Project Status: WIP - Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. CRAN_Status_Badge Travis-CI Build Status AppVeyor Build Status


This package is in the early stages of development

The goal of IQSSdevtools is to makes it easy to initialize and compile an R software package that complies with the IQSS Best Practices for Software Development and Sustainability (IBPSDS).

The package will contain the following functions:

IQSS Best Practices for R Language Software Development and Sustainability

init_iqss_package initializes a skeleton package that allows you to begin to implement the IQSS Best Practices for Software Development and Sustainability.



IQSSdevtools is in the early stages of development and is not yet on CRAN.

To install the development version using devtools:


install_github('hadley/pkgdown') # Not currently on CRAN


To initialize a new package called mypkg use:


init_iqss_package(path = 'mypkg',
                    description = list("Title" = "A Test IQSS Package")

To check the extent to which a package follows the best practices:

## Surveying IQSSdevtools. . .
## * checking documentation . . .
## * checking license . . .
## * checking version control . . .
## * checking tests . . .
##  ---- running CRAN check ----
##  ---- calculating test coverage ----
## Survey results for IQSSdevtools:
## ---------------------------------------
## Documentation:
##   readme: yes
##   roxygen: yes
##   news: yes
##   bugreports: yes
##   vignettes: yes
##   website:
##     openscholar: no
##     pkgdown_website: no
## License:
##   gpl3_license: yes
## Version_Control:
##   git: yes
##   github: yes
## Testing:
##   uses_testthat: no
##   uses_travis: yes
##   uses_appveyor: yes
##   build_check:
##     build_check_completed: yes
##     no_check_warnings: yes
##     no_check_errors: yes
##     no_check_notes: no
##   test_coverage: 0
## Background:
##   package_name: IQSSdevtools
##   package_version:
##   package_language: R
##   package_commit_sha: dcae5a1a5d5fc6515ab978c67fc73f661060479a
##   iqss_bestpractices_version:
##   iqssdevtools_version:
##   check_time: 2017-04-05 09:48:08
## Saving results into .iqss_reportcard.yml
## * Adding .iqss_reportcard.yml to .Rbuildignore

Relationship with devtools

IQSSdevtools largely builds on the devtools package. It wraps many of the devtools functions based on the Best Practices. As such, feel free to use any devtools function when developing your package to add additional elements/run specific functions.

IQSS/IQSSdevtools documentation built on May 8, 2019, 10:54 a.m.