# global chunk options
knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = FALSE, collapse=TRUE, fig.path = "figures/", dev = "pdf")


YourCast implements the methods for demographic forecasting discussed in @GirKin08. Please read at least Chapter 1 of the book before attempting to use YourCast.

At its most basic, YourCast runs linear regressions, and estimates the usual quantities of interest, such as forecasts, causal effects, etc. The benefit of running YourCast over standard linear regression software comes from the improved performance due to estimating sets of regressions together in sophisticated ways.

YourCast avoids the bias that results from stacking datasets from separate cross-sections and assuming constant parameters, and the inefficiency that results from running independent regressions in each cross-section. YourCast instead allows you to tie the different regressions together probabilistically in ways consistent with what you know about the world and your data. The model allows you to have different covariates with different meanings measured in different cross-sections.

For example, one might assume that the separate time series regressions in neighboring (or "similar") countries are more alike. Our approach is fully Bayesian, but you need not assume as the standard Bayesian approach does that the coefficients (which are never observed) in neighboring countries are similar. YourCast makes it possible to assume instead that neighboring countries are similar in their values or trends in the expected value of the dependent variable. This approach is advantageous because prior knowledge almost always exists about the dependent variable (such as that the age profile of mortality looks like the Nike swoosh), and the expected value is always on the same metric even when including explanatory variables that differ in number or meaning in each country.

The power of YourCast to improve forecasts comes from allowing one to smooth in many sophisticated ways, in addition to across countries. You can thus decide whether to smooth over indices that are geographic, grouped versions of underlying continuous variables (such as age groups), time, or interactions among these. For example, you can assume that, unless contradicted by the data, forecasts should be relatively smooth over time, or that the forecast time trends should be similar in adjacent age groups, or even that the differences in time trends between adjacent age groups stay roughly similar as they vary over countries. The model works with time-series-cross-sectional (TS-CS) data but also data for which the time series varies over more than one cross-section (TS-CS-CS-CS $\ldots$) data such as log-mortality over time by age, country, sex, and cause). The specific notion of "smoothness" or "similarity" used in YourCast is also your choice. The assumptions made by the statistical model are therefore governed your choices, and the sophistication of those assumptions and the degree to which they match empirical reality are, for the most part, limited only by what you may know or are willing to assume rather than arbitrary choices embedded in a mathematical model. In our work, we have found that YourCast makes it possible to improve forecasts well beyond that possible with traditional regression (or autoregression) strategies, although of course we make no promises about the future except that your performance may vary.


YourCast requires the current version of R as well as the packages foreign, lattice, ggplot2, reshape2, grid, and gridExtra, which are loaded automatically by YourCast. YourCast can be installed from the CRAN repository:


You can also install the latest version of the package directly from GitHub using the devtools package:


After installation, attach the package as usual:


User's Guide

YourCast works with multiple data sets in the same model. Thus, we require a more complicated data structure than the usual single data frame used for most statistical models in R. Although you can create this object yourself and input it directly into the yourcast() function, it is normally easier to use the tools we created to build this data structure automatically. To do this requires following three steps:

  1. labeling and organizing the data in a format we describe
  2. running the yourprep() function to prepare your data, create an input object in the format we need; and load it into R
  3. running the yourcast() function to generate forecasts.

We describe these steps in the following subsections, and follow it with a detailed example that illustrates all steps from start to end.

Data Preparations

YourCast operates on time series cross-sectional data indexed by (1) a time period such as a year, (2) a grouped continuous variable such as an age group, and (3) a spatial or geographic variable such as geographic region or country. To fix ideas, we refer to these as time, age, and geography, respectively, but obviously they may change in other applications. (Either the age or geography indexes, but not both, may be dropped if desired.) We require a single dependent variable, such as mortality rates, to be the same and have the same meaning for all units [see @GirKin08, Section 8.4]. Covariates may differ in number, meaning, and content across both age and geography.

Thus, YourCast analyzes a set of data sets, each defined for one cross-sectional unit indexed by age and/or geography. Inside the data set corresponding to each cross-sectional unit is a time series with measures on the dependent variable and the covariates observed in this cross section. An example would be an annual time series (say 1952-1996) with the dependent variable of mortality rates and several covariates, all within the cross-section of 15-20 year olds in Uganda. All cross-sections should have the same time indices (1952-1996), possibly with some different overlapping observation periods, the same dependent variable, and covariates that are the same, completely different, or overlapping from cross-section to cross-section.

All the individual cross-section data sets (each containing a time series) must be on in a single subdirectory on disk in fixed width text files (.txt), comma separated value files (.csv), or Stata data files (.dta). (Alternatively, they may be in memory, in your R workspace.) Each file must be named with one string in three parts: an alphanumeric tag of the user's choice, a geography code of between zero (for no geography index) and four digits, and an age group code of between zero (for no age group index) to four digits. For example, if you have observations on cancer deaths for age group 45 (which might represent 45-50 year olds) for U.S. citizens (e.g., geography code "2450"), you may decide to choose tag 'cancer'. We would add a file extension as well and so if the data are in a plain text file, we put these elements together and the file name would be cancer245045.txt.

So we can understand your coding scheme, include an extra file in the same directory called tag.index.code, where tag is the actual alphanumeric tag you chose (not the word t-a-g). For the example above, the filename would be cancer.index.code. The contents of the file should be 0--4 letters g followed by 0--4 letters a. In the example above, the entire contents of the file is: ggggaa.

Optionally, you may also add files that contain labels for each of the time, age, and geography codes. If these are included, they will make text and graphics output easier to interpret (and they may be useful documentation for you separate from yourcast). The files are tag.T.names for time periods, tag.A.names for age groups, and tag.G.names for geographic regions, where again "tag" is your chosen alphanumeric tag. The contents of each file should be ASCII text with all valid numerical codes in the first column and a corresponding label in the second column. Include column labels in the first row. So for geography, the second column might be country names and the columns would be labeled "region" and "name". If the codes are interpretable as is, such as is often the case for age groups and time periods, then you can omit the corresponding file.

Finally, if you wish to smooth over geographic regions, which the "map" and "bayes" methods allow, you must also include a file called tag.proximity.txt where tag is your chosen alphanumeric tag and .txt is used for text files but can also be used with comma separated files (.csv), or Stata data files (.dta). The larger the proximity score, the more proximate that pair of countries is in the prior; a zero element means the two geographic areas are unrelated, and the diagonal is ignored. Each row of the proximity file has three columns, consisting of geographic codes for two countries followed by a score indicating the proximity of the two geographic regions; please include column labels. For convenience, geographic regions that are unrelated (and would have zero entries in the symmetric matrix) may be omitted from proximity. In addition, proximity may include rows corresponding to geographic regions not included in the present analysis.

Loading in the Data

We load in all the data described in the previous section at once by using the function yourprep(). The only required argument is the chosen alphanumeric tag (and the subdirectory name if its not the working directory). The program will then attempt to load all files in that directory beginning with the chosen tag and will ignore the rest. Then run the function. For example:

ydata <- yourprep(tag="cancerMales")

The output object ydata (of class"yourprep") now includes all the data and associated information needed for making forecasts.

Making Forecasts

To make forecasts, we require the data object, name the variables with a standard R formula, and the model. A regression is estimated for each cross section (tied together by any chosen priors), and so an explanatory variable listed in the formula is used for a particular cross-section if it is in the formula and it is present in that cross-section's data set. (That is, a variable not measured for a cross-section is dropped only for that cross-section.) As an example:

ylc <- yourcast(formula=log(rspi2/popu2) ~ time, dataobj=dta, model="LC", verbose=FALSE)

Finally, the output object ylc (of class "yourcast") can be plotted with function plot.yourcast(ylc) summarized with function summarize(ylc), or accessed directly (use names(ylc) to see the contents).


We now reconstruct the demo chp.11.1 from start to finish to illustrate the capabilities of the YourCast software and provide further illustration to the user on how to take advantage of them.

Most users will not have their data in a format easily readable by yourcast(). Thus for this example we will start with the raw .txt files and take advantage of the yourprep() software designed to help users construct the 'dataobj' list easily.

We have stored the original files we used to create the 'dataobj' returned by typing data(chp.11.1) in YourCast's 'extdata' folder. You can view all the data files in this folder by typing:

dir(system.file("extdata", package = "YourCast"))

The function yourprep() in the YourCast package is designed to help you turn these raw files into a 'dataobj' that yourcast() can read. The yourprep() function works by scanning either the working directory or another directory you specify for files beginning with the tag 'csid'. In the 'data' folder we scanned above, there are several files whose names consist of the 'csid' tag and a CSID code in the format we will specify to the function. These are the labels yourprep() needs to be able to recognize and process the files. All files should have an extension so that yourprep() knows how to read them; currently the function supports fixed-width .txt files, comma-separated value files, and Stata .dta files.

Let's examine the first of these cross section text files, csid204500.txt. As we can see below, this file contains all the years from the first observed year to the last predicted year, with missing values replaced by NAs. Because it was created in the R software, this file already has the years written in as rownames in a way that R can read (and for this reason has only three column labels).

csid204500 <- read.table(system.file("extdata", "csid204500.txt", package = "YourCast"), header=T)

However, we expect that most users will have input that looks like the next file in the directory, csid204505.txt. Below we can see that the observation year is an extra variable rather than a rowname.

csid204505 <- read.table(system.file("extdata", "csid204505.txt", package = "YourCast"), header=T)

If this is the case, you should set the argument year.var to TRUE in yourprep(); this will automatically convert the 'year' variable to a rowname as long as it is labeled 'year'.

The 'data' directory also includes some of the optional files that we included in our 'dataobj' for the chp.11.1 demo. The first is proximity.txt, a list of proximity scores for pairs of the geographic units. The second is cntry.codes.txt, a list of all the CSID codes for the geographic units and their respective labels. We will load these using arguments in the yourprep() function.

We're now ready to run the yourprep() function. Since the function already grabs all files beginning with 'csid' tag, we only need to specify the directory where the files are stored and the names of the optional files, G.names and proximity. Note that we have set year.var=TRUE since one of our files has the observation year as a separate variable rather than as the rowname. We set the directory to the data subdirectory of the YourCast package. Note that if the package is installed in the default R library, you can instead set dpath to file.path(.Library,"YourCast","data").

dta <- yourprep(dpath=system.file("extdata", package="YourCast"),
                year.var=TRUE, sample.frame=c(1950,2000,2001,2030),
                G.names="cntry.codes.txt", proximity="proximity.txt",

We have now created a 'dataobj' called dta. Examining the 'dataobj', we can see that it includes the two required elements, 'data' and 'index.code', as well as two optional elements.


Examining the 'data' element, we can see that it includes all the cross section files that were in the dpath:


We're now ready for a run of yourcast(). The first run of the program in the chp.11.1 demo file uses the Lee-Carter model. This model uses few of the capacities of the YourCast package since it does no smoothing, but is good for a quick run of the function. Use of the smoothing options can be seen in many of the demos and is explained the yourcast() documentation. The code below produces an output object called ylc that is of class 'yourcast':

ylc <- yourcast(formula=log(rspi2/popu2) ~ time, dataobj=dta, model="LC")

The main output from the yourcast() function is the 'yhat' element of the output list, which contains the observed and predicted values for every cross section. This output is difficult to appreciate without graphics, but we can get a quick summary of our run of the function by typing summary(ylc):


Here we can see basic information about the output object. More information not printed automatically is available by typing names(summary(ylc)).

We're now ready to plot the observed and predicted values to study the model output. This can be done simply by typing plot(ylc), but we have added a few arguments here to enhance the graphical output. The argument title gives a title for the plots by describing the dependent variable. The argument age.opts allows us to pass options to the age plot in the form of a list object. For example, we can choose to not plot the predicted 'yhat' values in-sample through the insamp.predict=FALSE option. You can see more of these options by typing help(plot.yourcast).

plot(ylc, title="Respiratory Infections", age.opts=list(insamp.predict=FALSE))

Since we did not specify which type of plot we wanted, the default combination of age and time plots is returned. However, the plotting function can also do either of these plots separately, as well as three dimensional age-time plots, total count plots, and life expectancy at birth plots. To see these, we need to use the plots argument. For example, here is a call for the three dimensional plot:

plot(ylc,title="Respiratory Infections", plots="threedim")

Finally, if your analysis includes a large number of geographic areas such that viewing output sequentially on the device is inconvenient, there an option in the plotting function to save the output for each geographic code as a .pdf file in the working directory rather than printing it to the device window. Just set print="pdf" and pass filename and output directory options to the function as a list object using the print.args argument.

This ends the example section of the users guide. Please visit the help files for individual functions or send an email to the YourCast listserv if you have problems.

More Information

We have included demos that provide step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce to graphs in Chapters 2 and 11 of Demographic Forecasting. A list of these demos can be found by typing:


You can also access the preassembled 'dataobj's used in these demos directly by typing:


To either run the demos or load these datasets, replace the package name in the respective argument with the name of the demo or dataset of interest; i.e., demo(chp.11.1). The next section goes through this particular demo in detail.

For more information on the statistical methods implemented in this software, please refer to Demographic Forecasting.


IQSS/YourCast documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:03 a.m.