
#' Generic Method for Computing and Organizing Simulated Quantities of Interest
#' Simulate quantities of interest from the estimated model
#' output from \code{zelig()} given specified values of explanatory
#' variables established in \code{setx()}.  For classical \emph{maximum
#' likelihood} models, \code{sim()} uses asymptotic normal
#' approximation to the log-likelihood.  For \emph{Bayesian models},
#' Zelig simulates quantities of interest from the posterior density,
#' whenever possible.  For \emph{robust Bayesian models}, simulations
#' are drawn from the identified class of Bayesian posteriors.
#' Alternatively, you may generate quantities of interest using
#' bootstrapped parameters.
#' @param obj the output object from zelig
#' @param x values of explanatory variables used for simulation,
#'   generated by setx
#' @param x1 optional values of explanatory variables (generated by a
#'   second call of setx)
#'           particular computations of quantities of interest
#' @param y a parameter reserved for the computation of particular
#'          quantities of interest (average treatment effects). Few
#'          models currently support this parameter
#' @param num an integer specifying the number of simulations to compute
#' @param bootstrap currently unsupported
#' @param bootfn currently unsupported
#' @param cond.data currently unsupported
#' @param ... arguments reserved future versions of Zelig
#' @return The output stored in \code{s.out} varies by model.  Use the
#'  \code{names} command to view the output stored in \code{s.out}.
#'  Common elements include: 
#'  \item{x}{the \code{\link{setx}} values for the explanatory variables,
#'    used to calculate the quantities of interest (expected values,
#'    predicted values, etc.). }
#'  \item{x1}{the optional \code{\link{setx}} object used to simulate
#'    first differences, and other model-specific quantities of
#'    interest, such as risk-ratios.}
#'  \item{call}{the options selected for \code{\link{sim}}, used to
#'    replicate quantities of interest. } 
#'  \item{zelig.call}{the original command and options for
#'    \code{\link{zelig}}, used to replicate analyses. }
#'  \item{num}{the number of simulations requested. }
#'  \item{par}{the parameters (coefficients, and additional
#'    model-specific parameters).  You may wish to use the same set of
#'    simulated parameters to calculate quantities of interest rather
#'    than simulating another set.}
#'  \item{qi\$ev}{simulations of the expected values given the
#'    model and \code{x}. }
#'  \item{qi\$pr}{simulations of the predicted values given by the
#'    fitted values. }
#'  \item{qi\$fd}{simulations of the first differences (or risk
#'    difference for binary models) for the given \code{x} and \code{x1}.
#'    The difference is calculated by subtracting the expected values
#'    given \code{x} from the expected values given \code{x1}.  (If do not
#'    specify \code{x1}, you will not get first differences or risk
#'    ratios.) }
#'  \item{qi\$rr}{simulations of the risk ratios for binary and
#'    multinomial models.  See specific models for details.}
#'  \item{qi\$ate.ev}{simulations of the average expected
#'    treatment effect for the treatment group, using conditional
#'    prediction. Let \eqn{t_i} be a binary explanatory variable defining
#'    the treatment (\eqn{t_i=1}) and control (\eqn{t_i=0}) groups.  Then the
#'    average expected treatment effect for the treatment group is
#'    \deqn{ \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n [ \, Y_i(t_i=1) -
#'      E[Y_i(t_i=0)] \mid t_i=1 \,],} 
#'    where \eqn{Y_i(t_i=1)} is the value of the dependent variable for
#'    observation \eqn{i} in the treatment group.  Variation in the
#'    simulations are due to uncertainty in simulating \eqn{E[Y_i(t_i=0)]},
#'    the counterfactual expected value of \eqn{Y_i} for observations in the
#'    treatment group, under the assumption that everything stays the
#'    same except that the treatment indicator is switched to \eqn{t_i=0}. }
#'  \item{qi\$ate.pr}{simulations of the average predicted
#'    treatment effect for the treatment group, using conditional
#'    prediction. Let \eqn{t_i} be a binary explanatory variable defining
#'    the treatment (\eqn{t_i=1}) and control (\eqn{t_i=0}) groups.  Then the
#'    average predicted treatment effect for the treatment group is
#'    \deqn{ \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n [ \, Y_i(t_i=1) -
#'      \widehat{Y_i(t_i=0)} \mid t_i=1 \,],} 
#'    where \eqn{Y_i(t_i=1)} is the value of the dependent variable for
#'    observation \eqn{i} in the treatment group.  Variation in the
#'    simulations are due to uncertainty in simulating
#'    \eqn{\widehat{Y_i(t_i=0)}}, the counterfactual predicted value of
#'    \eqn{Y_i} for observations in the treatment group, under the
#'    assumption that everything stays the same except that the
#'    treatment indicator is switched to \eqn{t_i=0}.}
#' @export
#' @author Matt Owen \email{mowen@@iq.harvard.edu}, Olivia Lau and Kosuke Imai 
sim <- function(
                x=NULL, x1=NULL, y=NULL, num=1000,
                bootstrap=F, bootfn=NULL, cond.data=NULL,
                ) {
IQSS/Zelig4 documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:13 a.m.