#' Find, download, translate and read OSM extracts from several providers
#' This function is used to find, download, translate, and read OSM extracts
#' obtained from several providers. It is a wrapper around [oe_match()] and
#' [oe_read()]. Check the introductory vignette, the examples, and the help
#' pages of the wrapped functions to understand the details behind all
#' parameters.
#' @param place Description of the geographical area that should be matched with
#' a `.osm.pbf` file. Can be either a length-1 character vector, an
#' `sf`/`sfc`/`bbox` object with any CRS, or a numeric vector of coordinates
#' with length 2. In the last case, it is assumed that the EPSG code is 4326
#' specified as c(LON, LAT), while you can use any CRS with `sf`/`sfc`/`bbox`
#' objects. See Details and Examples in [oe_match()].
#' @param layer Which `layer` should be read in? Typically `points`, `lines`
#' (the default), `multilinestrings`, `multipolygons` or `other_relations`. If
#' you specify an ad-hoc query using the argument `query` (see introductory
#' vignette and examples), then [oe_get()] and [oe_read()] will read the layer
#' specified in the query and ignore `layer` argument. See also
#' [#122](https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract/issues/122).
#' @param provider Which provider should be used to download the data? Available
#' providers can be browsed with [oe_providers()]. For [oe_get()] and
#' [oe_match()], if `place` is equal to `ITS Leeds`, then `provider` is
#' internally set equal to `"test"`. This is just for simple examples and
#' internal tests.
#' @param match_by Which column of the provider's database should be used for
#' matching the input `place` with a `.osm.pbf` file? The default is `"name"`.
#' Check Details and Examples in [oe_match()] to understand how this parameter
#' works. Ignored when `place` is not a character vector since, in that case,
#' the matching is performed through a spatial operation.
#' @param max_string_dist Numerical value greater or equal than 0. What is the
#' maximum distance in fuzzy matching (i.e. Approximate String Distance, see
#' [adist()]) between input `place` and `match_by` column that can be
#' tolerated before testing alternative providers or looking for geographical
#' matching with Nominatim API? This parameter is set equal to 0 if `match_by`
#' is equal to `iso3166_1_alpha2` or `iso3166_2`. Check Details and Examples
#' in [oe_match()] to understand why this parameter is important. Ignored when
#' `place` is not a character vector since, in that case, the matching is
#' performed through a spatial operation.
#' @param level An integer representing the desired hierarchical level in case
#' of spatial matching. For the `geofabrik` provider, for example, `1`
#' corresponds with continent-level datasets, `2` for countries, `3`
#' corresponds to regions and `4` to subregions. Hence, we could approximately
#' say that smaller administrative units correspond to bigger levels. If
#' `NULL`, the default, the `oe_*` functions will select the highest available
#' level. See Details and Examples in [oe_match()].
#' @param download_directory Directory to store the file containing OSM data?.
#' @param force_download Should the `.osm.pbf` file be updated even if it has
#' already been downloaded? `FALSE` by default. This parameter is used to
#' update old `.osm.pbf` files.
#' @param max_file_size The maximum file size to download without asking in
#' interactive mode. Default: `5e+8`, half a gigabyte.
#' @param vectortranslate_options Options passed to the [`sf::gdal_utils()`]
#' argument `options`. Set by default. Check details in the introductory
#' vignette and the help page of [oe_vectortranslate()].
#' @param osmconf_ini The configuration file. See documentation at
#' [gdal.org](https://gdal.org/en/stable/drivers/vector/osm.html). Check details in the
#' introductory vignette and the help page of [oe_vectortranslate()]. Set by
#' default.
#' @param extra_tags Which additional columns, corresponding to OSM tags, should
#' be in the resulting dataset? `NULL` by default. Check the introductory
#' vignette and the help pages of [oe_vectortranslate()] and [oe_get_keys()].
#' Ignored when `osmconf_ini` is not `NULL`.
#' @param force_vectortranslate Boolean. Force the original `.pbf` file to be
#' translated into a `.gpkg` file, even if a `.gpkg` with the same name
#' already exists? `FALSE` by default. If tags in `extra_tags` match data in
#' previously translated `.gpkg` files no translation occurs (see
#' [#173](https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract/issues/173) for details).
#' Check the introductory vignette and the help page of
#' [oe_vectortranslate()].
#' @param skip_vectortranslate Boolean. If `TRUE`, then the function skips all
#' vectortranslate operations and it reads (or simply returns the path) of the
#' `.osm.pbf` file. `FALSE` by default.
#' @param never_skip_vectortranslate Boolean. This is used in case the user
#' passed its own `.ini` file or vectortranslate options (since, in those
#' case, it's too difficult to determine if an existing `.gpkg` file was
#' generated following the same options.)
#' @param quiet Boolean. If `FALSE`, the function prints informative messages.
#' Starting from `sf` version
#' [0.9.6](https://r-spatial.github.io/sf/news/index.html#version-0-9-6-2020-09-13),
#' if `quiet` is equal to `FALSE`, then vectortranslate operations will
#' display a progress bar.
#' @param boundary An `sf`/`sfc`/`bbox` object that will be used to create a
#' spatial filter during the vectortranslate operations. The type of filter
#' can be chosen using the argument `boundary_type`.
#' @param boundary_type A character vector of length 1 specifying the type of
#' spatial filter. The `spat` filter selects only those features that
#' intersect a given area, while `clipsrc` also clips the geometries. Check
#' the examples and also [here](https://gdal.org/en/stable/programs/ogr2ogr.html) for
#' more details.
#' @param download_only Boolean. If `TRUE`, then the function only returns the
#' path where the matched file is stored, instead of reading it. `FALSE` by
#' default.
#' @param ... (Named) arguments that will be passed to [`sf::st_read()`], like
#' `query`, `wkt_filter` or `stringsAsFactors`. Check the introductory
#' vignette to understand how to create your own (SQL-like) queries.
#' @return An `sf` object.
#' @export
#' @details The algorithm that we use for importing an OSM extract data into R
#' is divided into 4 steps: 1) match the input `place` with the url of a
#' `.pbf` file; 2) download the `.pbf` file; 3) convert it into `.gpkg` format
#' and 4) read-in the `.gpkg` file. The function `oe_match()` is used to
#' perform the first operation and the function `oe_read()` (which is a
#' wrapper around `oe_download()`, `oe_vectortranslate()` and `sf::st_read()`)
#' performs the other three operations.
#' @seealso [`oe_match()`], [`oe_download()`], [`oe_vectortranslate()`], and
#' [`oe_read()`].
#' @examples
#' # Copy ITS file to tempdir so that the examples do not require internet
#' # connection. You can skip the next 4 lines when running the examples
#' # locally.
#' its_pbf = file.path(tempdir(), "test_its-example.osm.pbf")
#' file.copy(
#' from = system.file("its-example.osm.pbf", package = "osmextract"),
#' to = its_pbf,
#' overwrite = TRUE
#' )
#' # Match, download (not really) and convert OSM extracts associated to a simple test.
#' its = oe_get("ITS Leeds", download_directory = tempdir())
#' class(its)
#' unique(sf::st_geometry_type(its))
#' # Get another layer from ITS Leeds extract
#' its_points = oe_get("ITS Leeds", layer = "points", download_directory = tempdir())
#' unique(sf::st_geometry_type(its_points))
#' # Get the .osm.pbf and .gpkg files paths
#' oe_get(
#' "ITS Leeds", download_only = TRUE, quiet = TRUE,
#' download_directory = tempdir()
#' )
#' oe_get(
#' "ITS Leeds", download_only = TRUE, skip_vectortranslate = TRUE,
#' quiet = TRUE, download_directory = tempdir()
#' )
#' # See also ?oe_find()
#' # Add additional tags
#' its_with_oneway = oe_get(
#' "ITS Leeds", extra_tags = "oneway",
#' download_directory = tempdir()
#' )
#' names(its_with_oneway)
#' table(its_with_oneway$oneway, useNA = "ifany")
#' # Use the query argument to get only oneway streets:
#' q = "SELECT * FROM 'lines' WHERE oneway == 'yes'"
#' its_oneway = oe_get("ITS Leeds", query = q, download_directory = tempdir())
#' its_oneway[, c(1, 3, 9)]
#' # Apply a spatial filter during the vectortranslate operations
#' its_poly = sf::st_sfc(
#' sf::st_polygon(
#' list(rbind(
#' c(-1.55577, 53.80850),
#' c(-1.55787, 53.80926),
#' c(-1.56096, 53.80891),
#' c(-1.56096, 53.80736),
#' c(-1.55675, 53.80658),
#' c(-1.55495, 53.80749),
#' c(-1.55577, 53.80850)
#' ))
#' ),
#' crs = 4326
#' )
#' its_spat = oe_get("ITS Leeds", boundary = its_poly, download_directory = tempdir())
#' its_clipped = oe_get(
#' "ITS Leeds", boundary = its_poly, boundary_type = "clipsrc",
#' quiet = TRUE, download_directory = tempdir()
#' )
#' plot(sf::st_geometry(its), reset = FALSE, col = "lightgrey")
#' plot(sf::st_boundary(its_poly), col = "black", add = TRUE)
#' plot(sf::st_boundary(sf::st_as_sfc(sf::st_bbox(its_poly))), col = "black", add = TRUE)
#' plot(sf::st_geometry(its_spat), add = TRUE, col = "darkred")
#' plot(sf::st_geometry(its_clipped), add = TRUE, col = "orange")
#' # More complex examples
#' \dontrun{
#' west_yorkshire = oe_get("West Yorkshire")
#' # If you run it again, the function will not download the file
#' # or convert it again
#' west_yorkshire = oe_get("West Yorkshire")
#' # Match with place name
#' oe_get("Milan") # Warning: the .pbf file is 400MB
#' oe_get("Vatican City") # Check all providers
#' oe_get("Zurich") # Use Nominatim API for geolocating places
#' # Match with coordinates (any EPSG)
#' milan_duomo = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(1514924, 5034552)), crs = 3003)
#' oe_get(milan_duomo, quiet = FALSE) # Warning: the .pbf file is 400MB
#' # Match with numeric coordinates (EPSG = 4326)
#' oe_match(c(9.1916, 45.4650), quiet = FALSE)
#' # Check also alternative providers
#' baku = oe_get(place = "Baku")
#' # Other examples:
#' oe_get("RU", match_by = "iso3166_1_alpha2", quiet = FALSE)
#' # The following example mimics read_sf
#' oe_get("Andora", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, as_tibble = TRUE)}
#' # Remove .pbf and .gpkg files in tempdir
#' oe_clean(tempdir())
oe_get = function(
layer = "lines",
provider = "geofabrik",
match_by = "name",
max_string_dist = 1,
level = NULL,
download_directory = oe_download_directory(),
force_download = FALSE,
max_file_size = 5e+8,
vectortranslate_options = NULL,
osmconf_ini = NULL,
extra_tags = NULL,
force_vectortranslate = FALSE,
boundary = NULL,
boundary_type = c("spat", "clipsrc"),
download_only = FALSE,
skip_vectortranslate = FALSE,
never_skip_vectortranslate = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE
) {
# Test misspelt arguments
check_layer_provider(layer, provider)
# See https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract/pull/125
if (is.character(place) && place == "ITS Leeds") {
provider = "test"
# Match the input place with the provider's data.
matched_zone = oe_match(
place = place,
provider = provider,
match_by = match_by,
max_string_dist = max_string_dist,
level = level,
quiet = quiet
# Extract the matched URL and file size and pass these parameters to the
# osmext-download function.
file_url = matched_zone[["url"]]
file_size = matched_zone[["file_size"]]
file_path = file_url,
layer = layer,
provider = provider,
download_directory = download_directory,
file_size = file_size,
force_download = force_download,
max_file_size = max_file_size,
download_only = download_only,
skip_vectortranslate = skip_vectortranslate,
vectortranslate_options = vectortranslate_options,
osmconf_ini = osmconf_ini,
extra_tags = extra_tags,
force_vectortranslate = force_vectortranslate,
never_skip_vectortranslate = never_skip_vectortranslate,
boundary = boundary,
boundary_type = boundary_type,
quiet = quiet,
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.