
Defines functions climatic_extremes

Documented in climatic_extremes

#' Calculate extremes from climatic data
#' @description \code{climatic_extremes} returns a data table displaying the minimum and/or maximum
#' values for elements in a given time period. This can be provided by station.
#' @inheritParams climatic_summary
#' @param max_val \code{logical(1)} If \code{TRUE} the extreme maximum is calculated.
#' @param min_val \code{logical(1)} If \code{TRUE} the extreme minimum is calculated.
#' @return A summary data frame containing minimum/maximum values for element(s).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Run example for a subset of the data
#' daily_niger_1 <- daily_niger %>% dplyr::filter(year > 1970)
#' # create a data frame displaying the min and max values for tmin/tmax for each day and station
#' climatic_extremes(data = daily_niger_1, date_time = "date", elements = c("tmin", "tmax"),
#'                   max_val = TRUE, min_val = TRUE,
#'                   station = "station_name", na_rm = TRUE)

climatic_extremes <- function(data, date_time, elements, station = NULL,
                              year = NULL, month = NULL, dekad = NULL, 
                              pentad = NULL,
                              to = c("hourly", "daily", "pentad", "dekadal", 
                                     "monthly", "annual-within-year", 
                                     "annual", "longterm-monthly", 
                                     "longterm-within-year", "station",
                              by = NULL,
                              doy = NULL, doy_first = 1, doy_last = 366, 
                              max_val = TRUE, min_val = FALSE,
                              first_date = FALSE, n_dates = FALSE, last_date = FALSE,
                              na_rm = FALSE,
                              na_prop = NULL, na_n = NULL, na_consec = NULL, 
                              na_n_non = NULL, 
                              names = "{.fn}_{.col}") {
  summaries <- c()
  if (max_val) summaries <- c(max = "max")
  if (min_val) summaries <- c(summaries, min = "min")
  climatic_summary(data = data, date_time = date_time, station = station, 
                   elements = elements, year = year, month = month, 
                   dekad = dekad, pentad = pentad,
                   to = to, by = by, doy = doy, 
                   doy_first = doy_first, doy_last = doy_last, 
                   summaries = summaries, na_rm = na_rm,
                   na_prop = na_prop, na_n = na_n, na_consec = na_consec, 
                   na_n_non = na_n_non,
                   first_date = first_date, n_dates = n_dates, 
                   last_date = last_date, names = names)
IDEMSInternational/cdms.products documentation built on July 7, 2023, 10:13 a.m.