Spec1rProcpar: Spec1rProcpar

Spec1rProcparR Documentation



Initialize Parameter Lists by the default ones




An object of class list of length 33.


  • DEBUG : Debug - defaut value = TRUE

  • LOGFILE : Messages output file - default value = ""

  • VENDOR : Instrumental origin of the raw data (bruker, varian, jeol, rs2d) - default value = 'bruker'

  • READ_RAW_ONLY : Read raw file only; do not carry out processing; raw file is depending on INPUT_SIGNAL - default value = FALSE

  • INPUT_SIGNAL : What type of input signal: 'fid' or '1r' - default value = 'fid'

  • PDATA_DIR : subdirectory containing the 1r file (bruker's format only) - default value = 'pdata/1'

  • LB : Exponantial Line Broadening parameter - default value = 0.3

  • GB : Gaussian Line Broadening parameter - default value = 0

  • REMLFREQ : Remove low frequencies by applying a polynomial subtraction method. - default order of the model = 0

  • REVPPM : Reverse ppm scale - default value = FALSE

  • BLPHC : Number of points for baseline smoothing during phasing - default value = 50

  • KSIG : Number of times the noise signal to be considered during phasing - default value = 6

  • CPMG : Indicate if CPMG sequence - default value = FALSE

  • ZEROFILLING : Zero Filling - - default value = FALSE

  • ZFFAC : Max factor for Zero Filling - default value = 4

  • LINEBROADENING : Line Broading - default value = TRUE

  • TSP : PPM referencing - default value = FALSE

  • RABOT : Zeroing of Negative Values - default value = FALSE

  • OPTPHC0 : Zero order phase optimization - default value = TRUE

  • OPTPHC1 : First order phase optimization - default value = FALSE

  • OPTCRIT1 : Criterium for phasing optimization (1 for SSpos, 2 for SSneg, 3 for Entropy - default value = 2

  • JGD_INNER : JEOL : internal (or external) estimation for Group Delay - default value = TRUE

INRA/Rnmr1D documentation built on July 31, 2024, 9:15 a.m.