
Defines functions pensionAge AgePension AverageWorkingLifeIncome average_working_life_income BalanceAfterRealLevelPayments IncomeTax RealPensionLevel showOutputt Listo ReplacementRate SuperBalanceViaPachinko age_pension showOutput SuperBalanceAtRetirement

Documented in age_pension AgePension average_working_life_income AverageWorkingLifeIncome BalanceAfterRealLevelPayments IncomeTax RealPensionLevel ReplacementRate SuperBalanceAtRetirement SuperBalanceViaPachinko

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# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

#' @title Age pension of singles.
#' @name AgePension
#' @description Value of age pension (for singles only).
#' @param assets Assessable assets.
#' @param income Assessable income.
#' @param age Age (integer).
#' @param year Year of entitlement.
#' @param homeOwner Is the person a home-owner?
#' @param sinRaMax Maximum fortnightly entitlement to rent-assistance for singles.
#' @param sinMaxRate Pension maximum base rate, per fortnight, for singles.
#' @param sinAssHomeThr Assets threshold for single home-owners.
#' @param sinAssNonHomeThr Assets threshold for singles who don't own a home.
#' @param pensAssTpr Taper rate for assets test.
#' @param sinIncThr Income threshold for income test.
#' @param sinSupTot Pension supplement, total amount, per fortnight for a single.
#' @param sinSupMin Pension supplement, minimum amount, per fortnight for a single.
#' @export AgePension age_pension

pensionAge <- function(year) {
    .Call('_CRIMpp_pensionAge', PACKAGE = 'CRIMpp', year)

AgePension <- function(assets, income, homeOwner, age, year, sinRaMax = 129.4, sinMaxRate = 788.4, sinAssHomeThr = 202000, sinAssNonHomeThr = 348500, pensAssTpr = 0.015, sinIncThr = 162, pensIncTpr = 0.50, sinSupTot = 14.1, sinSupMin = 14.1, sinCesMax = 14.1) {
    .Call('_CRIMpp_AgePension', PACKAGE = 'CRIMpp', assets, income, homeOwner, age, year, sinRaMax, sinMaxRate, sinAssHomeThr, sinAssNonHomeThr, pensAssTpr, sinIncThr, pensIncTpr, sinSupTot, sinSupMin, sinCesMax)

#' @title Working Life Income
#' @description Working life income is an income.
#' @name AverageWorkingLifeIncome
#' @param prop_of_AWOTE_start_year The proportion of AWOTE of the subject in the \code{starting_year}.
#' @param wage_method 'Constant prop AWOTE'.
#' @param deflator What deflator should be used?
#' @param scope Entire?
#' @param starting_age The age at which the model begins. Set to 30 by default, rather than a younger age
#'   to account for time out of the workforce.
#' @param retirement_age Retirement age.
#' @param AWOTE_in_starting_year The salary in starting year.
#' @param short_run_wage_growth A vector of wage indices.
#' @param long_run_wage_growth,long_run_cpi_growth Rate of wage/CPI growth beyond short_run_wage_growth.
#' @param starting_year The year to begin. Used for determining superannuation guarantee.
#' @param verbose Report intermediate calculations.
#' @export AverageWorkingLifeIncome average_working_life_income
AverageWorkingLifeIncome <- function(prop_of_AWOTE_start_year = 1, wage_method = "Constant prop AWOTE", deflator = "wage", scope = "entire", starting_age = 30L, retirement_age = 70L, AWOTE_in_starting_year = 78200.00, short_run_wage_growth = as.numeric( c(0.0225, 0.0250, 0.0275, 0.0325, 0.0350)), long_run_wage_growth = 0.0404, long_run_cpi_growth = 0.025, starting_year = 2016L, verbose = FALSE) {
    .Call('_CRIMpp_AverageWorkingLifeIncome', PACKAGE = 'CRIMpp', prop_of_AWOTE_start_year, wage_method, deflator, scope, starting_age, retirement_age, AWOTE_in_starting_year, short_run_wage_growth, long_run_wage_growth, long_run_cpi_growth, starting_year, verbose)

#' @rdname AverageWorkingLifeIncome
#' @details \code{average_working_life_income} is a vectorized version of \code{AverageWorkingLifeIncome}.
average_working_life_income <- function(prop_of_AWOTE_start_year = 1L, wage_method = "Constant prop AWOTE", deflator = "wage", scope = "entire", starting_age = 30L, retirement_age = 70L, AWOTE_in_starting_year = 78200.00, short_run_wage_growth = as.numeric( c(0.0225, 0.0250, 0.0275, 0.0325, 0.0350)), long_run_wage_growth = 0.0404, long_run_cpi_growth = 0.025, starting_year = 2016L, verbose = FALSE) {
    .Call('_CRIMpp_average_working_life_income', PACKAGE = 'CRIMpp', prop_of_AWOTE_start_year, wage_method, deflator, scope, starting_age, retirement_age, AWOTE_in_starting_year, short_run_wage_growth, long_run_wage_growth, long_run_cpi_growth, starting_year, verbose)

#' @title Balance after n real level payments
#' @name BalanceAfterRealLevelPayments
#' @description Super balance after level payments.
#' @param nominal_payment An integer representing the payment (in nominal terms with respect to \code{balance}).
#' @param n Number of periods (years).
#' @param balance The super balance prior to retirement.
#' @param r_earnings The rate of earnings growth.
#' @param cpi The rate of CPI growth.
#' @param inArrears (logical) Are the payments made at the end of 12 months (\emph{i.e.} after the balance has grown)?
#' @export

BalanceAfterRealLevelPayments <- function(nominal_payment, n, balance, r_earnings, cpi, inArrears) {
    .Call('_CRIMpp_BalanceAfterRealLevelPayments', PACKAGE = 'CRIMpp', nominal_payment, n, balance, r_earnings, cpi, inArrears)

#' @title Income tax
#' @description Income tax for a single worker.
#' @param income The persons's income.
#' @param thresholds Income tax brackets
#' @param rates Marginal tax rates.
#' @name IncomeTax
#' @export IncomeTax

IncomeTax <- function(income, thresholds = as.numeric( c(0, 18200, 37000, 87000, 180000)), rates = as.numeric( c(0, 0.19, 0.325, 0.370, 0.450)), litoThr = 37000, litoMax = 445, litoTaper = 0.015, saptoThr = 32279, saptoMax = 2230, saptoTaper = 0.1250, medLevyRate = 0.02, medLevyThr = 20542, medLevyShade = 0.10, sapto_eligible = FALSE) {
    .Call('_CRIMpp_IncomeTax', PACKAGE = 'CRIMpp', income, thresholds, rates, litoThr, litoMax, litoTaper, saptoThr, saptoMax, saptoTaper, medLevyRate, medLevyThr, medLevyShade, sapto_eligible)

#' @title Real level of pension payments giving starting retirement conditions
#' @name RealPensionLevel
#' @description The value of a cpi-adjusted pension in nominal terms.
#' @param n The number of periods.
#' @param balance The balance at retirement.
#' @param r_earnings The rate of earnings growth (\code{r_earnings = 0.065} means 6.5\%).
#' @param cpi The rate of CPI.
#' @param inArrears Are the payments paid in arrears (\emph{i.e.} before the balance has grown through \code{r_earnings}.)
#' @export

RealPensionLevel <- function(n, balance, r_earnings, cpi, inArrears) {
    .Call('_CRIMpp_RealPensionLevel', PACKAGE = 'CRIMpp', n, balance, r_earnings, cpi, inArrears)

showOutputt <- function(z, x) {
    invisible(.Call('_CRIMpp_showOutputt', PACKAGE = 'CRIMpp', z, x))

Listo <- function(adjusted_income, contributions, threshold, max_listo) {
    .Call('_CRIMpp_Listo', PACKAGE = 'CRIMpp', adjusted_income, contributions, threshold, max_listo)

#' @title Replacement rate
#' @name ReplacementRate
#' @description Replacement rate.
#' @param starting_age (Default: 30) The age in the first year of the model. Integer.
#' @param retirement_age (Default: 70) Retirement age for the model. Integer.
#' @param wage_method Constant proportion of AWOTE.
#' @param starting_salary The AWOTE for the starting year.
#' @param homeowner Is the person a home-owner?
#' @param house_value What is the value of the home owned by the person?
#' @param death_age Age of death.
#' @param start_fy_ending Year ending of the financial year at the start of the model.
#' @param SG_rate_method Rate of determining the super guarantee.
#' @param drawDownMethod Method of draw down.
#' @param minDrawDown6474,minDrawDown7579,minDrawDown8084,minDrawDown8589,minDrawDown9094,minDrawDown9599 Minimum draw-down rates for the given ages.
#' @param short_run_wage_growth Vector of rates of wage growth for the first five years.
#' @param long_run_wage_growth,long_run_cpi_growth Rate of wage/cpi growth beyond five years.
#' @param initial_super_balance Super balance in first year.
#' @param apply_pretax_cap Should the pre-tax cap be applied?
#' @param super_acct_fixed_fee The fixed fee for the person's super account.
#' @param contributions_tax_rate Rate of contributions tax.
#' @param asset_earnings_accumulation Rate of asset growth in the accumulation phase.
#' @param earnings_tax_accumulation Rate of tax on earnings in the accumulation phase.
#' @param asset_earnings_pension Rate of asset growth in the pension phase.
#' @param earnings_tax_pension Rate of tax on earnings in the pension phase.
#' @param div293_threshold Threshold for Division 293 phase.
#' @param verbose Report progress and internal calculations yearly.
#' @export ReplacementRate
ReplacementRate <- function(starting_age = 30L, retirement_age = 70L, wage_method = "Constant prop AWOTE", starting_salary = 78200, homeowner = TRUE, house_value = 250000, death_age = 92L, start_fy_ending = 2016L, SG_rate_method = "Legislated", drawDownMethod = "Min draw down", minDrawDown6474 = as.numeric( c(0.040, 0.040, 0.040, 0.040, 0.040, 0.040, 0.040, 0.040, 0.040, 0.040)), minDrawDown7579 = as.numeric( c(0.050, 0.050, 0.050, 0.050, 0.050)), minDrawDown8084 = as.numeric( c(0.060, 0.060, 0.060, 0.060, 0.060)), minDrawDown8589 = as.numeric( c(0.070, 0.070, 0.070, 0.070, 0.070)), minDrawDown9094 = as.numeric( c(0.080, 0.080, 0.080, 0.080, 0.080)), minDrawDown9599 = as.numeric( c(0.110, 0.110, 0.110, 0.110, 0.110)), short_run_wage_growth = as.numeric( c(0.0225, 0.0250, 0.0275, 0.0325, 0.0350)), long_run_wage_growth = 0.0404, long_run_cpi_growth = 0.025, initial_super_balance = 0.0, apply_pretax_cap = FALSE, super_acct_fixed_fee = 320.0, contributions_tax_rate = 0.15, asset_earnings_accumulation = 0.0650, earnings_tax_accumulation = 0.15, asset_earnings_pension = 0.0550, earnings_tax_pension = 0.0, div293_threshold = 250000, verbose = FALSE) {
    .Call('_CRIMpp_ReplacementRate', PACKAGE = 'CRIMpp', starting_age, retirement_age, wage_method, starting_salary, homeowner, house_value, death_age, start_fy_ending, SG_rate_method, drawDownMethod, minDrawDown6474, minDrawDown7579, minDrawDown8084, minDrawDown8589, minDrawDown9094, minDrawDown9599, short_run_wage_growth, long_run_wage_growth, long_run_cpi_growth, initial_super_balance, apply_pretax_cap, super_acct_fixed_fee, contributions_tax_rate, asset_earnings_accumulation, earnings_tax_accumulation, asset_earnings_pension, earnings_tax_pension, div293_threshold, verbose)

#' @title Balance via Pachinko
#' @name SuperBalanceViaPachinko
#' @description Balance of super via a machine.
#' @param age Age of individual (will be rounded down to nearest 5).
#' @param percentile Income percentile.
#' @param starting_year Year of initial.
#' @param retirement_age Age at retirement.
#' @param AWOTE_prop Proportion of AWOTE.
#' @export SuperBalanceViaPachinko

SuperBalanceViaPachinko <- function(age, percentile, starting_year = 2016L, retirement_age = 70L, death_age = 92L, short_run_wage_index = as.numeric( c(0.0225, 0.0250, 0.0275, 0.0325, 0.0350)), long_run_wage_index = 0.0404, long_term_CPI = 0.0250, contribution_tax = 0.15, asset_earnings_accumulation = 0.0650, earnings_tax_accumulation = 0.15, asset_earnings_pension = 0.0550, earnings_tax_pension = 0.0, taxable_earnings = 0.53, super_account_fee_2015 = 320.0) {
    .Call('_CRIMpp_SuperBalanceViaPachinko', PACKAGE = 'CRIMpp', age, percentile, starting_year, retirement_age, death_age, short_run_wage_index, long_run_wage_index, long_term_CPI, contribution_tax, asset_earnings_accumulation, earnings_tax_accumulation, asset_earnings_pension, earnings_tax_pension, taxable_earnings, super_account_fee_2015)

#' @title Vectorized age pension
#' @description This function is the same \code{\link{AgePension}} but vectorized. Perversely it should be faster than linear.
#' @param Assets Vector of assets.
#' @param Income Vector of income.
#' @param HomeOwner Vector of home-owner.
#' @param Age Vector of ages.
#' @param Year Vector of years
#' @details \code{age_pension} is a vectorized version of \code{\link{AgePension}}.
age_pension <- function(Assets, Income, HomeOwner, Age, Year) {
    .Call('_CRIMpp_age_pension', PACKAGE = 'CRIMpp', Assets, Income, HomeOwner, Age, Year)

#' @title Average income in retirement
#' @name SuperBalanceAtRetirement
#' @description Average income in retirement.
#' @param AWOTE_prop Proportion of AWOTE.
#' @export SuperBalanceAtRetirement

showOutput <- function(x) {
    invisible(.Call('_CRIMpp_showOutput', PACKAGE = 'CRIMpp', x))

SuperBalanceAtRetirement <- function(AWOTE_starting_year = 78200, start_balance = 0, deflator = "CPI", starting_age = 30L, starting_year = 2016L, retirement_age = 70L, death_age = 92L, short_run_wage_index = as.numeric( c(0.0225, 0.0250, 0.0275, 0.0325, 0.0350)), long_run_wage_index = 0.0404, long_term_CPI = 0.0250, contribution_tax = 0.15, asset_earnings_accumulation = 0.0650, earnings_tax_accumulation = 0.15, asset_earnings_pension = 0.0550, earnings_tax_pension = 0.0, taxable_earnings = 0.53, super_account_fee_2015 = 320.0) {
    .Call('_CRIMpp_SuperBalanceAtRetirement', PACKAGE = 'CRIMpp', AWOTE_starting_year, start_balance, deflator, starting_age, starting_year, retirement_age, death_age, short_run_wage_index, long_run_wage_index, long_term_CPI, contribution_tax, asset_earnings_accumulation, earnings_tax_accumulation, asset_earnings_pension, earnings_tax_pension, taxable_earnings, super_account_fee_2015)
HughParsonage/CRIMpp documentation built on May 7, 2019, 4:03 a.m.