
Defines functions prepare_mimebundle_kernel

prepare_mimebundle_kernel <- function(obj, handle_display_error = log_error) {
    # we always send text/plain, even if the user removed that from the option!
    text_bundle <- prepare_mimebundle(obj, 'text/plain', error_handler = handle_display_error)
    text_repr <- text_bundle$data[['text/plain']]
    # if the text/plain repr returns nothing, we also do
    if (is.null(text_repr) || nchar(text_repr) == 0L)
        return(list(data = NULL, metadata = NULL))
    if (getOption('jupyter.rich_display')) {
        mimetypes <- setdiff(getOption('jupyter.display_mimetypes'), 'text/plain')
        bundle <- prepare_mimebundle(obj, mimetypes, error_handler = handle_display_error)
        bundle$data[['text/plain']] <- text_repr
    } else {
IRkernel/IRkernel documentation built on March 21, 2023, 11:51 a.m.