
#' Trusts Table 1 2013-14
#' @description Selected variables of trusts, 2013-14.
#' @format A data frame of 4100 observations and 5 columns
#' \describe{
#' \item{Superheading}{Grouping of \code{Selected_items}.}
#' \item{Selected_items}{The variable for the \code{fy_year}.}
#' \item{fy_year}{The financial year to which the Count and Sum apply.}
#' \item{Count}{The number of nonzero observations. \code{NA} means the observation was not recorded for that financial year.}
#' \item{Sum}{The sum of the \code{Selected_item} for that \code{fy_year}.}
#' }

HughParsonage/taxstats documentation built on Nov. 15, 2019, 1:36 p.m.