, ". Relative error: ", (expected_k_T1 - residual_T1)/residual_T1)

Note this is still using the full survival function from the whole data - in reality this could only be calculated from data prior to T1.

For now let's carry on and hack together a means of getting the prediction for a range of times, to get a better feel for the distribution of error.

Predicting Residual Occupancy

predict_residual_occupancy(df = surv_data, t = T1, S_function = S_function, delta_t = 48)
get_residual_occupancy(df = surv_data, t = T1, delta_t = 48)

dates <- seq(lubridate::ymd_hm('2017-01-01 12:00', tz = "Europe/London"), lubridate::ymd_hm('2017-07-31 12:00', tz = "Europe/London"), by = '1 day')

model_output <- run_S_func_model(df = surv_data, S_func = S_function, date_seq = dates)


The errors clearly show (as expected) the effect of weekends on this model - this naive model does not take into account any weekend effect.

Next steps will be to generalise the model to include this weekly effect.

Using predictions from Cox PH Model

CM1 <- coxph(Surv(obsT, status) ~ adm_wd, data = dfSurv2)
KM1S <- survfit(CM1, newdata = data.frame(adm_wd = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

step_funs <- lapply(c(1:7), function(x) {make_survival_function(KM1S[,x])})
names(step_funs) <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")
ipss <- get_inpatient_snapshot(df = dfSurv2, t = T1) %>% filter(!
newdata1 <- ipss %>% select(obsT = stay_duration, adm_wd) %>% mutate(status = TRUE)
newdata1d <- newdata1 %>% mutate(obsT = obsT + 48)
CM1_prediction_1 <- predict(CM1, newdata = newdata1, type = "expected")
CM1_prediction_2 <- predict(CM1, newdata = newdata1d, type = "expected")
prob_here_48h_CM1 <- exp(-CM1_prediction_2)/exp(-CM1_prediction_1)

predictions_CM1 <- cbind(ipss, CM1_pred_prob = prob_here_48h_CM1)

# Now lets embed that into predict_residual_occupancy

predict_residual_occupancy(df = dfSurv2, t = T1, delta_t = 48,
                                         coxmodel = "Surv(obsT, status) ~ adm_wd")
get_residual_occupancy(df = dfSurv2, t = T1, delta_t = 48)
model_output_CM <- run_S_func_model(df = dfSurv2, coxmodel = "Surv(obsT, status) ~ adm_wd",
                                                  date_seq = dates)

CM2 <- coxph(Surv(obsT, status) ~ adm_wd + adm_daytime + adm_calmonth + gender + age_band_start, data = dfSurv2)
newdata2 <- ipss %>% select(obsT = stay_duration, adm_wd, adm_daytime, adm_calmonth, gender, age_band_start) %>% mutate(status = TRUE)
newdata2d <- newdata2 %>% mutate(obsT = obsT + 48)
CM2_prediction_1 <- predict(CM2, newdata = newdata2, type = "expected")
CM2_prediction_2 <- predict(CM2, newdata = newdata2d, type = "expected")
prob_here_48h_CM2 <- exp(-CM2_prediction_2)/exp(-CM2_prediction_1)

model_output_CM2 <- run_S_func_model(df = dfSurv2,
                                                   coxmodel = "Surv(obsT, status) ~ adm_wd + adm_daytime + adm_calmonth + gender + age_band_start",
                                                  date_seq = dates)

naive_preds <- model_output_CM2$predictions %>% dplyr::select(dates, actual)

naive_preds <- naive_preds %>% dplyr::mutate(predicted = dplyr::lag(actual, 2)) %>% dplyr::filter(!

naive_preds <- naive_preds %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(error = predicted - actual, rel_error = error/actual,
                abs_error = abs(error), abs_rel_error = abs(rel_error))

prediction_comparison <- naive_preds %>% select(dates, predicted, actual) %>% gather(key = "type", value = "residual_occ", predicted, actual)
comp_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = prediction_comparison, mapping = aes(dates, residual_occ)) + ggplot2::geom_point(aes(group = type, colour = type)) + geom_line(aes(group = type, colour = type)) + ggtitle("Residual occupancy: predictions versus actual") +
  xlab("Date of prediction") + ylab("Residual occupancy")

err_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = naive_preds, mapping = aes(dates, error)) + ggplot2::geom_point() + geom_line() + ggtitle("Residual occupancy: errors in predictions versus actual") +
  xlab("Date of prediction") + ylab("Error")

rel_err_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = naive_preds, mapping = aes(dates, rel_error)) + ggplot2::geom_point() + geom_line() + ggtitle("Residual occupancy: relative errors in predictions versus actual") +
  xlab("Date of prediction") + ylab("Relative Error")


AAU - more consistency 7 day Downstream - much less so - could assume no weekend discharges?

General framework above does work to deploy and evaluate these models. However would be better to use the structure of e.g. caret!

This includes: 1. A structure to better represent (conditional) survival functions 2. A function or function template for calculating these survival functions from (a specified, and eventually possibly rolling, "training" subset of) the data 3. A function for applying these survival functions to the data at a given point in time to yield a delta-t horizon prediction for residual occupancy 4. A function or functions to evaluate these predictions across a "test" range

Idea: can I use the newdata argument of survfit to provide the actual covariates of snapshot data, to get a) S(t1 | covs) and b) S(t0 | covs), then compute their ratio to get the probability of still being in? If so this saves a lot of machinery in e.g. predict_residual_occupancy. - This is essentially what the Cox model approach above is doing.

Evaluation by occupancy "zones" - ROC? Time series - esp. for delta on the predictions v v v Busy ED/AAU : ?more admissions Visualise to see the prediction before the effect Time since prev adm- Existence of certain diagnoses previuos: chest pain, asthma, overdose, falls, found on floor, hf copd, dka Prb of overfull given predicted residual occupancy + distrib of expected admits over 48hrs...

?incorporate lou's data?

HorridTom/hospitalflow documentation built on June 14, 2022, noon