Man pages for IQSS/PSI-Library
Differentially Private Statistical Releases for Privacy Preservation

amsweepSweep operator
binaryTreeFunction to evaluate a binary tree
bootHistBootstrap replication for histogram
bootMeanBootstrap mean function
bootstrapReplicationBootstrap replication for a function
censorDataCensoring data
censorData1DHelper function to censor data
checkAccuracyUtility function for checking that accuracy is acceptably...
checkAccuracyValsCheck validity of accuracyVals
checkDeltaCheck delta parameter
checkEmptyChecks if input n has NULL or NA value. Errors if emptyOkay...
checkEpsilonEpsilon Parameter Check
checkEpsilonDistCheck validity of epsilonDist
checkHistogramNBinsCheck histogram bins argument
checkHistogramVariableTypeCheck the histogram variable type entered by the user
checkImputationBinsError check imputation bins for logical, factor, or character...
checkImputationRangeError check imputation range for numeric or integer variables
checkLengthCheck if input xs has length n
checkNCheck validity of n
checkN1DHelper function for helpN
checkNumericHelper function that generates error message if non-numeric...
checkNumeric1DCheck if input n is numeric. Generally errors if n not...
checkNValidityCheck validity of n
checkRangeRange Parameter Check
checkRange1DOne-Dimensional Range Parameter Check
checkVariableTypeChecking variable types
coefficientReleaseRelease additional model coefficients from DP covariance...
covarLower triangle of covariance matrix
covarianceFormatReleaseFunction to convert unique private covariances into symmetric...
covariancePostLinearRegressionFunction to perform linear regression using private release...
covarianceSensitivityFunction to get the sensitivity of the lower triangle of the...
createfieldsCreate plot fields
createJSONFunction to create JSON file defining differentially private...
determineBinsDetermine Bins
determineMechanismDetermine Mechanism
dLapProbability density for Laplace distribution
dpCovariance-classDifferentially private covariance matrix
dpGLM-classDifferentially private generalized linear models
dpHistogram-classDifferentially private histogram
dpLogitDifferentially private objective function for Logistic...
dpMean-classDifferentially private mean
dpMeanPostProcessPost-processing on differentially private mean, called within...
dpMeanReleaseDifferentially private mean release
dpNoiseDifferentially Private Noise Generator
dpOLSDifferentially private objective function for linear...
dpPoissonDifferentially private objective function for Poisson...
dpTree-classDifferentially private binary tree
dpUnifDifferentially Private Uniform Draw
dpVariance-classDifferentially private variance
dpVariancePostProcessPost-processing on differentially private variance, called...
dpVarianceReleaseDifferentially private variance release
estAboveFunction to estimate the nodes of a tree using noisy parent...
estBelowFunction to estimate the nodes of a tree using noisy child...
estBottomUpFunction to estimate a noisy binary tree from the terminal...
estEfficientFunction to efficiently estimate the nodes of a tree using...
estEfficientlyFunction to estimate a noisy binary tree efficiently using...
estTopDownFunction to estimate a noisy binary tree from the top down
extractIndicesExtract regression indices
fillfieldsFill in any fields available from release
fillMissingFill missing values
fillMissing1DHelper function for fillMissing; fills missing values in...
fillMissing2DHelper function for fillMissing. Fills missing values...
getFuncArgsExtract function arguments
glmGetAccuracyAccuracy of the differentially private GLM
glmGetParametersPrivacy parameters for GLM
glmObjectivesObjective functions
glmPostSummarySummary statistics for differentially private GLM via the...
histogramCategoricalBinsUtility function to include NA level for categorical types...
histogramGetAccuracyHistogram accuracy
histogramGetCIHistogram confidence intervals
histogramGetEpsilonHistogram epsilon
histogramGetJSONJSON doc for histogram
histogramPostHerfindahlHistogram Herfindahl Index
isVectorChecks if input value is an atomic vector (rather than a...
laplaceGetAccuracyGet accuracy for Laplace statistics
laplaceGetEpsilonGet epsilon for Laplace statistics
Laplace-MechanismLaplace Mechanism
linearRegLinear regression on covariance matrix
lowerTriangleSizeSize of the lower triangle of the covariance matrix that will...
makeDummiesFunction to convert factor variables to binary indicators
makeLogicalLogical variable check
mapMatrixUnitFunction to map rows of a numeric matrix to the unit ball
matrixToListHelper function that converts a matrix to a list, s.t. each...
meanGetCIMean confidence interval
meanGetJSONJSON doc for mean
meanPostHistogramPostprocessed histogram for logical variables
meanPostMedianPostprocessed median for logical variables
meanPostStandardDeviationPostprocessed standard deviation for logical variables
meanSensitivitySensitivity of mean
mechanismBootstrap-classBootstrap mechanism
mechanism-classBase mechanism class
mechanismGaussian-classGaussian mechanism
mechanismLaplace-classLaplace mechanism
mechanismObjective-classObjective perturbation mechanism
mechanismStability-classStability mechanism
mpinvMoore Penrose Inverse Function
normalizeHistogramConstrain the sum of histogram bins to sample size
normalizeReleaseAndConvertToDataFrameConvert normalized histogram release to data frame
pLapLaplace Cumulative Distribution Function
postStandDevPostprocessed standard deviation from variance
PUMS5extract10000Census California Public Use Micro Sample (PUMS) Dataset
qLapQuantile function for Laplace distribution
release2jsonCreate json file of metadata from list of release objects
rLapRandom draw from Laplace distribution
scaleReleaseScale coefficient estimates
scaleValuesScaling helper function for fillMissing
setHistogramRangeSet histogram range if bins are entered
setNumHistogramBinsSet the number of histogram bins
setVariableTypeAsFactorSet Variable Type as Factor
sgnSign function
stabilityGetAccuracyGet accuracy for a stable statistic (only used for histogram...
stabilityGetEpsilonGet epsilon for a stable statistic (only used for histogram...
Stability-MechanismStability Mechanism
stErrFunction to evaluate the standard error of a node estimate...
treeGetAccuracyAccuracy for a differentially private binary tree
treeGetParametersEpsilon for a differentially private binary tree
treePostCDFFunction to derive CDF from efficient terminal node counts
treePostEfficientFunction to efficiently estimate noisy node counts
treePostFormatReleaseFunction to truncate negative noisy node counts at zero
treePostMeanFunction to evaluate the mean using the DP CDF
treePostMedianFunction to evaluate the median using the DP CDF
treePostPercentilesQuantile function using the DP CDF
trimVectorFunction to trim lower and upper regions of a vector of...
varianceSensitivitySensitivity of sample variance
vectorNormFunction to evaluate the p-norm of vectors in a matrix
wAboveFunction to evaluate weights from the noise variance and...
wBelowFunction to evaluate weights from the noise variance and...
wEfficientFunction to evaluate weights efficiently using the noise...
IQSS/PSI-Library documentation built on Feb. 15, 2020, 9:03 p.m.